So It's Back To First Principles

I honestly don’t see how they would be able to explain away major issues that all point to some degree of an inside job.

  1. Security pie piece for that exact roof spot. Apparently zero assigned roles to overwatch of that exact roof spot.

  2. No SS counter surveillance in the crowd. Poorly trained DHS agents assigned.

  3. USSS did not pick up the local radios- wtf?

  4. The two locals assigned closest to the area either left their assigned positions or didn’t act.

  5. The FBI didn’t hold everyone who was in or around or assigned to the AGR at the time of the shooting for immediate interviews.

  6. They left the body on the roof all night. Who even does that???

Who is in charge of the investigation because they seem to be as inept as Cheetos?


Since they control most of the evidence, our only hope is to force them to offer laughable explanations (like “the roof was too slopey, especially near the top”!).

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Nice that you asked them directly :muscle:
But I’d say he as an Office Manager is correct when saying “I am not qualified to answer that question”. To get details for this specific question you need to ask a technician or somebody from the production department.

To give an example you probably have experienced sometimes yourself:
If you watch a sports game on a web-based live streaming plattform and your neighbour the same game on cable TV. There is a goal scored: You hear your neighbour cheering already but when you watch your picture the goal isn’t scored yet. That’s bc the latency for a web-based transmission is higher than the one for the cable. That doesn’t mean though that the goal you see later is also scored later, or the game clock shows a later time. The TV signal just took longer to get to your screen than it did to get to your neighbours screen.
I think this is what the guy was talking about when saying “there is a slight delay when live streaming”.


I’ll call your Bitts wedding and raise with a Sulerud Marine wedding. :rofl:

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Yep, I believe so. I can imagine all that neon flamboyance going for an italian brand such as Alfa Romeo.

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No need. I can copy the information from what you sent, which saves me typing it out when doing searches and graphics.

Question, though. You show 3 SS in the Command post. I didn’t think there were any inside that post.

@bumblebeeez @sorey @vegaspatriot @brian60221 can you guys explain this to me please.
Post 1920

Is the timing off on one of the cams somehow?

Someone else posted a chart that showed the actual times of each video.

That should help explain whatever you have identified.

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I thought it was only 1 sec off?

Sorry, I wasn’t invited to that meeting. :wink:

I’ll take it into consideration when I do my deep dive analysis of the timeline events from 6:05-6:11 pm. Thanks for highlighting it.

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Ha! But my point is this: how can one bodycam show a gaggle of guys and another stationary cam pointing at the same entrance shows no one at the same time. Unless, like Bumble says, the times are way off.


I think the dash cam was way further off than the body cam from the hoisted guy and seemingly further off than this body cam (if this one is off).

I haven’t checked this one yet to see where it lines up time wise, but I’m pretty sure the chart has all the cams and their corrected time sets. I’ll try to find it for you.

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I can’t tell if they were physically there but they were listed in the unredacted DJT Detail


Both of those cameras are only 1 second off, so take that out of the equation.


I think it is a visual trick for the body cam. Your brain is trying to turn pixelated blobs into humans or other identifiable sources of danger.

No people are actually there per the closer dash cam.

Someone else did that with a sticker on the window to the door of AGR6. They thought it was an elbow.

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I think it’s a trick alright…There is no explaination for having blobs on the porch there. I can make out 5 blobs that look like officers. Also seems the picnic table is not empty.

I mean, we know from the body cam of the officer hoisted on the roof that they were walking the side and front of AGR6- then he goes and gets hoisted, sees the shooter and drops-then he walks to the side and front again-gets to in sight of third window, and then runs back around to the car. We can double check that to see if anyone was lounging.

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This would have been after hoisted cop got hoisted I believe.

No, it is prior to. Dude gets hoisted later at 18:10:44ish

Nobody was lounging. You might be seeing the motorcycle by the table.

On a side note, I love how the fence was perfectly cleared for the sections that shots were about to come over. There were some people there minutes before, but they were 100% moved somehow in plenty of time for shots to be fired.

It just organically turned into a shooting lane. “Get out of the way!” I mean, why waste breath trying to order the shooter to drop his weapon or stand down, am I right? Why even bother? Let’s yell at people on the fence line instead.