So It's Back To First Principles

Thanks for posting this!

I have just updated the spreadsheet I posted a couple of days ago when Gary made his first video available online…
I will integrate Gary’s findings in my data, and let’s hope that the 3d model integrates these too…

As Gary mentions in his video, and I really think it is wise to listen to the assessment of a professional sniper and trainer: all these lower level window and vent hypotheses are just that: hypotheses, and people who are pushing these hypotheses likely have other intentions than finding out what really happened…

Here we go:

the above picture is what Gary showed during his last presentation of very accurately measured GPS data.
GPS uses a different reference sea level than google earth, which explains the offsets in what you see in google earth and the tables below…
As long as you compare coordinates within one system you are fine. Distances and elevation differences between points in the GPS system should not differ from the values calculated with google earth.



When we look at the heights between Trump’s head and the position of crooks, we get:

Summarizing the 3 models (Gary Melton’s GPS data,’s data based on google earth and Roger’s data based on a mixture of google earth and unknown ground level references), we see that

  • a shooter from the roof of AGR building 6 would shoot almost horizontally
  • the AGR building 6 lies in a depression which makes it very unlikely that shots were fired from a lower elevation than the roof

I have alluded on this observation many times before, but as long as certain people are in charge and feed Chris extremely biased and unreferenced information, no progress will be made in finding out what really happened during the assassination attempt.


“Very unlikely”??

That isn’t science.

It’s just measurements and angles. It either is possible or isn’t.

Are you trying to claim that it is 100% not possible for shots fired from either the vent or the top foot length of the window to reach the height of Trump’s ear on the stage?

If you’ve done the calculations to prove that it’s impossible, please feel free to share.

And I don’t think the fenced portions by AGR 6 were a full 6 feet in height, not with that droopy chainlink.

there is no need to get aggressive.

as I explained yesterday to you (the forum) and Chris, it is IMPOSSIBLE to have a bullet drop of half a foot between the interaction point at Trump’s ear and the bleachers’ railing if that bullet was shot from any of these vents.

you can certainly shoot at Trump’s position, and you may even have been able to injure him or worse, but it is IMPOSSIBLE that that same bullet can match up with the one that interacted with the railing, let alone the JCB hydraulic lift…

I do not go into the details about the fence and its height and nature. I included it in the spreadsheet overview as Gary mentioned it in his presentation.

as far as I am concerned, that chainlink fence is totally irrelevant in the story and only plays a role in the time it took for the medics and SWAT teams to get to that location after the shots…

Let me share a nice lecture with you:
Lec 04: The Motion of Projectiles | Fall 1999 (Walter Lewin, MIT)

fallen monkey shot

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None of that raises to the level of a Theory. At best they are different Hypotheses. Using theory in this manner, is like nails on a chalkboard to me.

It could be possible if the bullet had reached the peak of its trajectory and is coming down at a steep angle. I’m not going to waste my time trying to plot it out, as I don’t buy it. The trajectory would have to look like ‘indirect fire’.

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hello Sgt Raven,

I have updated it in my reply.

I was using the term theory as Gary is calling it the “lower window theory”:

this is what we would get for a 55gr .223 bullet, zeroed at 100 yards and shot under reasonably comparable conditions on that day at that time:

the total drop to get at 6 inches is about 275 yards when zeroed at 100 yards:

the total drop can easily be 6 inches, but not over the 20 yards after having grazed Trump’s ear and interacting with the railing…

Thank you. Listening to scientist since the beginning of Covid has driven the difference between them in my head.

Like I said, I might be able to come up with a trajectory that could work, but it would look like artillery. As a machine gunner, it was a method to hit a target in a ‘dead zone’ that couldn’t be hit by direct fire. In that case you better be good at math to calculate the azimuth & inclination to achieve it. That is why I said I wouldn’t waste my time.

yes, I do realize this… mortars and alike have totally different ballistic curve properties than bullets from rifles and hand guns, but I get the impression that many are far from putting things in practice…

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yes, don’t get me started on the Covid topic…
as it happens, I also have an active practice as a health care practitioner and see many impacts of what they did to people by forcing them to comply…

should you wonder, I did not comply, and this has backfired really seriously, but that is another story/topic…


@cmartenson and @aaronmckeon suggestion for a new topic or survey along the lines of “is there a relationship between people’s jab and booster status and the positions they take regarding Trump’s assassination attempt and its investigation?”

