Why Aren't Investigators Asking the Right Questions of the Right People?

The problem I have with the idea that Nicol came out of door 13 and talked to the two officers is that it seems like a distorted version of something we know to be true, which is two cars pulling up at about the same time in front of door 9 on the other side the building.

Another thing is, whose officers did Nicol allegedly talk to? Had to be Butler PD, right? But there don’t seem to be any videos corroborating this meetup.

Nicol’s own testimony. He found Crooks to be suspicious.

AAR – “17:10 – First Observed Suspect by – Walked by window.”

Witness Interview - “’He was looking up and down the building … It just seemed out of place,’ Nicol, assistant leader of the Beaver County SWAT team, told ABC News.” (Source: ABC)

It cannot be determined by the context of the statement when Nicol saw this, but it is assumed to be when he walked by, otherwise why would Nicol recall that.

AAR – “17:14 – Picture of Suspect (time taken)”

Witness Interview - “Something about the kid and his presence there didn’t seem right, Nicol thought. He couldn’t articulate exactly what that was, he said, but whatever he was feeling prompted him to take the young man’s picture at 5:14 p.m.” (Source: CNN)


The Door 13 event occurred immediately after the 18:02 sighting.

“Just after 6 p.m., Nicol, looking out a window on the northwest side of the building, spotted Crooks again. This time the young man was running and carrying a black backpack.

Instinctively, Nicol left his second-floor post and bounded down the stairs in an attempt to keep eyes on the suspect who seemed to be “coming and going and disappearing.”

When he pushed open the door, the kid was nowhere to be seen. Just then two police officers pulled up outside AGR and Nicol shouted to them about where he’d last seen the suspect. The officers took off on foot in opposite directions around the sprawling AGR complex.” (Source: ABC)

Those 2 cars pulled up in front of Door 9 as shown, which is at least 5 minutes later, and Nicol didn’t come out of door 9 until 18:13. So I don’t see a time conflict at all.

If you are referring to this AAR Timeline entry, I’m in the process of updating my deep dive of the AAR inaccuracies to more clearly explain what I see as the inaccuracy of that entry. It goes along with inaccuracies in the associated AAR timeline maps.


In short, think of it as an erroneous entry using the time for the Door 13 event, but the description of the 18:12 event. That’s all I’ll say for now, because I don’t want to get into a debate. I’ll let my analysis speak for itself.

Added: Keep in mind that the AAR 18:05 timestamp was approximate. It was actually 18:02 based on radio comms. If 18:05 was off, the 18:06 in the next time stamp (18:06-18:11) must be off too.


Dear All,

  1. Its perfectly possible that ANY Counter Snipers - those who remained in position that is :wink: - were in Upstairs Meeting Rooms allocated to them on that top floor.

  2. These folks may have been wearing Ear Defenders with built in mic. communications for radio talk. And therefore unable to hear anyone outside the building (e.g. folks shouting up from the grass outside.)

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Actually 3 cars arrived within a minute. First the hoisted patroler, next the other police car from water tower, and last a third one from north.

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I understand that. in fact, the AAR timeline map does not even reference those cars at Door 9. It references a marked and an unmarked car at the very north end of the parking lot.

Sorry if I’m being dense here. Apparently Nicol is supposed to have gone out door 13 and met two officers pulling up (in the western lot). I don’t think we have any evidence corroborating that, but that’s what’s supposed to have happened.

But we know that two officers really did pull up on the east side of the building. I’m not saying there’s a time conflict, just that the report by the press seems like a hodgepodge of truth and fiction. If it’s the truth, it seems like a big coincidence that two officers pulled up on the west side and then the same thing happened on the east side a bit later.

I already have a query out to Matthew Pearson about the chain of custody of the videos. I’ll renew my inquiry and ask him if there’s any more video available, especially from the west side.


I just threw these together for you. Maye they’ll help understand it better.

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It is discussed in a Report on the Butler/Beever Handover process with SS that a Butler/Beever shared radio was offered and expected to be collected before 11am the next day (the day of the rally) but SS rejected.

Don’t forget that :

  1. SS staff had individual SS radios to communicate to/from SS Control and each other.

  2. SS Control then relayed messsages VERBALLY to the Butler/Beever Command sat beside them in Command Location.

  3. Butler/Beever Command then sent Radio Communications to/from Local Butler/Beever Staff.

  4. Mobile Cell Service failed during the Rally.

Mobile Cell Service was NOT supposed to be used for any WORK communications.

