Sudden Escalation: US Warships Fire Missiles Into Syria

“Greater Israel”: The Zionist Plan for the Middle East (

The Yinon Plan, which is a continuation of British stratagem in the Middle East, is an Israeli strategic plan to ensure Israeli regional superiority. It insists and stipulates that Israel must reconfigure its geo-political environment through the balkanization of the surrounding Arab states into smaller and weaker states. Israeli strategists viewed Iraq as their biggest strategic challenge from an Arab state. This is why Iraq was outlined as the centerpiece to the balkanization of the Middle East and the Arab World. In Iraq, on the basis of the concepts of the Yinon Plan, Israeli strategists have called for the division of Iraq into a Kurdish state and two Arab states, one for Shiite Muslims and the other for Sunni Muslims. The first step towards establishing this was a war between Iraq and Iran, which the Yinon Plan discusses.

Preparing the Chessboard for the “Clash of Civilizations”: Divide, Conquer and Rule the “New Middle East” (

The only fact at this point is that very few people have any real knowledge of what happened unless they were directly involved.
You don’t prove innocence, the burden in on proving guilt. If you want to do it the other way then you should at least give time and opportunity to do so. Rex Tillerson says for the US there is “no doubt” that Assad made these attacks which is a remarkably strong assessment based on no investigation. The only ‘no doubt’ assessment is that the US Government doesn’t want to even consider that this wasn’t a mad dog attack by a suicidal Assad bent on making a meaningless gesture with no strategic advantage, just because. That doesn’t mean that the US orchestrated things but it does clearly show that it was so convenient for some in power that they don’t want to even question it. The truth, whatever it is, is unimportant for those wanting Assad out. Interestingly enough, the Russians were confident enough to ask for an independent investigation before the rush to judgment/attack. Moot now.
In any case, the US made its show ‘attack’ which had little real effect on Assad’s ability to make war. The only thing that has convincingly been accomplished is the ratcheting up of tensions with Russia. Who wanted that? I don’t claim to know who did what in the chemical attack, but I do know who is trying to jack me around with smoke and mirrors now.

it doesn’t make any sense for assad to use chemical weapons and give the usa an excuse to enter the fight. especially when he had basically defeated the rebels.
much more plausible is the explanation that this was another one of a long string of false flag events, which the usa has an extensive history of executing, as an excuse to commit acts of violence which would otherwise be unthinkable.
here is an article from the dailymail, a popular uk media outlet, about the original syria false flag gas attack in 2013, notice the dailymail pulled the article (cia pressure?) but it can still be found at
U.S. ‘backed plan to launch chemical weapon attack on Syria and blame it on Assad’s regime’…

On a somewhat regular basis we will go to the door, open it, point and shout squirrel, squirrel.The dogs go charging out barking intently looking for the squirrel to chase. We get a chuckle every time at how gullible they are. I always wonder when there is such a big news story that says “OMG, OMG look over there” if there isn’t some half obscured topic someone doesn’t want us to look at?
Hmmmm ?

This is the most cogent and well hypothesized article I have seen yet. Credit to JC Collins @ Philosophy of Metrics. I once again highly recommend his website for remarkably accurate geopolitical and economics trend analysis. A valuable site to add to the list of places for intelligent and insightful discourse, without the rhetoric or fake news crap.

Thanks for posting Jan. yes

sand_puppy wrote:
Now here is the really intriguing thing: it appears that only 23 out of a total of 59 US cruise missiles hit the base. The rest are unaccounted for. This could be due to all sorts of reasons, including Syrian and Russian air defenses or Russian electronic warfare. I tend to believe that the latter is the cause. But then, this begs another question: why did the Russians let 23 of the cruise missiles through? Possibly to appease Trump and not force him to re-strike. Other possibility, to make sure that the political fallout from this stupid and reckless attack still come back to hurt the United States (had they destroyed all the cruise missiles this would not happen).

