The Abandonment Of Posts In The Overwatch Building Is Difficult To Accept

Where are you getting your information that the counter snipers didn’t leave their posts until after shots were fired?

This is misinformation.

The official timeline literally states that they left their posts prior to the shooting. Nobody has disputed that neither sniper was at their post when Crooks made his final approach on the roof and took shots.

Because if they had been there…they would have obviously been able to see him and stop him.

If you have some official source that disputes the official timeline, please link it.

Just to clarify: the official story is that Greg and the other sniper left their posts in the two story building prior to the shooting and a lockout occurred then.

The body cam and dash cam videos of Greg leaving AGR 6 and getting locked out after the shooting is a completely different event.

Those are two distinct and separated issues, separated by time and locations. Lockouts may have occurred for each, but Greg was not assigned to ground floor AGR 6. Nobody was per the planning.

First tell me what you are referencing of mine that you claim is misinformation. That’s a pretty bold statement to make.

I outlined it in detail.

If you have any links that state:

Greg was assigned to building 6 and not the second story building

Greg did not leave his actual post in the two story building prior to the shooting

Then please post them. Because that has not been the official testimony provided to Congress.

You posted this “The story about the counter-sniper leaving his post to go look for Crooks, then getting locked out, came from this X post by Benny Johnson. Johnson stated that it came from “a first-hand source of highest credentials.” Well, it turns out the story was mostly true, the timing involved was just a little off. Greg did leave the building to look for Crooks, albeit close to 2 minutes after shots were fired. He did get locked out of the building, and it appears someone let him back in along with other LEOs.”

Let’s go one fact at a time. I referenced Benny Johnson’s post. Did you go look at it? Was it there? If so, that is a fact and not misinformation. Would you agree?

No. I don’t agree.

The official postings and the official timeline provided to Congress under sworn testimony were:

2 snipers posted to the 2nd story building left their posts prior to the shooting

Whatever happened after the shooting with ONE of the snipers leaving a door from AGR 6 is completely unrelated to both of the assigned snipers abandoning their second story posts prior to the shooting.

That post doesn’t EVEN claim what you say it does…

Nobody and I mean nobody official has tried to claim that the snipers remained at their posts through the shooting.

Why would they?

Then they would have to explain why they didn’t answer the threat.

See post #81 in this thread of Greg in 2nd story window.

I’m not sure what you are linking that for.

Their rifles were set up on tripods.

Per this interview and per all of the official testimony and timelines: Greg and the other sniper left their 2nd story posts before the shooting. Greg, the sniper, assigned to the 2nd story, clearly admits he left his post BEFORE the shooting.

Later, after the shooting, he is seen leaving an entirely different AGR building, the one the shooter was on top of. These are two completely separate events involving the same person before and then after the shooting.

Dude abandoned his 2nd story post before the shooting. He freely admits it.


Well that was me not understanding your confusing post.

The other poster was trying to claim some nonsense that the sniper hadn’t left their assigned 2nd story post prior to the shooting when they definitely did, 100%.

Greg leaving AGR 6 and getting locked out AFTER the shooting was a completely separate incident.

You disagree that Benny Johnson posted this on Then you don’t know fact from fiction.

Now please don’t tell me you’re going to deny that Greg Nichols left AGR building 6 approximately 2 minutes after the shooting then tried to reenter but couldn’t. That is documented on dashcam M500-010482. That is fact, not misinformation.

You claim that is a different event that occurred at a different place and time. I could ask you to back up that assertion with video evidence, but I won’t. I have another assignment for you, one that borders on libel and defamation of character on your part.

You state:

"If you have any links that state:

Greg was assigned to building 6 and not the second story building

Greg did not leave his actual post in the two story building prior to the shooting

Then please post them. Because that has not been the official testimony provided to Congress."