  1. Although we see SEVERAL folks using mobile phones - especially near the Fence Area, Grass and Trees - it is NOT clear these were Local Staff nor if this was OFFICIAL “work-chatter.”

  2. All Beever/Butler staff and Vehicles had Beever/Butler Radios as per standard practise at these events.

Again these did NOT communicate with SS radios but messages could be relayed backwards and forwards between Butler/Beever and SS verbally. And Slowly!

Hazard, do you have a source for this? I have not run across any reference to SS being in the Butler County OPS or vice versa.


Yes the minutes from that Meeting (the day before) were posted HERE at PeakPosterity.

I will check later if I can locate them or the original post. But bare with me as I am not a database expert .

I have been cursing Chris for days over his seemingly avoiding " the elephant in middle of room" (Greg Nicole) pictures of Crooks (two edited/cropped portrait style, Crooks sitting on retaining wall looking at cell phone/range finder-?. that should have been the poster boy pic’s of Crooks vs the Jr high media signature pic of Crooks. Greg Nicole sent said Crooks portrait(s) . The suit wearing Sec Serv among first through fence (shakes down spectator for ID and wants his recording. Said Sec Serv suit agent among first on roof asks if this dead body on roof is this guy in picture on Sec Serv’s phone. Said Sec Serv Agent was outside compound when he received Greg Nicole’s portrait of crooks. This cover-up is so bamboozled it’s impossible to think there is not a deep state conspiracy.
The following is the very first earliest public release of Crooks portrait taken/edited by Greg Nicole…and sent to/ended up with Sec Serv. Note he first posted a censored pic of crooks and then an uncensored pic… Interesting MeidasTouch looks like he was very well informed on the conspiracy to take out President Trump.

Thanks hazard…try using the search facilty at the top of the page if you can remember any key words you remember from the report…

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You don’t wear a headset in both ears while driving for a reason - you listen to the headset with one ear, and to the environment (eg, horn honking, tires screeching near you) with the other ear.


I tried for a while and couldn’t find anything. I was surprised when I searched for “minutes” as in meeting minutes, that there were not hundreds of posts where “minutes” as in time show up. I often find that the forum search feature doesn’t work as well as I hope it would. I also wonder if it searches the threads that got closed at one point.

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A week or so ago I did a deep dive on the inaccuracies found in the After-Action Report. I modified it to walk through the timeline maps first and finish off with my understanding of the Door 13 and Door 9 events, and how they might relate to the problematic 18:05-18:11 entry (18:03-18:11 corrected for the 18:05 “approx” time being 3 minutes off.)

Additional slides to help explain how, when the AAR timeline map inaccuracies are taken into consideration, the 18:03-18:11 activities can be seen more clearly, and is corroborated by radio and interview evidence.

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As promised, you can see portions of my revised analysis of the AAR in this post.


The Jason Woods 4:26 pm text was not referring to Crooks, but someone who ‘looked like him.’

Initial police sighting of suspicious person was not Thomas Crooks, senator says

A suspicious person noticed by a local counter-sniper sitting at a picnic table near the American Glass Research complex at 4:26 p.m. July 13 was not would-be assassin Thomas Matthew Crooks but rather someone with “similar visual appearance,” U.S. Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) said.

A text message sent by the counter-sniper to other local SWAT operators inside the AGR complex in Butler Township, Pennsylvania, referred to a suspicious person seated at a picnic table who apparently saw the sniper leaving for the day with his weapon. That person was not Crooks, Grassley said in a statement.

“I’m just letting you know because you see me go out with my rifle and put it in my car so he knows you guys are up there,” the SWAT operator texted to the other local counter-snipers at 4:26 p.m. “He’s sitting to the direct right on a picnic table about 50 yards from the exit.”


Which clears up the timeline quite a bit, and shoves the first sighting of Crooks back to … 5:10 I guess?


Oh, cool. So I was right on that.


It’s interesting that they left that out there at first, as if it was Crooks, before they found out there was video of Crooks at the vendors for that time frame.

Lots of CYA action from every agency involved in this, even if it isn’t factual or transparent.


It is still not clear, which picnic table he referred to, I found 4 around the buildings.