The Mystery Of The Blood In The Bathroom

Could it be that whoever radioded that thought the bleachers victim was a woman, instead of Comperatore?

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The woman heard at that time who had been shot was reported in a CNN interview of a gentlemen in the bleachers…so nowhere near the AGR building…


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Also, there is absolutely NO REASON for the county counter snipers on the second floor to leave their position, at all. It seems there was sufficient LEO outside that could have done any possible search, all they needed to do was use their radio.

Greg Nicol is quite suspicious and also very irresponsible.


This was the SS walkthrough prep on the venue grounds before the rally.

Bald guy is Tim Burke.

So the women mentioned in the article could be 2 of 3 seen here.


The same day as the shooting, it was reported that they ran a rapid genetic test on the shooter and they were able to definitively determine is was Thomas Crooks dead on the roof. Question is why did they have his DNA on file anyways but that is besides the point.

If they have such rapid DNA testing capability, they should have been able to run it on the fresh blood in the bathroom and have a good idea from where this blood originated. But there is silence and seemingly no inquiry about this.


The story did turn out to be true. You just have to look at it from a slightly different perspective.

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As for the keys/card. One of the bodycam videos shows someone getting a big set of keys with a white card and AGR sharpie written on it from the glove box of a PoPo car.


Was J13th also high school dress-alike day?
Now we have another person in tan knee-high shorts, that might be called “white short”, even has black shoes & Scrawny looking, just like the gunman… And he looks very out of place and nerveous at the enterence to the east side…
Another white-shorts guy was over on the west side by the retaining wall, and he hung out their long enought to interact with officers searching for the suspect…
You can see him in this image but watch his movements in the clip used in the video… Remember, he was calmly sitting at the retaining wall while others were alerting LEO’s, then as one LEO was back stepping, inches away from a spot where he’d be able to see the Gunman’s position, the guy in white shorts draws his attention to the wrong side of the cooridor between the two buildings… This brings the LEO away from a view across building 6’s north roof face… He then moves around the Uni-cop, keeping him looking down the wrong side of the gap between the buildings… This is orchestrated confusion…
On day one of this incident, when i saw that first video or the first people alert to the threat, that guy’s placement and behavior grabbed my attention as verious suspicious…
I backed off on my suspicion until i saw him draw the Unicop away from a line of visibility to the gunman… Plausible deniability and plausible excuseability are in action on either side of the building where the shooter could have been seen…
That is not accidental… In my Opinion…


carrying on from transcript this is a reply to, from different source video.

M-500 016197

(Patrol Car Audio…that may be a different channel than officer transmissions)

@19:10.06 “13 05 officers officers units inside they have fresh blood in one of the bathrooms…theres fresh blood inside one of the bathrooms…which buildings XXX…the main building…the main big one…the main big one…we need to hold a perimeter around these buildings guys…”

@19:10.55 “the one the operator may have injured himself we are not sure”

@19:11.09 “check in on your operators for any injured and bleeding”

@19:11.20 "13 05 “i know you have probably heard it reported fresh blood in one of the bathrooms in the main AGR building…correction AGR building and then um one of you guys may have been bleeding…were double checking”

@19:11.39 “command Trooper Graham was bleeding in that building…Trooper Graham was bleeding”

@19:11.49. “There was a BSP Trooper that was bleeding inside the building”


This may be the same gentleman that is seen sitting on the wall that Crooks was photographed at as Crooks is walking around the front of the south side of AGR building, (note Greg Nicols sniper riffle in window)…and i believe much later that he directs an officer towards the north to where Crooks climbed onto building 6 before the shooting occurs…that may not be included in the clip you show…(cant remember where from though)

this is from @0:31 into video onwards…


The problems that I find with a breaching tool is that they don’t have harnesses, and they are too heavy to handle with one hand when a person has a phone in the same hand. Sure you can, but who would be moving a heavy steel bar and have a phone in the same hand?

When the cop “fell” back down after he was lifted up onto the roof and confronted by Crooks, there was already a large hand print to the left. Was this smeared blood? I think that was where the wide based ladder was later placed. Was this hand mark removed at some point? That would be very suspicious but I haven’t seen later photos.

First, it is odd that the drive by police drives in having previously told SS to place a snipper on roof. He also conveniently parks with car cam facing that door , and sure used his mobile a lot in view of camera - makes me wonder. As some enforcers leave building 6 it looks as people a few may glance toward the car, perhaps wondering about the car cam.

The hand off is obvious re the possible Hooligan Bar. Shooting sticks can convert to a tripod, but hooligan bar is likely acc to a 1st responder. We may not be looking at same item. I go with the suggestion of a Hooligan bar.

You cannot prep security detail without door access, and the pac man diagram shoes forethought. We do not have internal roof view, nor details of when and by whom Bld 6 had such a large frontal lobotomy (I need to access a medical dictionary, but at least I have seeded a thought to help us remember, as we probably will be given a lobotomy by the time the truth comes out… Stretching matters too far? I really do feel about the deceased and all persons affected. I have not learned to pray very well though.)

Is it possible that a person inside Bld 6 needed a cover. Greg’s role is to??? then exit, door locks, he cannot re-enter till another person provides access from inside. Is he aware of the car cam? Are different officers being played… or is the patrol driver exposing something.

