The Abandonment Of Posts In The Overwatch Building Is Difficult To Accept

Thanks for the pep talk! Ha! So, even you very tech savvy people are having difficulties? That is by design or just the inability of your fancy coding for now? In my brain I imagine that the bodycam footage is shot by a certain bodycam manufacturer that all leo wear. Isn’ t there a hacker of some sort that can review footage and decode it to tell us where gaps and edits are made? Or is that impossible?
Same for different cell phone operating systems?

We basically make problems for ourselves in technology because we’re perpetually dissatisfied and our expectations keep increasing. We want to be able to watch videos via radio, so we do stuff like compress video in a way that throws away a lot of information. Then we stare at the result, and think it looks weird. Well, it really does look weird – it’s a result of the process that made the video 1% of its original size.

On the bodycam stuff, we don’t know when people hit buttons to turn them on or off, or when the audio should be available. The bodycam contains a computer and software that could do anything.

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Hey Ray, tell me about who is running the show from your experience and perspective please. I like everyone’s theories and the process of proving or disproving them (as I am sure most commenters here do too).

Thank you Brian. I appreciate your insight and honesty and can completely imagine you hard at work and criticizing yourself. You are doing great! Keep up the great work! I value your comments. But, I do not like your answer. Hackers shut down Crowdstrike. Don’t you have some connections to that crew? :grinning:

I believe he may have come from the east. Per. BBC interview he was at the “… Greenhouse” where he was at a party. He is being interviewed near it. He points in the direction of the field he wanted to cross, the tree shade he wanted to sit by, and the direction of the incident. He said he could not see Trump which could indicate east and behind the stage, and that there were cops around which could indicate the area around and in the parking lot. Due to land marks in the interview, it appears he may be somewhere south east of the water tower by a road and a cluster of buildings with dark roofs.
Here’s the interview:
With a decent map and some study, one could likely pinpoint exactly where the interview was and possibly his general location during the event. Ultimately one may have to ask him where he was to be certain, but we can estimate based on assumptions.
This is the map I have:

The video I’m finding interesting at the moment is this one: Dropbox

This is the one I know as the dashcam of the cop who arrives very early. You see officers run to the right, where Tedeski is going to boost the other guy up. After falling down, he runs around the back of the car, so he is not seen. But you hear him open the door when he comes back to the car to get his rifle.

18:11:30 shots ring out
18:13:24 Nichol opens the door and comes out with pistol drawn
18:15:02 Nichol seems to try to open the door, but can’t
18:15:20 another officer opens the door somehow. Nichol seems concerned to be the first one in the door

Thanks for the vid. I believe Greg Smith is credible. I believe he also indicated there were others that saw the same thing.
Here is the image that Candice Owens said he gave her describing the location of the officer with the sleeve tattoo, possibly holding a gun, who watched the shooting occur for any that are interested. It points to the eastern side windows of the 2 story building:

Thanks for the info. I could swear I recalled him stating that in the BBC interview, but I could have heard or read it somewhere else around the same time, and I’m just having another senior “blended memory,” as I like to call it.



That makes sense! Now I see why he does not want to be interviewed again. He does say he saw somebody in that window with a tattoo. I always assumed he meant that was Greg.Nicol

i think 2 windows on the side were closed - i see reflections on those. 2nd one was def open facing rally side. the corner one i am not sure.

shooter position from ur pic is a bit off. see the paint color diff at 2 joints and then a few faces of the roof further down.

To the group:

There’s been so much good information and very insightful speculation about what happened on that day. I’d like to see if I can get some of you to focus on Greg Smith’s (Red visor and red hair) interview; in particular where he says several important things.

If his story is true, and I do find him to be credible, it raises a lot of questions, but it might also implicate specific people even more than what we speculate.

Greg says in an interview that he watched for 2 1/2 or three minutes the shooter on the roof. This might mean he might have watched him running and not just crawling because we know based on other videos that he was still running up until at least 6:08:50. I guess it’s possible he just saw him crawling No, because shooting starts about 2 1/2 minutes later.

He then says that he was pointing to the roof and that SS snipers could see him pointing Up to the roof.

Apparently, Greg was not on the west side of the building as I assumed, along with everyone else that was pointing to the roof, but he must’ve been somewhere on the east side as he told Candice Owens that he saw a person in the overlook building in a window directly facing EAST, which would be almost right behind where crooks would eventually shoot from or at least lay down at.


Greg then says that the person in the window that he saw had a prominent tattoo, and I think he means that that person was up there quite a while because he says that he and his friends saw that person, and he and his friends wondered whether that person was there to watch them to make sure they didn’t do something. So in other words, I think he is suggesting that person was up there quite a while.

I find it very curious that the only person I see with the prominent tattoo is Greg Nicol.

Another important thing he says is, however, that he never saw Crooks turn to confront any officer, presumably that person that hoisted himself up just for a second or so. If Greg was on the east side, how could he not have seen the shooter turn towards that officer who was hauling himself up?

