So It's Back To First Principles

watch the bodycam video BWC2-122110 and you’ll see yourself that this is the guy who was hoisted up and was 4th on the AGR6 roof.
Further check BWC2-122111 where you can see BWC2-122110 running behind the 3 cypress trees (where he then gets hoisted up).
And then finally alligned that with the Stewert video. It all matches perfectly.


I’m not sure how we thought we knew, but elsewhere on the forum we identified the officer who got boosted as Officer Ross. Take it with a grain of salt, though.

I can’t be 100% certain, but here is where I believe Crooks’ car was at the time of the shooting and how I deduced that.


@rawroku made a post where he stated the car with dashcam in front of door 9 is Officer Ross’. I don’t know how he identified him as Ross since there’s nobody listed in the Butler Township PD with this name?


It might be Freudian slip.

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His name in on his uniform, but I cannot read.
But how did you read the bodycam number?

Are you referring to the Matthew Pearson bodycam, #1&2, which is BWC2-122104? I have 0.13 s behind (-0.13) from previous discussions.

I’ll update this graphic here. Any other corrections or additions?



Here is my take on why Nicol said Sheetz. Nicol is from Beaver County, not Butler, so he doesn’t know the Farm Show area. He wasn’t sure what building he was in, thus he likely did not remember other building numbers used by law enforcement that he likely heard for the first time during the morning meeting. He did say north in a text message just before his 6:02 pm radio call. During that radio call he likely said Sheetz because everyone in that region knows what a Sheetz is (we have Terrible Herbsts in Vegas), so he used the first highly recognizable landmark that came to mind.


Yep, this is the guy (BWC2-122104) walking out of the FOP, sees the southern barn snipers turn, Corey being carried away from the bleachers etc.
there’s also a 2nd part of his bodycam when he crosses the road and you can see the Elantra. => not sure about the 2nd part but the 1st important part his bodycam timestamp is about 12 seconds ahead of time gray hughes investigates (

By chance I found a video where he’s to see, not well but it’s a start. Seems to be an older guy and he’s obviously wearing glasses (not the sun one but the one up his head).

Beaver County ESU is also ahead of time (+) 1:39

Videos 122104 / 111 / 117 have all two parts. Didn’t check the time difference of the 2nd part (since not relevant), but I’d assume it’s the same as in the 1st parts I checked.


Thanks. The Gray Hughes video came to mind just after I sent the post. I must have mixed it up when I first added it, hence the added delta footnote.

Are you sure that the others who were up there before him didn’t have a bodycam?

So there can’t be any bodycam footage to prove that the cartridges weren’t placed?

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Chris Kopas is with Adam’s Twp per their website roster. I doubt Lt. Pearson would have access/permission to post their body cam footage. I’m going to remove that from my slide for now until we can confirm it was his bodycam.

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Here is my overview for the dash-/bodycams. Be aware that I numbered the 3 parts of the Beaver County ESU in order of the time the footage was taken. In the Grassley downloadfolder it’s mixed up.


They also have different patches.

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Ok I specify: He’s the first on the roof whose body cam footage was released.
Might be the others also had bodycams but so far I’m not aware of any releases yet.


Don’t wana be annoying but there are still some errors. Best you use my chart to check.

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Not annoying at all. Thanks for your table, that helped. The font is getting small for my old eyes, so I’m prone to mistakes, so check out the update I just posted.

no worries, I feel your senses are still sharp as!

Just some minor corrections:

  • BWC2-122104-1/-2 => delta is +12sec
  • M500-010482 => delta is -1sec
  • 3 Beaver County ESU => delta is +1min39sec

Updated, thanks again. At some point in our early discussion about time deltas, someone posted a compelling argument for 0.13, which is why I changed it from 0.12. But, since I don’t recall who that was, I’ll stick with your number. That way I know who to forward any complaints to. :rofl:

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