My first question is, are you claiming that I made those statements. If the answer is yes, then please post the source. If you can’t, then you better be careful spreading misinformation about something I post. Perhaps, you just made an incorrect assumption, and didn’t mean anything malevolent by it. If so, apology accepted.

Multiple minutes separate Greg leaving his second story post BEFORE the shooting and then later, Greg leaving AGR 6 AFTER the shooting.

I have been extremely patient and detailed explaining this to you. Both things happened. Both were Greg.

If you don’t understand this yet, I don’t know how to help further.

Just to be clear: Greg freely admitted on national tv multiple times that he left his post on the 2nd story before the shooting. It was also provided in the official timeline. Both things happened.

Greg left his post on the 2nd story BEFORE the shooting AND Greg left from AGR building 6 AFTER the shooting- confirmed via video.

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So you cannot produce evidence that I made those two assertions? Of course you can’t, because you fabricated that in your own mind. And you continue to falsely state that I am saying something that I never said. That is borderline libel, like I said. My words speak for themselves, please quit adding to them.

That is your quote…

It was never a cover story. Both things happened with regards to Greg. He left his post before the shooting and he left the AGR 6 door a couple of minutes after the shooting. And for you to indicate that it didn’t happen or was some type of a cover story is beyond misunderstanding at this point.

Greg has always stated he abandoned his 2nd story post before the shooting.

Plus, even if I wasn’t responding to your literal post, which you made, I just don’t think you understand what libel is or what it would entail for a successful libel case to be brought and won. Honestly cringe.

Greg was assigned to building 2, in the 2 nd floor window 2nd from left looking south…as can be seen in the photos he took during the day,looking down at Crooks sitting on the wall and in the Grassley files(looking South West)…and the overhead photo showing each sniper position as declared in the morning briefing…Gerg’s arc of overwatch is in Blue…the ESU sniper who left at 4:20pm is green.

what i will say is we all should be looking at video from the west end of the AGR building to see if the ESU sniper who supposedly went to meet LEO offivcers at the entrance to building 1 during the timeframe 18:06 to 18:11 who then went to building 4 at the North West corner timeframe 18:12 can be seen outside of building 4 in any video…there is no indication anyone left or went into building 6 during the relevant timeframes of the shooting or leading up to the shooting,

And your point is? It was a response to the poster above it who said Johnson’s post gave the “wrong impression,” where I used the term “misleading.” It was a question, as noted by the question mark at the end of the sentence.

Now, back to the two different Greg events at two different times and locations. I’ll use a canoeing analogy. Greg gets in the river at point A (his sniper nest). He gets out of the river at point B (the building 6 entrance). What happened between points A and B occurred on the same river (course of events over time, a very short period of time). Both events are part of the same continuum.

At what point did I make any comments about Greg’s activities between point A and B? I didn’t. Quit stating that I did.

Greg did not leave the door of building 6 at any tiime…that is building 1, greg left his post of overwatch according to the washington post to look for Crooks and went to the window at the rear of building 2 to look for him…its the window that shows the picnic table at the rear…

You have stated multiple times that the story about Greg leaving his post and getting locked out was misleading. You have stated this even though it is the official timeline and Greg has said it multiple times.

So tell me this:

Is it possible that Greg was locked out of the second story building before the shooting and that he was also locked out of the AGR 6 building after the shooting?

Is it possible that Greg was locked out of 2 different buildings at 2 different times?

Do you understand that it could be possible for both things to happen and for both to be true?

Those are two different buildings and multiple minutes separated Greg leaving each building. And we know for sure that he left both buildings.

He left his assigned post. We know this because he ends up in AGR 6 eventually. We know he leaves 6 because we see him.

The numbers in the Butler County operational documents are not the same as the building numbers used by AGR. Greg did walk out of this door approximately 2 minutes after shots were fired.

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Yes, we see it on video. Now do you comprehend that in order to eventually end up in that building, that he had to leave his post in the 2 story building as well?

Please show me the “multiple times” I stated this.