So It's Back To First Principles

to me too. I just ask myself if he’s not a bit old for the Counter Assault team Operator with his 55?

Another thing that caught my eye. Why is (I assume Mike) Priolo (until 1600)? I think I saw him in the Dashcam video around AGR6 well after the shooting…

To be honest, and you know this, I have yet to see evidence beside the Area of Operation plan that confirms Wagner was even manning the east grandstand. He may very well have manned the west grandstand with Shaffer. The attendee who saw them pull up to the grandstand when they were setting up only mentioned the west grandstand.

That aside, the Detail plan had to be prepared in advance to provide during the 9 am meeting. The plan was for just Wagner and Murcko to have radios. That doesn’t rule out the possibility of them being issued radios anyways, contrary to the plan, but the plan was for only one in each team to have a radio. That sounds like a short supply of radios, poor planning, or an intentional compounding of communication issues.

I think since Trump was due to speak around 6 pm, that had him helping out in that capacity until he was needed to man the Beaver County ESU command post. That’s my guess.

What caught my eye even more was Ben Shaffer on that list. The counter-sniper nests were allegedly ready by 11 am. Did he then go support Counter Assault for a few hours? I highly doubt it. Something tells me that some of that is justification for having them work the entire day.

Well, that might explain what was going on in this image from the Grassley dump.

The blue bubble is Woods talking about himself and Nicol. The upper gray bubble might be talking about Priolo.

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Could be with Priolo, it’s just odd that behind Jason Wood’s name isn’t anything mentioned. Also the Trump speech was originally planned for 1700-1815. The 1h delay was messaged at 1513.

Good hint with Shaffer B. This whole plan just feels like it was set up in a hurry or by novices, so many inconsistencies. I also wonder how much of it goes back to the USSS, at the end the buck stops with them.

In the RSBN livestream I had the impression there is more than just one person in the western grandstand. But would be great to some more evidence.

Strange thing about that screenshot. Everyone assumed it was “Trump”, right? Apparently not.

I didn’t get the reference. Is this a codename or something?

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Could be possible. I always thought they writting about Jason Wood who’s leaving at 4 :thinking:

I found that odd, too, that Merck’s and Wagner have contact info, but not Nicol or Shaffer. If they were all 4 blank, it would align with other sections of the plan that omit counter-sniper info. I draw a blank on that anomaly.

Is it slang for Trump’s motorcade? I have no clue.

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We have to really stare at these things to try to understand the context. They were saying who would be available to work when. It was just a coincidence (I guess) that (it seems) Priolo said he could do 8-4 and then Woods said something similar of himself.

Some stuff that bugs me about Priolo leaving at 4pm:

  1. Did he actually leave then?
  2. If he left at 4 or thereabouts, it seems even weirder that he was saying he felt like all of them had failed during the ABC interview.
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Trumps codename was (is?) Mogul. Could be they changed it or maybe it’s a certain car or plane :man_shrugging:


Oh, could we be a victim of autocorrect?

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If they didn’t entirely make up the AAR he didn’t leave at 1600:
18:00 – Nicol to Priolo unsure of direction of trave

I’m on it. Try to put together a stringent message exchange for each chat group.


IMO, the whole radio communication topic seems like just plain old misdirection and distraction. Radio transceivers are, first and foremost, used in the daily activities of nearly all uniformed officers, and for good reason. They allow what is essentially a voice group chat between individuals acting in connection with each other, without the need of a keyboard or knowing individual communication lines (such as cell phone numbers). They are malleable, in the fact that you can change frequency and code. The only caveat is that you need to know beforehand which frequency you all will be using, and which privacy codes will be used for those comms (either CTCSS or DCS).

The term ‘privacy’ code becomes misleading, because all it really does is filter that frequency by that code. Listening to a frequency with no privacy code set will let you listen to all comms on that frequency, regardless of code, though you cannot transmit to another radio using a code unless you have set your radio to transmit that code.

Alongside that information, many radios, especially higher end ones, like the Motorolas that many LEOs use, offer an ability to scan through multiple frequencies at a time monitoring for transmissions, so you are not limited to a single specific frequency either (not to mention you have multiple programmable channels to work with). I have a $260ish Motorola model of my own that I bought for work, it offers scanning through the programmed frequencies (8 programmable channels). My $35 Baofeng can scan through a user selected range of frequencies, even outside of those that are programmed to channels (100 programmable channels).

Now it has been said that radios were offered and not picked up. Why would you offer radios to units that already have radios? If they’ve already got radios, what need would they have for ANOTHER radio? Why would they pick up equipment offered that they’ve already got? C.Y.A., again.

Also, kind a side thought based on a video I was just watching, in the interview where (Roger) Patrick Young, Beaver County Chief Detective and ESU Commander, Young stated that they had had no contact from the Secret Service since “the last election cycle.” Were that to be the case, how did they even know to be where they were, especially with it being a part of their action plan. I cannot make heads or tails of this. If they’d had no communication, they would not have even known to be at the event, let alone to be where they were “planned” to be…

Edit: R.P. Young Interview


I agree. My two preferred leads in this case are

  1. Overwatch counter-snipers leaving their stations
  2. SS counter-snipers turning north to deal with threat, but Trump not pulled off stage

Radios didn’t have much to do with either of those. “Siloed communications” or “radio issues” is just the new “sloped roof”.


Ugh. Saw it come up and didn’t even check. Looked like him.

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It happens, and I’m guilty of it myself. At first I had Joshua OSche figured for the “J. Oshe” shown in the unredacted version of the After-Action Report. Only to have others find a Joseph OSche, a Beaver County Sheriff’s Deputy.


Here is Michael T Biskup but his ear is not right for the guy on ABC news blue shirt guy.

I had him in my police line-up (sometimes I crack myself up), but ruled him put. I would really like to find out more about the unknown BVRPD officer. He tends to look more like him than the others I’ve considered. There are 10 other members of the Beaver County ESU team that I am unable to find photos for.

What are your thoughts on the remaining 2?

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