Hello Chris and Aaron,

I think it would be a very interesting and likely very revealing study to find out what people’s jab and booster status is vs the hypotheses they defend and positions they take in this forum regarding Trump’s assassination attempt…

Just mentioning…

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I get my health care from the VA (Veterans Affairs) and was pressured into getting the jab. I should have resisted but gave into it. I have refused the boosters and shouldn’t have let them push me into the jab at all.

“Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.”


yes, many people have surrendered under intense pressure and life was made unbearable for those who did not comply…

this explains partially why I have gotten immune to pushed narratives :wink:

people make choices, and I can fully understand that, but the fool me once… is there fore a reason, he.

I am glad you realized that it was better to stop.

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Do we have the video or name of the singer who sang on the screen at 17:06 - 17:08? (The person in the White suit) If we get that video we can pinpoint the exact second of Crooks walking in front of the AGR building around 17:06.

I scanned the RSBN live coverage and it seems that was the only time the singer was on the screen that day.

I am a total novice at all of this regarding trajectory, etc., but I thought Gary at Paramount tactical suggested that based on his understanding of the rifle that purportedly shot the first bullets, at about 150 yards, that bullet would still be rising. Is that correct?

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That is a challenging one. RSBN’s day long coverage has helped me to identify locations and back calculate times. Unfortunately, they not only cut the sound around 17:06, the camera didn’t stay pointed at the image on the jumbotron enough. If we had a longer version of the video from the cell phone, we could drill down to seconds, I haven’t seen another version of that, have you?

Anyways, I’m trying an online music finder. I’ve used TinEye reverse image search many times and wondered if there was something similar for music.

I just tried this tool and it came up with nothing.

Identify Songs Online - Music Recognition Online (

Deflection is zero problem in your scenarios?

And you don’t know the height of the bleacher, nor do you know where it hit with absolute certainty. You are estimating.

I like the waffle though, because you know perfectly well that a shot fired from the window or vent could have absolutely been fired at angles that reach Trump’s ear and many other positions in that area.

I like how asking you to confirm something that is easily mathematically proven is deemed “aggressive”.

It all depends on what distance the rifle was zeroed at. 25, 36, 50, 100, 200, 300 yards will have a different arc the bullet travels in. A common BZO (Battlesight Zero) for a AR type rifle is 50/200 yards. With that, the bullet crosses the line of sight at 50 yds on its way up and crosses it again at 200 yards on its way back down. With that you can pretty much hold dead on COM (Center Of Mass) out to 225 yds. Remember the standard COM hit zone is a 10" paper plate on the target.

You’re assuming that they aren’t off on the height of Trump or the bleacher.

6 inches with rough estimates for both??

Let’s start with people assuming 7.5 inch stage risers when they were likely 8 inches- the standard for stage steps. That’s 3 inches right there.

You don’t think the bleacher height or estimated position for striking could have been 3 inches off?

Given the audio differences, the estimated distance for the first shots, and the alignment of Crooks on the roof with the 3rd window: I’m sticking to the window.

Further, don’t people react to the bullet before we see the puff?

That makes me think it may have struck the bleacher at some point we don’t see, deflects further if it wasn’t already deflected by Trump’s ear to begin with, and then has a final solid hit with the “puff”.

We have no idea if any deflections occurred prior to the puff.

What I can say is: the math does not rule out shots from the window or vent: no matter how much Gary from PT or anyone else tries to claim…along with their other BS like people being along the fenceline.

Not at AGR 6 they weren’t. It was cleared out in front of the window and vent and for some good distance. I don’t trust anyone who lies about something easily proven with multiple videos.

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yes, it was Jim Garrison! Thank you very much for helping me to revive that memory trace!

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