Perhaps the reason is just simple maths: 59 - 23 = 36, which is the Number of simultaneously engaged targets by one unit S-300PMU2. It looks like they had one s300 to stop the missiles, if they had two, I don’t imagine a single cruise missile would have hit. My french is terrible, but I think this is a video of the cruise missiles being intercepted:

Good find and very interesting/thought provoking article. Thank you westcoastjan!

westcoastjan wrote:
This is the most cogent and well hypothesized article I have seen yet. Credit to JC Collins @ Philosophy of Metrics. I once again highly recommend his website for remarkably accurate geopolitical and economics trend analysis. A valuable site to add to the list of places for intelligent and insightful discourse, without the rhetoric or fake news crap.

So, based on Charles’ thoughts on signalling, should we hope the cruise missile attack was a signal primarily intended to reference North Korea? China is apparently moving 150,000 troops to their border with North Korea and the US has dispatched a carrier battle group to nearby waters. Maybe Trump and Xi came to some kind of agreement about North Korea…
If the cruise missile attack on Syria is not followed by further US involvement there and “something” happens to remove North Korea as a threat to cause nuclear war, I guess the cruise missile attack could be considered “worth it” from some perspectives. This is especially true if China and the US cooperate in defanging North Korea; North Korea gets on the road to becoming a stable society with China’s help; and the US withdraws most or all of its military forces, including the dreaded THAAD missile system, from South Korea once things have stabilized (possibly based on an actual peace treaty after 63+ years). Considering the “auspicious” timing (Trump and Xi were meeting as the missiles flew), should we also be open to the idea that US special forces and intelligence agencies help set up the gas incident in Syria, so all of this could happen?
And if China and the US take joint action to defang North Korea we can start seriously hoping neither of the North Korean satellites that pass over the US every day are capable of an effective EMP blast to demolish the US electrical grid. I, for one, am 3-4 years away from where I want to be to cope with that.
“Welcome to the Hunger Games. And may the odds be ever in your favor.”

Thanks for pointing out the Charles Smith article. I had not seen that.
I agree completely, after review of the CSH article, this situation now looks clear to me. We have a bigly businessman running the show as a series of bigly business decisions wherein “business” includes not only money but also POWER and respect. The only entities that count are those with money and power (poor Syrian peasants are completely irrelevant in the equation, as well as world opinion). This is all a result of bigly business acumen which requires the negotiator to negotiate from a position of strength.
With signaling as explained by CHS taken into a account this is a win win situation for everyone. N korea and the US-China relationship is bigly enhanced (you don’t begin to negotiate unless from a position of strength). America’s chief negotiator made a big point that facilitates the business with China (this business is by far No. 1 and dominates all other business). Business objectives with China win as China is motivated to accept the deals proposed by America’s head businessman, who needed to make a point during his brief negotiation opportunity with the head businessman of China for 18 hours.
The deep state, which had just removed Flynn (who was an obstacle to the deep states requirement of a destabilized Middle East with endless war) wins bigly. Trump’s domestic deal making stature (which translates directly into the ability to get business done with Congress) wins bigly. Russia’s business (which is the size of NY City) is much smaller than China’s economy. Their military is much smaller. The businessman mitigated affects on this much less important business (with Russia) by warning Russia to get its toys (planes) out of the airport before bombing and Russia got more experience with its defensive electronics systems, which threw more than half of the cruise missiles off course! A big win for the Russian military under real battlefield conditions.
The US industrial complex consumed 100 million $ of expendables in the short space of a few hours, which translates into more jobs for a country that requires war for employment. A win there.
All entities that count in the world of bigly business got a win from this Syria event.
I note that the businessman in chief has not begun to negotiate deals with Putin/Russia and such transactions are not even on the table yet. I expect to see some exciting business transactions arising with Russia after the businessman in chief begins to negotiate with the Putin businessman from his new position of strength. Even agreeing to return to the previous status quo from the present tense situation is a big win (negotiating point) for America’s negotiator in chief.
America does NOT have a politician as president. America has a bigly businessman as president who wants to negotiate deals, above all else and does not care a squat about world opinion or civilians in other countries. The main focus of these bigly business deals is to negotiate from a position of strength. From this perspective, the Syria event is a bigly win win situation all around.

