The Abandonment Of Posts In The Overwatch Building Is Difficult To Accept

A little hyperbole in an angered state following a traumatic event, I suppose. Now, it’s a blue check account opened in April 2024, he’s been all over the news, but yet only 604 followers? Yes, he claims he’s been shadow banned, but still that seems odd. I can see now why some wonder if it’s a fake account.

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As @brian60221 pointed out above, his wife supposedly took this video on the west side.

Alright, I will research. I already have watched “The Fall of the Cabal” series and know this is way bigger than what it seems. I always say “follow the money” because that is one way these tyrants stay in control. Money really is the root of all evil.
So, even if we crack this event and figure out who is complicit, it still will not even touch the surface of who is actually behind it. Isn’t that maddening?!

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OMG!!! Fall of The Cabal is like kindergarten in this field. I’m probably in Jr. High myself. The problem is the power of compounding time, like compound interest, when you have a shared set of values and cohesive plan of action that spans and endures for centuries it gets stronger, more covert and ingrained into every day life. I will say this; virtually every dollar of laundered money goes through City of London because the power they wield through the “Remembrancer” who can veto any piece of legislation, law or tax in parliament for their roughly square mile of sovereign untouchable real estate in the heart of London (City of London is not Greater London). I don’t know how much money goes through there every year, only they do, but I have heard estimates of the total worth of the major players involved is in the quadrillions, with a Q and multiples not just one. The only thing they care any is getting their way. Virtually every assassination, every major war, every significant political figure must have their blessing and usually financial backing. They are masters of not only never paying for anything, but making it pay for itself plus paying them while doing their bidding. It adds up over time. With that kind of virtually unlimited money and power comes very strange paradigms in how they view the world and their place in it. Since 2020 I have spent conservatively over 3,000 hours studying this topic. The world is nothing like you think it to be nor does history have a very good resemblance to what we are taught and is commonly accepted.

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(Note: I wrote this before seeing Chris Marteson’s post in another area identifying Greg Smith and I believe he definately found him. I’ll post the original message as is because there may be some value in it.)


Just to follow up, here’s Breckle’s Farm and Greenhouse that Greg refers to in the BBC interview, and it’s to the north:

The Candice Owens interview with Greg may have been a misunderstanding on her part due to the image he provided her. That same image is also used in this GP article on the 18th:

They don’t say who the eyewitnesses were, but it could be Greg and his group.

Also in the article is this pic:

These look like the same people from the Greg “wife video” (thanks brian60221):

Although I’m being somewhat cautious with the “Greg Twitter”, in the second (top right) of these videos (thanks mjx), it sounds like Greg’s voice:

On the 20th is when GP published the Greg interview:

I don’t have a Youtube account, and I cannot do frame by frame, so I’m limited with these videos. In Chris’s starting at 9:00 I could not find Greg and friends:

Here’s the originals from Youtube:

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My posts are being massively flagged and hidden here! I just barely got that last post up! Scary.

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Thank you

That is why I am kindergarten level. Instead of 3000hrs researching the aholes that think they rule the world, I spent 8yrs researching medical things to heal my son. I think one of reasons people have no clue is: 1. They believe what they are taught 2. They are lazy 3. Most “normal” people can’t or won’t believe that such evil could exist 4. It is very difficult to source old information (as we are seeing here) because they delete it or manipulate it. But, I appreciate that people like you know what is really going on and how and why. God bless you


And now there is this August 10th post, so I can see where his comment makes sense.

I will say this only because it is widely discussed and I have posted about it before. Look up Blood Libel on Bitchute and I recommend using Yandex as your search engine because it do not think it is as widely tracked, although they can collect everything that is posted on the “web” (think of spiders) or “net” (think of fish or butterflies) and download it using the back door keys they have for entry program every written. When they talk about the Talmud, it is real, it is core and very much part of the narrative.

The East Wall Left window was open. It may have been a bit later than this pic but was confirmed open with the helicopter video even later.

There’s a couple videos of police dash cams and body cams coming from the East I believe. And the boosted cop running around for minutes. I wasn’t looking for Greg at that time but I don’t recall seeing any civilian in the lot to the East of the AGRs.

I agree that’s quite a distance with the required angle to see up to the elevation to observe such details thru a closed window, from the East looking West (into a shadowed wall, the sun was slightly West at that point casting a small shadow.

