Why Aren't Investigators Asking the Right Questions of the Right People?

Yes the minutes from that Meeting (the day before) were posted HERE at PeakPosterity.

I will check later if I can locate them or the original post. But bare with me as I am not a database expert .

I have been cursing Chris for days over his seemingly avoiding " the elephant in middle of room" (Greg Nicole) pictures of Crooks (two edited/cropped portrait style, Crooks sitting on retaining wall looking at cell phone/range finder-?. that should have been the poster boy pic’s of Crooks vs the Jr high media signature pic of Crooks. Greg Nicole sent said Crooks portrait(s) . The suit wearing Sec Serv among first through fence (shakes down spectator for ID and wants his recording. Said Sec Serv suit agent among first on roof asks if this dead body on roof is this guy in picture on Sec Serv’s phone. Said Sec Serv Agent was outside compound when he received Greg Nicole’s portrait of crooks. This cover-up is so bamboozled it’s impossible to think there is not a deep state conspiracy.
The following is the very first earliest public release of Crooks portrait taken/edited by Greg Nicole…and sent to/ended up with Sec Serv. Note he first posted a censored pic of crooks and then an uncensored pic… Interesting MeidasTouch looks like he was very well informed on the conspiracy to take out President Trump.

Thanks hazard…try using the search facilty at the top of the page if you can remember any key words you remember from the report…

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You don’t wear a headset in both ears while driving for a reason - you listen to the headset with one ear, and to the environment (eg, horn honking, tires screeching near you) with the other ear.


I tried for a while and couldn’t find anything. I was surprised when I searched for “minutes” as in meeting minutes, that there were not hundreds of posts where “minutes” as in time show up. I often find that the forum search feature doesn’t work as well as I hope it would. I also wonder if it searches the threads that got closed at one point.

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A week or so ago I did a deep dive on the inaccuracies found in the After-Action Report. I modified it to walk through the timeline maps first and finish off with my understanding of the Door 13 and Door 9 events, and how they might relate to the problematic 18:05-18:11 entry (18:03-18:11 corrected for the 18:05 “approx” time being 3 minutes off.)

Additional slides to help explain how, when the AAR timeline map inaccuracies are taken into consideration, the 18:03-18:11 activities can be seen more clearly, and is corroborated by radio and interview evidence.

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As promised, you can see portions of my revised analysis of the AAR in this post.


The Jason Woods 4:26 pm text was not referring to Crooks, but someone who ‘looked like him.’

Initial police sighting of suspicious person was not Thomas Crooks, senator says

A suspicious person noticed by a local counter-sniper sitting at a picnic table near the American Glass Research complex at 4:26 p.m. July 13 was not would-be assassin Thomas Matthew Crooks but rather someone with “similar visual appearance,” U.S. Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) said.

A text message sent by the counter-sniper to other local SWAT operators inside the AGR complex in Butler Township, Pennsylvania, referred to a suspicious person seated at a picnic table who apparently saw the sniper leaving for the day with his weapon. That person was not Crooks, Grassley said in a statement.

“I’m just letting you know because you see me go out with my rifle and put it in my car so he knows you guys are up there,” the SWAT operator texted to the other local counter-snipers at 4:26 p.m. “He’s sitting to the direct right on a picnic table about 50 yards from the exit.”


Which clears up the timeline quite a bit, and shoves the first sighting of Crooks back to … 5:10 I guess?


Oh, cool. So I was right on that.


It’s interesting that they left that out there at first, as if it was Crooks, before they found out there was video of Crooks at the vendors for that time frame.

Lots of CYA action from every agency involved in this, even if it isn’t factual or transparent.


It is still not clear, which picnic table he referred to, I found 4 around the buildings.

This is the diagram provided to Sen. Grassley by Beaver County ESU showing both the door Woods walked out of and the picnic table.


Thanks for your ongoing investigation of the attempted assassination of Donald Trump. Please keep it up until we get full answers!