I totally agree that North Korea is the reason Syria was bombed during supper with Comrade Xi. Like all Anglo-American gentlemen’s tete a tete, it’s good to go for a shoot before evening dinner. The real action is N Korea, not Syria. To cooperate with China in finishing America’s unfinished business in the old Korean cease fire, July 27, 1953, would put Trump on the map. We should know in the next few days. It looks like Kim Jong-un is getting boxed in.

Gas attack footage. Pay attention for the “white helmets”.

From earlier in the conflict.

And a selfie.

Now here’s an interesting white paper courtesy the CIA.…
Seems to tie in well with this video.

Minister Lavrov states the obvious:

In a joint meeting with U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, who is in Moscow this week, Lavrov cited the Western experience in Iraq and Libya to argue that the ouster of autocratic rulers by external forces leads to chaos. He said Russia supports dialogue between various Syrian factions to determine the country's future and to preserve it as a united, secular state.
General Clark seems to be aware of what the rest of the US appears to ignore. KSA wants a secure outlet for their NG in Western Europe. The fact that Tillerson is there to argue the point is ironic to say the least. Who says it's not about oil? Which totalitarian form of government do you want? Theocracy or Plutocracy? What is the difference, exactly.
Mark Cochrane wrote:
The infantile and transparent attempts at intimidation don't seem to be going according to plan after 'chemical attack in Syria- the sequel!' Chances are really high that China also just went back to putting their full support behind North Korea after the cleverly timed dinner insult. Russia and Iran warn US they will 'respond with force' if red lines crossed in Syria again
Russia's military is now more effective than U.S what with radar jamming tech, for starters. China also ascendant in this area. This is why Obama backed down in Syria. The dems understood that they can't beat Russia. And Russia will defend Syria to the death as they have a deep water naval base there and other military installations. Syria is Russian turf, much like Canada is American turf. Neocons and neoliberals are trying to drive a wedge between Russia and China as they REALLY don't like the synergistic effect of two powerhouses joined together against them. I have read that China has 150,000 troops near the North Korean border now, at the behest of the U.S. This cracks me up! Perhaps the troops are there to help North Korea against American imperialism in that area, an imperialism that is more about controlling China than anything else. Tillerson had his ass handed to him in Russia. Hilarious.

Solving 9-11: The Deception That Changed The World

Well I must say, that when I stage MY false flag sarin attack I really hope Professor Postol is on sabatical or something. Please remember to just accept the story I provide without asking to see details or critically reviewing them.
Quick Bio:

By Theodore A. Postol, professor emeritus of science, technology, and national security policy at MIT. Postol’s main expertise is in ballistic missiles. He has a substantial background in air dispersal, including how toxic plumes move in the air. Postol has taught courses on weapons of mass destruction – including chemical and biological threats – at MIT. ... He also helped build a program at Stanford University to train mid-career scientists to study weapons technology in relation to defense and arms control policy. THE NERVE AGENT ATTACK THAT DID NOT OCCUR: ANALYSIS OF THE TIMES AND LOCATIONS OF CRITICAL EVENTS IN THE ALLEGED NERVE AGENT ATTACK AT 7 AM ON APRIL 4, 2017 IN KHAN SHEIKHOUN, SYRIA Postol uses latitude/longitude lines, weather reports of temperatures and wind directions and analysis of available photographs containing shadows to time the events of that day. Maps of the site, the alleged gas containing munition impact crater to plot the wind carried gas plume direction and velocity. Oops. Victims were not from the plume dispersal locations. Darn! When people look carefully at the details of these kinds of staged events problems arise.