For purposes of this posting, I’ll assume he’s telling the truth of what he saw, but we have to assume he was on the east side of the building and we would have to figure out where that could’ve been for him to have seen all of this, including seeing a man with a tattoo in the overlook window facing east.

(It seems to me that we really have to validate where he possibly could have been in order to validate that his story is 100% accurate.)

It’s also curious that there’s several different stories regarding the two snipers in the overlook building.

The state police commissioner Paris insists that they both left their post.

The Butler county DA insist that only one of them did

The very vague story about one or both of them having to leave because one of them gets locked out is very suspect, particularly since it was exactly at the time that apparently Nicol Reported that he saw the shooter run towards Sheetz.

Is it possible that for some of the time that Nicol was supposed to be in the overlook building to the far west side, that he spent some of that time rather in the overlook building directly behind where Crooks would shoot (On the east side of the overlook building, which is where Candace Owens says Greg told her that he saw the man in the window with the tattoo)?

Is it possible that that was really Greg Nicol In that overlook window facing east almost directly behind crooks? If it was, why was he there? Was it to make sure that crooks wouldn’t live to tell about what Crooks knew and who was involved?

If that wasn’t Greg Nicol In that window, who was it? Why was he there? Why didn’t he stop the shooter which she clearly could’ve done?

It seems to me that Congress should talk to Greg Smith

Lastly, I did see a short video of an interview that Greg Smith gave I think fairly recently where he described why he did that interview with the BBC. He said he did it because he was in conversation on the phone with an aunt after the shooting and she told him he really must tell what he saw for the good of the country.

Again, I’d love for people to comment on this if Greg is telling the truth, we can focus in on these to overlook snipers as perhaps having a key to what went on that day

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Good find. very curious chain of events there.

Just downloaded the last bit of those dropbox videos. wasnt getting it down directly and had to copy and then download. Very very interesting and suspicious activity right there. Looks like this is where the 1st Counter sniper went out looking for the guy, Not before the shooting as they have claimed before.

He seems very relaxed. And unable to go back in later.

I wanted to see if anyone could get the floorplan to AGR yday mostly wondering about this situation. Shooter shoots, Shoots down Crooks from the back building and runs out to join the other officers.

I wonder what they have to say about this later.

Took him 5seconds+ to exit the door and close it. IT WAS very relaxed move for someone who would have just heard gunshots 2 minutes prior.

also i wonder why these lights go off after the 1st 3 shots. not sure if its just the flares playing on my eyes. or the light means door is unlocked or locked or something. easy to spot if u speed up the playback like say 5x

Note: Video was slight adjusted for color to bring down the flares

Yeah, from the long dashcam video in front of the AGR main door, we know Nichol was inside the building at the time of the shooting. He opened the door and came out about two minutes after it happened.

I could be wrong, but I thought those front door lights were probably coming on automatically due to it getting dimmer. To me it looked like they were deciding to turn on independently.

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If official narrative is 18:11:33, the cop car shows first sonic boom(i guess i got that one right) 2 seconds prior

either the car cam had wrong clock or we got the timing wrong before

This doesn’t add up to me. If he to the East side, parking lot side. Then all those trees between AGR #6 and H-1/H-2 would block the view of that side of the building. If he was out at the Stewart fence line area, he would be in the Stewart video.

If fact, where is Greg in any of the videos from around the AGR Complex? We as a team should look through all the videos from that area and find Greg, if he was there.

We have found all 3 plainclothes cops in those videos. Until we find Greg in them, be wary of his story.


I wouldn’t trust any of the times in the cam overlays. Those things usually have no good way of actually knowing what time it is in the world (it is in tune only with itself). The gold standard should be when a cop pulls out an iPhone. Those times will be correct to the second, assisted by all kinds of stuff, the cell towers, Apple’s time servers, etc.

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I’d have to do a better analysis of all of this, but if he was far enough away to the east, then perhaps there is a line of site to the shooter’s roof that is not blocked by a tree. But then it seems kind of strange to me that he actually could see someone in that east facing window from such a distance. Also, it would seem a little bit strange if he’s that far east that the sniper team facing north would’ve been looking directly at him. Again, if his story is true, it tells a lot, but again I’m still having trouble with , placing him in a place where he could see all this

I wonder if there are any videos that scan to the E during the shooting time that capture both the water tower and then further east. I thought they were but I didn’t see any people in any of those.

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Well most the bodycam videos are on the side of AGR #6 and so is some of Stewart video.

The story about any sniper in the overlook building, leaving his post to go look for the “shooter“ makes no sense at all, according to every single sniper I’ve ever seen interviewed. Especially in a situation where there’s other law-enforcement, who could go looking for crooks.

As to their story that they went out to look, is it possible, if they did go out to look, that they would actually go out the west entrance since apparently Nicol said that’s where he last saw crooks walking towards Sheetz? I don’t believe anyone went out looking for crooks