So It's Back To First Principles

So did he fit- the sheriff’s deputy? What I found was Joshua “Josh” T. Oshe State Trooper. Covers Butler and Beaver. Mother is County Commisioner- Republican. He was saved by a truck driver in accident but ok now went back to work. Only pic so far is giving trucker a hug from wheelchair (from accident). I will keep digging. Here is Trooper page: Pennsylvania State Police Announces 60 New Troopers Will keep looking.

His hair could fit. Was a long time ago.

He has such distinct detached ears. None of the pics fit. IMHO Will keep searching

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We weren’t looking at him as a blue-shirt candidate, specifically. We were trying to fine this person:


@brian60221 and @sorey found Joseph Psche, who fits much better.

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There are birds in PA. (Not an UFO or drone.)


I have to check something…

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@brian60221 @sorey @prayingpatriot

Anyone care to join in the search for Matt Wagner, the east grandstand counter-sniper? I have a good start so far, but can’t find where he’s employed currently.


Thanks, Kincses, just added the data!
Also, there’s now a sheet called Trajectory-Data: bullet drop for 7 cartridges that keep drawing my attention, I used Hornady’s ballistic calculator with zero ranges of 25-36-50-100-200 yards. I’ll tell you one thing… unless Crooks had a 25 yard zero, there’s no way he aimed for center mass. I don’t believe he would have a 25yard zero, btw. I’m still betting on a 100 yard zero.

Just image if we could have access to info such as
How common is this ammo range in the region? Do all stores sell it? Did crooks buy them often? When did Crooks FIRST buy that particular ammo and weight? When did it became a frequent purchase? Did he ever compete in a match? Did he buy other types of ammo also? Did anyone ever notice him on the range firing 3 rapid fire shots? If yes, when was the first time anyone noticed it? Did any other member from the Clairton range buy that ammo on local stores, by any chance? Dis Crooks ever perform the usual ballistic tests on the range? Who did he shoot with? Alone?
With so few bullets, it wouldn’t be difficult (having access, of course), to trace these ammo patterns. Is it not the point of the whole physics and math departments here at PPCI ( :grin:) to give field agents something to look for, in practical real life, help them narrow things down and all.
The answer to these questions are very important IMHO.

BTW, I’ve been using 465 feet as distance from Crooks to Trump… Why was @cohler using 454? Is that established or did I place the overlay of the rally on GE a little bit off? Also, I use 2 feet for mic-bullet distance for the longer snick-time and 10 feet as mic-bullet distance for the snick-report that is shorter… (assuming that’s the distance between the 2 trajectories, the ear and the other missed shots that would have flown over the back part of the podium)

The ammo-data-v4 spreadsheet available here

Here above I show what I do to mark a cartridge as a candidate when the barrel test is different from the 16" Crooks had. I filter all the cartridges with, say 20"… then I change that percentage of those columns circled to reduce the average velocity by a certain percentage… this value I’m getting from youtube videos that run measurements… then i simply use those columns. When I’m evaluating cartridges tested with 16", then I use the certer column for the average velocity as shown on the ones I marked as Top candidates.

Sheet 2 of the excel spreadsheet. So far, just got this data, didn’t do much else with else. Highlighted the bullet drop at 150yards for each ammo/zero combination (the 7 cartridges that keep drawing my attention).

36/300yd or 50/200yd are common .223/5.56 zeros for AR type rifles. A 100yd zero puts the top of the bullet arc at 100yds & it drops down from that point. Those other zeros has the bullet cross on the way up and then again on the way down. That is why they are a xx/xxxyd zero.

Hello, @khunter. Would you please tell me what your layout has for lat/lon for these two locations?

  1. Podium (Trump’s microphone)
  2. Upper level of the press riser, near the steps as indicated by the white circles in these two images:

Oh I forgot! I had a question for you @sgt-raven . About those Hornady TAP cartridges… they are designed for police work, meaning armor piercing capabilities, essentially. In Pennsylvania, can civilians purchase this ammo at brick-n-mortar shops without issues? Some online ammo sellers mention that these Hornady TAP barrier rounds would be require sending proof of being LE.

Spot on! Personally, I like the 25 yards zero, especially for beginners. The come up/come down are higher in variance, so it helps to understand what’s going on. It was my first zero. Last month at the range I saw father and son trying to figure out how to hit with a lever action… when I over heard the instructor tell them to aim low because the gun had a 25 year zero, I turned and saw their faces going like that confused Julia Roberts meme :face_with_spiral_eyes:

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No I don’t believe the TAP rounds are armor piercing. They are barrier blind such as shooting through a windshield doesn’t disrupt their flight. Armor piercing has a special definition, and it is AP pistol rounds that has a legality issue. For soft body armor, each level # has a max ammo it will stop.

Some companies restrict their LEO branded ammo to LEOs. That is a manufacturer or dealer restriction, not a legal one. Some online sellers give LEOs a special reduced price.


I’m also interested.

BTW… 2 things about this new photo @howdoiknowthisinfo I believe posted a few days ago. The trajectories that the red Case harvester block match the elusive local sniper’s nest. That harvester is 4m tall, if I remember correctly from the website drawings. Do we have info on who requested that red harvester there and why?

Another thing… what is that black and white card for, and why would it be exactly there? It coincides with a trajectory to the red harvester’s right limit… Did it fell, was it placed there? Is it some sort of mark for a drone to identify from above? Something for camera crews to adjust white balance? For the speaker to identify the direction of someone on the crowd? What is that?

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interesting indeed!

I never payed attention to it. it is a thing that is in the area that was used by the photographers and press/camera people.

the black squares do not seem to be very uniform, though…



The black/white board wasn’t there on the day of the shooting. It is a drone marker that the FBI used when they conducted the geosurvey of the site. The board is, however, on the trajectory that matches the right limit of the red harvester.

On this helicopter video you don’t see the board.

And on this image below you can see the black/white board and also the FBI analyst setting up multiple gps posts on the area between podium and agr6.

Apparently it’s a marker for Drones to identify POI’s from above. I searched for the image and came up with this topography website.


Hmm, can’t find anything great yet. Here’s an article where he was spotted with Lenz at Pittsburgh-Butler Regional Airport recently.

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Great! That’s close enough for me. I often wonder, and even assume in the case of some Beaver County names, if some of the officers work directly for the County’s ESU/SWAT group full time. Thanks for finding that.


@brian60221 @prayingpatriot

And the prize goes to @sorey for finding blue shirt! The hairline is the most distinguishing match for me.


I don’t think those are the same guy.

Noses can get wider over decades, they don’t usually get more narrow.

Nose and ears are different.

The chin is similar though. Bony things like chins don’t normally change much.

I don’t know. The nose really seems much wider on the younger guy.


Nit: if it is this guy (and I consider him the best candidate I’ve seen), his name is Bitts, not Britts.

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