The Abandonment Of Posts In The Overwatch Building Is Difficult To Accept

I think he struggled to take breath due to throat damage and bleeding.

Look at some examples but beware the graphic greusomeness.
Here is an example:

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I cannot see a bulge. Perhaps he took of his glasses by his bloody hand.

boody skin

Yup. Speculation here again, but it might have been the entry wound over his eye. Bullets do remarkably unpredictable things at times. However as I stated prior, I would “expect” a rifle caliber that impacted his skull anywhere to have simply exploded his head like a balloon, or shot water melon, etc. It is theoretically possible in the world of unpredictability of bullets for a bullet to have somehow entered at the exact angle to have passed thru his orbital socket without doing “explosive” damage to the eye and skull/brain, etc.

Then again perhaps that’s an exit would of some explosive skull fragment. WE can clearly see his left orbital has bulged so there was significant skull/brain internal trauma.

Or perhaps it’s an abrasion from hard impact with the roof surface, maybe he writhed around for a moment with his face on the roof scratching a abrasive area of skin off, and/or maybe his eyeglasses somehow caused or contributed to the appearance of the injury. May not be a hole but an abrasion from his eyeglasses that appears to be a hole, perhaps writhing around for a moment if we imagine death was not instantaneous.

That could explain all the blood especially from nose and mouth.

Eye socket and especially over left eye is definitely bulged outward. Evidence of significant expansion, hydro shock, internal trauma, etc.

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Look at my pic or Sorey’s. You will see the hole.

But from your picture that could be consistent with a shored exit. Looks like his eye was up against the roof. Or like BigTim says hydro-static shock.

I appreciate all of you doing what you are doing, I realize this is something I need to protect my eyes and ears from for my own wellbeing.

YT fed this up to me,

So I will leave it here.

Thank you to all, for everything you are doing!

What information? They have not made any available!!! A picture of a gun, backpack, car trunk, and one headshot picture. They have lied over and over and over. Fired no one. Got rid of the evidence AND BODY! Forgive me if I do not believe or trust anything they provide(if they ever provide it).
Edit: I am not upset with anyone here. I am just stating that it sucks to live in a FREE country where we cannot trust the authorities to tell the truth. Where we have to work with what scraps we have and try to reveal some truth about this inside job to get rid of the true president of the U.S.A.


OK. I feel like I’ve been a real Debbie-Downer of late because I’ve been disputing other people’s hard work and hypotheses. So, here I go again.
It’s unfortunate because all any of us are doing is dissecting the :poop: evidence purposefully released to us.

I don’t believe there’s a gunshot wound above the eye. Gunshot wounds are so dynamic that rarely are any two alike. Ocular or orbital damage can be present with head trauma away from the eyes, and then be completely absent with a wound very near the eyes. It’s a strange animal for which I have no explanation. However, I’m not even certain that’s what we’re seeing here.

This is where I see the gunshot wounds. Entrance = Top of the corner of the mouth. Exit = Below the ear, back of the mandible.

thomas-matthew-crook bullet

Without a doubt, the bullet severed the carotid artery. That’s why there’s so much blood. He most assuredly lived many, many minutes (possibly up to 10) after taking the hit. Blood loss and aspiration would be the cause of death. It’s very likely the bullet fragmented into the cervical spine as well rendering him incapacitated. The head has also been moved from its original location in this picture.


The head has also been moved from its original location in this picture.

The picture was flipped horizontally.

I don’t think anyone can claim with certainty where the shot entered from that picture alone.

It’s literally not detailed enough.

It could have been from any point along the left side of his face without the area being revealed and cleaned for examination.

Why hasn’t the full autopsy been FOIAd? It absolutely should be.

  • This guy says he saw a picture of the head shot.
  • As I remember, there was some info about officers have been charged due to leaked photos to social media (unfortunatelly I did not save the link).

shot spot

Based on the blood smear patterns, the head was lifted and pulled back for the photo op. There have to be images somewhere of the body before it was moved or manipulated.

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The picture reveals a lot and is all we have to work with. Note the smooth transfer of blood across the subject’s entire face with no pooling. There is considerable congealing in the nostrils where you’d expect to find it from aspiration. Note the circled top of the mouth. There is no reason for blood to pool on the top lip yet there’s a clear coagulation drip. This is caused by blood oozing from the wound until there is no more blood.

The subject’s teeth are also missing on that side and it’s in line with the protruding exit wound near the back of the mandible. The rooftop evidence clearly indicates both the carotid artery (amount of blood loss) and the cervical spine (paralyzation) were damaged which is a perfect fit for this wound channel.

Had the cervical spine not been damaged, the subject would’ve been flopping around the roof like a fish out of water as damage to the carotid artery spewed like a geyser. We know that he instantly dropped and stayed in his (roof) lane. There is no head trauma or organ damage, so the subject was very much alive for several minutes albeit paralyzed as his heart pumped all of the blood from his body out the carotid artery. I hate to imagine what that experience would be like.



They have taken several photos before the suit agent arrived.

(Notice: there are two smartphones in his hand.)

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yea i remember he was taking a photo of the screen of the 1st phone

Autopsy photos and report. All this blurred body cam hypothesizing seems to beg the question: where is the report and photos and how does the public get access to them?

Ditto ballistics, etc. for any rounds recovered in victims and from site.

I apologize in advance. Can someone direct me to the most recent/updated folders/link to the timeline of events that we have from start to finish? I struggle to find and keep the scattered information straight in my head. (Not the best computer skills) I’m going to be bringing additional information to the table later this week that no one has had access to.


Try this. I haven’t seen @rawroku post in a while. Hope everything is okay.


This is the kind of thing I set up the file server for. I hope people will put stuff there, because it can be very hard to go back through the forum to find things.

My advice to people with accounts is to just make a directory with the current date and drag all your reports or notes or whatever there so we can tell what the latest version is.


Link again! Thanks!

Your database must have an elite search feature. We need that!!!