My focus is different … but on this, my attention is drawn to why the car was placed there and that officers behaviour. As Chris said, why would he run into line of fire. This is so complex, so glad that you and your team have ways to remember who is who, doing what, Chris. You know, the not bleeding hand guy boosted, not sprained ankle (or achilles, etc). Unless the ankle really breaks, an ankle injury is evident and needs immediate strapping, but that kind of injury will not stop a person who has umph - no matter how bad. It does not add up with what Pres T appears to have been told - as reported by the new Musketeer. The bigger picture is in play as Chris said: 5D stuff. That is why I watch. I prefer this truth reality to digitized info, or movies. Still the bigger picture is evil theatrics to control us.

I look on because if Pres T does not get elected we get an openly violent, immoral world in which we face guillotines for being disagreeable to the progressive, perestroika, communist agenda. OR under Pres T, we get some chance to breathe and watch for the return of Jesus before the next round after Pres T.

I live with some anxiety about when Jesus will return, so I am no super saint. I am not pushing my faith on to others, just sharing my world view. It is of an art-if-fishy generated spread of primeval chaos. Both Pres T and Elon M have said that a savior would be a good thing. I can’t take much more. I don’t know when to cry and when to laugh.

I don’t want a teddy-bear God to hang on to. I do think that we have reached the penultimate season before Jesus returns. I have no prophesy to share, only a prayer. I recite Psalm 96 every day. Any expression of faith I give is not meant as preachy stuffing to fill out what I write. The political side of me hopes the good guys are in control. If they are, they had to be on this a long time. So, my expressions of faith are my best that I can wish upon people at the risk of my teeth falling out, or worse. People get to say other religous greetings like ‘nameste,’ and Christians are not allowed to even pray quitely, 'Maranath Lord Jesus! ASAP please! ’ It is the most loving thing in an increasingly hostile world toward the one righteous man to ever lived. All other people called ‘righteous’ in their generations, are only called righteous because they put on the garments of radiant holiness Jesus gives out for His wedding feast, and who refuse to bow the knee to false gods.

I wonder if we will know all the facts around this assassin attempt against Pres T. My suspicion is that without fore and after knowledge concerning the prefrontal cortex of Bldg 6, and maybe intel people had on this said day, we all may need a lobotomy.

Oh, I did forget: maybe two snipper shots? That could explain round 9 & 10, and some confusion??? Not much fact yet, but how would we find out - only 3 ways: the snippers, their boss, the evidence. but what would the evidence be? I would not want to know who the boss is. That is too deep. If that is their job and they did it, so be it.

Regarding the YouTube video of 8/12.

First of all, I think it is imperative that someone get a floor plan/building layout of the entire AGR complex. This could answer a lot of questions like, how long could it take to go from upstairs down to let someone in the door and then go back upstairs? Or where exactly is the bathroom that had blood in it? Etc. Someone needs to root out a floor plan. Often times and electrician who the company hires on a regular basis will have something or at least have knowledge. Also if the company contracts out for any IT work, they may have blueprints or diagrams or some info at the least.

Second, do you know that there was blood in the bathroom already when the first 5 rushed in, or was there and injured person WITH the huge second group that rushed in?

Third, when the cop came out carrying something and set it down, I believe it was an M4. I spent 13 years, from 2009 until 2022 carrying an M4 around A LOT! I had that thing slung and unslung, picked up and set down, carried and slept with some many times that I can still feel it and see it and smell it, etc! What he brought out and leaned against the railing was an M4! He set it down and very deliberately and carefully leaned it against the railing. He did exactly as I would have and have seen hundreds of other people do countless times. There is no doubt in my mind. That is an M4.

Lastly, just a note and reminder. Chris and a very few others are really on the right track and I wait anxiously everyday for a new video! Please keep up with the tremendous good work. Also, NEVER GIVE UP!!! NEVER LET THIS GO UNTIL WE KNOW!!!

Best regards


@cmartenson key question- did the “Operator” -walking out all casual like with the rifle walk in with the rifle- was he one of those close combat operators that stormed in? Does the rifle look the same? It doesn’t to me, it is much bigger and longer. So guess what, I think that guy was that one extra guy in the building and he was the extra shooter and he broke in to the AGR building using that tool that the officer brought out and casually placed up against the railing. Who is that “Operator”?


Are you talking about tan shorts Volcom shirt bearded guy? He had a badge hung in the collar of his shirt, had his gun drawn, and was one of the first people through the door of AGR 6 after the shooting. He is either LEO or, let’s say, an amazing guy whose autobiography I would be interested to read.

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I can’t look at the video closely right now, but is there any chance that the casual gun guy has a rifle with the same shape/ bumps near the end? It wouldn’t be definitively the same gun, but it could potentially be ruled out as being the same gun

If the casual gun guy swapped guns, he could have washed the blood off of Crooks’s gun in the bathroom? Name unlikely, but thinking of possible explanations. I habe not read all the comments yet, either

Game of CLUE any one ? This is pure speculation. If there was a second shooter.

It was Greg Nicoll in the second floor window. With the AR15.

Greg, was left alone while his partner (Coke?) went to look for Crooks.
A very calm looking Greg is seen leaving the AGR main entrance (And getting locked out) less than two minutes after the shooting.
Greg’s story is he went down stairs to let his buddy back in after he got locked out.
Greg was VERY keen to be the first one back in the building.
The AR15 which was used for shots 4 thru 8 was snuck out of the
main entrance by two team members
Finally… Greg just looks guilty… as my Gran would say… “His eyes are too close together !” LOL


At this time the radio says something that sounds like “shot” and “stairs” but I hear nothing about “lady” or “bathroom.”

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