So It's Back To First Principles

I don’t know. Without a law enforcement reference to go with the faces, tough to confirm.

Anyways, I applaud you on finding a wedding registry. You’re lucky. I forget who the married cops I found the court document for that showed the date their divorce was final. :frowning_face:

Here is the source for the unredacted FPOTUS After Action Beaver County ESU/SWAT

watch 8:57 - 9:40
Trump Assassination Attempt (

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that sounds bad :open_mouth:

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Yeah, it may be legit, it’s just that this person (I guess Goodman) didn’t seem to understand that messing around with the evidence was a bad thing to do. Getting the data was great… he should have released it unmodified.

Are you guys saving this stuff and seeing the significance? For one thing, this seems to reveal that the SAIC is actually named “Burker”, not Burke. It could be a typo, though.
Edit: I think it’s a typo. Still nice to know, though.

That is beyond weird. Have you had an account before? What was the fake reason given? I have no accounts since 2019. The internet is redirecting and censoring so much! That is even more reason to continue this. Great job guys.

After seeing his smiling face it makes you realize how totally disgusted he really was in ABC interview. Great job finding him.

The “MERCO” misspelling on the map provided to Sen. Grassley to confirm the counter-sniper lists, makes me wonder if “Oshe” was misspelled (e.g. Oshea or O’Shea).


You’re right, look at those docs.

After thinking about it, I wonder if it’s because I used my deceased mother’s iPad to set it up, and she had an Instagram account. This is the reason they gave:


No, I have strong intuition that they simply detect stuff that’s not normal. The machine learning stuff detects that your account was just an information gathering account. They told me the same kind of thing on Facebook.

They want their “platform” to be a kind of zoo where they can monitor everything. No “guests” allowed.

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OK, I have a new understanding. Goodman probably really did do a FOIA request, and got back a thumb drive. The documents on the drive were improperly redacted. I’ve uploaded two of the three here, but I can’t upload the third one because it’s a pptx, but we’ve already seen most of it.

Goodman is probably a legit source, it’s just that he’s a bad journalist, which is fine. Kudos to him for doing the FOIA request.


Here’s the second half of the deep dive I did on the Butler & Beaver County documents. The AAR is full of mistakes. I can only imagine someone trying to document the events to respond to Grassley, and not having those involved to help compile it or at least review it before it went out. It’s a “flash document” as stated on Grassley’s website, and it’s not on official letterhead. That all needs to be considered when interpreting it. The timeline maps are the worst, along with the screwed up 8:06-18:11 entry. I explain how I interpret that entry.

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Mine. Sorry I missed this earlier.

I feel like nobody is understanding what I’m saying. I just uploaded documents that were IMPROPERLY REDACTED. You can just delete the redactions.


As I understood, he got it printed out via mail upon his right to know request. Not sure though if he modified something before he scanned it for downloading. To me it all looks legit.
But I have a feeling lots of new tel. numbers have to be issued soon…

I see what you’re saying now. I use PDF-XChange Viewer and can’t figure out how to go about removing the redactions.

So where did this different set o redacted files come from, and what was the creation dates?

If these predate Grassley’s files, maybe they were rushed to Grassley and Grassley’s team redacted them properly. Just giving an example of while the dates created are important to know.

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No, it arrived digitally, and he messed around with it before releasing it, probably to avoid getting nailed on various platforms that have rules about doxxing. But by messing around with it he made it look like a forgery.


I think Brian is correct. Real people no longer even read resumes. It’s all done by algorithums and AI(worked at Ziprecruiter).

Any idea who could be bsedlacek or more likely B. Sedlacek, looks like he/she didn’t do a good job.