Stimulus Bill Causes Hope to Fade

Hello CapeSurvivor:
Thanks for the hat tip, I’m googling that article now. After getting my wife onboard I’m still trying to convince other friends.
Hello PiceCarr:
Toooooo funny, I could have written this if wife was where husband was.
But when big economic new makes the MSM that we all have known was coming for months, and which I had mentioned to him, I hear the "WE’ve known about this for months!":slight_smile:
If nothing else, I know I wasn’t the only one.
Take care

Hi Davos,

Great they named a conference after you!

Here is link:

Wife particularly angry at CC tonight. I got her to look at first 20 seconds. Eek. We all "focus on disaster" and"ignore living in the present."

Not cool.


Most people can’t cope with reality IMHO.

Okay, I got my GF to get through ch 8. and actually wants to have a civil discussion. I think she actually feels better for some reason. She even wants me to look into storable food. HUGE STEP!!

Thanks, everyone.


Amazing. That’s great!



Hello CapeSurvivor:
I posted it on the DG of Feb 2nd that I sent to Chris before dinner this evening, thank you for the hat tip, it was a good read!
I stole the name, it is a play on my name, and a place I was facinated with since I was a little kid.
Take care.

If all of you coupled people think you have it rough, try being single and in the dating world with a bunch of clueless people. The mere mention of the horrific state of our economy and the impending doom will likely result in a check please! Is there any thirty something like minded men out there? I've got plenty of guns, ammo, food and gold. Maybe I should start a dating site for the single doom and gloomers out there.

I’ll never complain again. We just built and I finally put mirrors up in the bathrooms, the first time I saw myself in months I realized the grey receding hair and I wondered what it would be like - God forbid - your mention of "try being single" and explaining this to someone really makes me realize how lucky I am, no matter how many pages she and I are appart, at least we are reading the same book.
Take care

mvalley and Davos: That’s pretty much exactly where I am.

It is difficult to find people that want to hear anything about these sort of issues. Many people my age that I come across live their lives rather carelessly and do not seem to have the internal courage and discipline to look reality right in the eye. It seems that intelligence, intuition, and personal responsibility have gone completely out of style lately. Go figure, we’ve got so many toys now in competition. That said, friends are a great distraction from these issues when I need a break, but then afterwards it’s like going back to a separate reality. This can’t be very healthy.

With issues as important as these, I think most would hope (or first require) that a dating partner be similarly educated and opinionated. These issues are just too fundamental to NOT be in concurrence. But now that just complicates things further when there’s so many sheeple sticking their heads in the ground on these issues. I don’t see any simple solution, but I personally don’t see much room for compromising my basic beliefs on all of this.


Just be who you are, work hard and continuing meeting other like minded people and things will work themselves out as best as they were meant to be. The worst thing that you can do is freeze in fear or frustration. While I have yet to meet anyone my age with a similar level of understanding and caring about these issues as I myself, I continually expand my networks and influence on those I know closely. I’ve done my part. The rest might not be entirely in my hands.


"The good news is, we have a great circle of new friends who took the
seminars with us and are frequent visitors to this site. We get
together and talk about what is going on and we are at the point now
where we are doing some serious preliminary planning on…"

It’s funny you know, we experienced similar reactions. I had a couple of long time (30+ years) mates who told us we’d lose all our friends talking the way we were… and true enough, we don’t see much of them anymore. But, we have more friends than ever now, perhaps more a result of leaving the impersonal big smoke than meeting like minded ‘doomers’. And I’m not counting the many dozens of internet acquaintances whom I’ll never meet.


Don’t take this the wrong way, mvalley, but you made my day. After another screaming argument last night with my spouse and thinking that it was pretty bad, I read your post and started laughing at the craziness of it all.

Yes, a companion dating site to "mine" for couples, how about or


At least you have some assets to attract doomers!




This is better than, "The Young and the Restless." You need your own daily blog, "The Naive and the Doomer."

I will tune in daily!

We are all here for you SG!


I just got an e mail from an old coworker of mine who is having trouble convincing his wife of investing in an electric generator. It seems odd, consider he’s already got an arsenal together. I prescribed the Crash Course to try to get his wife to understand.

It’s amazing how hard it can be to convince those close to you on this…sometimes it seems I have greater interest and respect from total strangers than from some of my closest family and friends.

Thanks for all of your support. It’s too bad we didn’t move this to another thread because it is an ongoing problem for many of us. I will leave it to someone else to start "Coping With Triple E Interpersonal Problems" (I couldn’t come up with a quick acronym for TARP).



Thread started


Your above link echos the web bot theory – the internet as collective human unconscious chatter.

Thanks all for the support. I think maybe I should just change my dating strategy a bit. Instead of “would you like to go for coffee” I could use, “would you like to come and look at all the bullets that I have to protect my massive quantities of dehydrated food from looters”. If they start to drool, I’m in. If not… next! Or maybe show them my one-trillion dollar Zimbabwean bill that I use as a bookmark. If they talk about the hyper-inflationary situation that lead to this note being created, I’ll stay. If they think I’m really super rich because I have a trillion dollars, well then, it was nice meeting you.

I do understand where many of you are coming from. My resistance doesn’t come from a spouse, but from my family members. I’m the oldest of 7 and am desperately trying to prepare in time for the 16 members of my family. It is a daunting task especially when they all think I’ve lost my mind. I know what it’s like to have no support at a time when you should have the most.

I know it isn’t any comfort, but I heard a psychologist being interviewed who does research on loneliness. His bottom line when it comes to internet relationships is that subjects he has studied, no matter how many online acquaintances they have, are precisely as lonely as anyone else who also doesn’t have flesh and blood people sharing their physical space.

Hello MaineCoonCat:
I’m going to have to Google that term, know that you have told me the name of it. I, for the life of me can’t recall the movie, it may have been What the Bleep do we Know or Down the Rabbit Hole, but in some movie this geek was interviewed and he had developed software for investing and it tracked the news people read. It could predict bad things happening, earthquakes, recessions and so on.
Take care