Agreed, it’s a total nonsense story and half truth at best. It’s probably true they left their post for a long time, but the reasons are lies.

  1. Basic military and police training is to never leave your post until relieved. A core disciplinary concept. Furthermore, they’d not left guns and tools unsecured.
  2. They would have obviously as you pointed out just radioed the foot patrol to locate him.
  3. Even assuming they did leave their post, the 6+ minutes they were absent is unexplainable unaccounted for time. Six minutes? Impossible to have honestly been gone for 6 minutes when hustling to run around the perimeter to find Crook or for guy #2 to let him back in, which would have taken maybe 20 seconds to run down the stairs, open door, run back up.
  4. Nicols appearing on the ground floor of AGR6 right after the shooting is unexplainable.

No doubt phony story. Absolutely no evidence Greg ever went outside. BC footage only has LEO’s searching woods from Water Tower North towards sheets which Greg reportedly state where suspect was headed when he lost sight of him.

Would love to see some BC or spectator video on West side of building from 18:00 forward.

if it was one or both of the snipers that are in on this, it would make most sense. their story so far is the weirdest one, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen a bodycam POV of a sniper before, even guys on SWAT. I think they are just required to be on radio comms the entire time, I don’t think they would be assigned bodycams. So the only hope we have is that the AGR building on the inside has CCTV, and that they are able to release that to us. If there is no recordings of these guys, their positions, their movements, then they can get away with this as long as their alibi is good enough. So far everything they’ve done has just been word of mouth.

The story about the counter-sniper leaving his post to go look for Crooks, then getting locked out, came from this X post by Benny Johnson. Johnson stated that it came from “a first-hand source of highest credentials.” Well, it turns out the story was mostly true, the timing involved was just a little off. Greg did leave the building to look for Crooks, albeit close to 2 minutes after shots were fired. He did get locked out of the building, and it appears someone let him back in along with other LEOs. The question becomes, why did that first-hand source leak that story" Inquiring minds want to know.

Benny Johnson X Post


Benny’s story resembles reality, but it gave a really wrong impression, that Crooks would have been seen except that one or more people left their posts to go look for him and then had trouble getting back quickly because of getting locked out. We (pretty much) know from the AGR 6 door dashcam video that that isn’t true – nothing happens at the door for a few minutes, and then there’s the shooting, and then Nichol emerges almost two minutes later.

I’m sorry to keep going back to the homicide detective analogy, but under normal circumstances, Nichol would be being questioned by detectives as a person of extreme interest. Where was he and what was he doing when the shooting started? Who was the other person in the building? What was that guy doing?

Sadly, a person like Benny with 2.6M followers will be virtually impossible to get through to.

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So why did the source leak the story? Was it the cover story he heard from Greg or the other counter-sniper, and knew it to be misleading because the source was one of the LEOs at the Building 6 entrance and wanted the truth to be known by alerting the public of what to watch for? That’s my point. Why was that misleading story leaked in the first place?

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Where are you getting your information that the counter snipers didn’t leave their posts until after shots were fired?

This is misinformation.

The official timeline literally states that they left their posts prior to the shooting. Nobody has disputed that neither sniper was at their post when Crooks made his final approach on the roof and took shots.

Because if they had been there…they would have obviously been able to see him and stop him.

If you have some official source that disputes the official timeline, please link it.

Just to clarify: the official story is that Greg and the other sniper left their posts in the two story building prior to the shooting and a lockout occurred then.

The body cam and dash cam videos of Greg leaving AGR 6 and getting locked out after the shooting is a completely different event.

Those are two distinct and separated issues, separated by time and locations. Lockouts may have occurred for each, but Greg was not assigned to ground floor AGR 6. Nobody was per the planning.

First tell me what you are referencing of mine that you claim is misinformation. That’s a pretty bold statement to make.

I outlined it in detail.

If you have any links that state:

Greg was assigned to building 6 and not the second story building

Greg did not leave his actual post in the two story building prior to the shooting

Then please post them. Because that has not been the official testimony provided to Congress.

You posted this “The story about the counter-sniper leaving his post to go look for Crooks, then getting locked out, came from this X post by Benny Johnson. Johnson stated that it came from “a first-hand source of highest credentials.” Well, it turns out the story was mostly true, the timing involved was just a little off. Greg did leave the building to look for Crooks, albeit close to 2 minutes after shots were fired. He did get locked out of the building, and it appears someone let him back in along with other LEOs.”