A key piece of the story that needs more investigation is – the fact that a cell phone was geo-located at Thomas Crooks’ house was also located in a Washington DC building that houses FBI offices. This is more than suspicious. There must be a way to identify the owner of that phone.

There are too many security failures involved in this story for it to be merely a matter of incompetance. It is vital to the investigation that the owner of that phone be exposed. I’ve heard very little reporting on this aspect of the story. I hope you will include it in your work to find the truth.

Please don’t let this story die. Our nation needs the truth BEFORE the election. Thanks again for your work.


How were the Secret Service agents able to communicate to the personal agents on top of Trump INSTANTLY that the “shooter was down” and “there was only one”, but couldn’t communicate the threat for 5 MINUTES before the shots?


Here’s the deal, when people intentionally leave a hole in their defense for an enemy to find their way through, they might not know WHO is gonna get through, but they know it will increase the chances of someone making it through.

Before they lowered Trump’s defenses, they had their excuses all lined up. They knew who they were going to use for the FBI investigation.

They knew how they were going to work together to stall the investigation, they knew everything to do IF by “ACCIDENT”, someone got through.

For me, I stopped trying to figure things out after I saw people yelling and pointing for two minutes.

They didn’t have to groom the shooter, they probably didn’t know who he was, but they knew, every time Trump speaks, someone at the event might try.

The escape and cover up is always the first thing that is planned. No one will be held accountable, no one other than the shooter will be investigated, and the director of the SS has hired so many DEI buddies, that her departure, does nothing to dilute the poisonous work atmosphere that has contaminated the Secret Service.

How long have these DEI homeland security agents, actually been agents?

A couple of hours online for the course, really, I can already hear the Gilligan’s Island theme song playing in the background.


That is a great question!

Thanks for keeping the ball in the game, we can’t allow them to get away unpunished.

One remark concerning the video:
Around the 3:25 mark you say that Ben Shaffer, who was positioned at the western grandstand as a Washington Regional SWAT sniper, was later seen on the roof of AGR 6. This statement is wrong!
I made a post addressing this issue.
The Abandonment Of Posts In The Overwatch Building Is Difficult To Accept - News & Current Events / Public News & Current Events - Peak Prosperity

It’s true, there was a Shaffer in the first group of officers on the roof (he’s the one who handcuffs Crooks). But I’m pretty sure this isn’t Ben but Matthew Shaffer, an Officer at the Cecil Township Police Department who might well be a member of the Washington Regional SWAT. The lieutenant there, Guy Kuzak, is the commander of the Washington Regional SWAT.
Cecil Township Police - Contact Us (netsolhost.com)


NOTES - Beaver County ESU/SWAT FPOTUS UNREDACTED After Action Report

FPOTUS After Action-unredacted.pdf (2.1 MB)

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Note - Ear Defenders are different to a “headset”

  1. Ear Defenders With Press To Talk Radio Capability a) Protect the hearing of a person when they are shooting a weapon in an enclosed space and are industry standard and b) have radio comms capability, sometimes via a press-to-talk facility.

  2. Specialised Motorola kit (& others) is available. These are often used in Quarry Work or when driving heavy (noisy) machinery (road or bridge building) and in ballistic usage - WHERE folks need to protect hearing but they also need to listen or talk to other radio users (in specific Radio Groups.)

  3. Headsets - like those you can wear when driving a Car or singing on stage - are often worn over the head, have one speaker usually connected in one ear only. Stereo versions are available too. These provide NO industry standard hearing protection. Buds are the latest version of these but without the headband obviously.

FPOTUS After Action-unredacted.pdf (2.1 MB)

On the last page of this UN-REDACTED report, it gives the name of the Staff Member assigned the Control Role. As well as other Staff working.

I’m trying to find the original thing that I saw, regret not copying it and now feel a bit silly. Apologies.


Thank you Hazard, i have been through the document before along with all the other documents Sen Grassley released…

The question still remains, how did Shaffer know the SS rejected the offer of Butler Radios and when…and why isn’t it covered in the morning briefing notes as it should have been…

i appreciate your reply hazard…