The Abandonment Of Posts In The Overwatch Building Is Difficult To Accept

There’s a small parking lot and driveway on the west side.

Could he have been referring to that location for officer arrival?

We can check videos for that too.

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that small car park at the west side is the car park that the ESU snipers parked their cars in…and would be the logical door (13) for Greg to open to try and find some LEO to tell them where he saw Crooks walking…

and he would only have to do this if his radio was set to a different channel than local LEO, as he could have just radiod from the window above door 13 and guided them in the direction he went…or just shouted out a window from the rear of the building or the west facing window…whatever it is, he is a plonker…and i believe he is the only one talking because the un named snipers acount of this whole fiasco will be different from his…


They had just received notice that internet and cell service wasn’t working- over the radios.

Greg claims he saw the kid, saw nobody was approaching the kid, and made the decision to go down after him.

This makes some sense if the other sniper stays posted, but he didn’t, so it doesn’t.

I’d like to hear details on why the last sniper left his post- timing and communications.

A conspiracy with just Crooks as the gunman would make sense if he was training weekly for a year. Then all they would need is the plausible deniability security gaps. It would take USSS leadership and a local or two.

Throwing in a second shooter increases that by one additional person.

Does anyone know how Greg’s wife got the assignment? That’s interesting for a couple to be on duty for the same rare assassination attempt.

Yeah, I can imagine some weird circumstance where one guy thinks he really needs to run down and personally tell somebody something, maybe due to radio problems or whatever… but in that case, it would be totally understood that the other person has to keep an eye on everything until the other person gets back.

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what we really need to know is who was at what window…Greg is Blue and this is confirmed…but the text from the departing ESU snipersays …

18:26 "someone followed ou lead and snuck in and parked by our cars just so you know
18:27 "im just letting you know because you see me go out with my rifle and put it in my car so he knows you guys are up there he’s sitting to the direct right on a picnic table about 50 yards from the exit

this text is acknowledged by the remaing snipers…

so for 1 of the snipers to see departing sniper that would only happen if 1 sniper was in the west facing window (yellow arc)…Greg cannot see anything but due south…

so does the after action report show that scenarion, as it could be interpreted that way…

so who is positioned where…?

Far be it for me to question the official document, especially the one published by a police department involved in an assassination attempt of a former and future president. You know it has to be as good as gospel.

That disclaimer made, that document said that at 18:05 Crooks was spotted heading in the direction of Sheetz. It could not be the “Butler sniper” because he stayed at his post, per said document. (Note that both sniper locations are shown on the south of building 2 in the diagram.) Who spotted Crooks at 18:05? It must have been the BCESU, which is Greg Nicol.

The report states that from 18:06 to 18:12 Greg went down to meet 1 marked and 1 unmarked patrol car to let them know where Crooks was. Since no unmarked patrol car pulled up at the front of AGR 6, it must be referring to the parking lot near Door 13, on the northwest corner of building 2. Right?

But if there were 2 patrol cars in that parking lot just outside doors 13 and 14, wouldn’t they have seen Crooks? They must have just missed him. Damn the bad luck! Oh, but wait, the diagram showed Greg at the entrance to AGR 6, door 9 not door 13. That must be where he was at 18:12 when the Butler Sniper let him in, right? The document is almost as good as gospel. The problem is, no one came out of door 9 between 18:08 and 18:13 as seen by the dashcam.

And I’m the one accused of spreading misinformation. Good grief!


i think you have the gist of it…the after action report is wrong…and they have door 9 and door 13 mixed up…

So as the record stands we have no video evidence of Greg exiting door 13?

Actually, I think I remember some silver minivan kind of thing parked diagonally behind the police car that took the AGR 6 door dashcam video. I think that’s what they meant by “one marked, one unmarked”. I’ll go track down the details.

Edit: 18:15:27 in Dropbox

I’ll see if I can find anything earlier than that. Edit: I did, 18:10:21 in this video: Dropbox

So the unmarked silver thing must have pulled up and parked right after the cop in front did, because it’s there immediately.

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the problem with door 13 is that it is out of sight down steps behind a wall from anyone under trees or walking the west side of building 2…you can see the window where Greg reports seeing crooks from is, and he would run down and exit door 13 but have to go up the steps and around the corner where the wall is to try and get LEO to talk to…

Yes, but the Book of Butler, verses 18:06 to 18:12 shows Greg at door 9.

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The wall doesnt help, but you would think he would come out further if he was trying to spot Crooks, plus anyone in a more northerly position in the carpark should pick him up. Hopefully we will get some footage in the time window which will sort this issue out.

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lol…but is it Greg or is it yet un named sniper, who then mysteriously goes to No 4 after shots are fired…WTF is that about…?

I’m glad you proved my point that the story posted by Benny Johnson was played out at door 9. But clearly that is a totally different event than what was described in the Butler after report. Ugh!


yes, door nine plays out after the shooting when a clueless Greg appears…but there seems to be a mix up in the after hours report about door 9 when it is door 13…

So, you’re saying Greg went from door 9 to the far northwestern corner of building 4, sometime between 18:12 and 18:12, then exited door 9 at 18:13 and walked around until he discovered he got locked out at 18:15? Got it!

Where can I find the Butler country After report?

Thanks for the link in advance.

ICYMI: Grassley Oversight Unveils ‘Most Detailed Picture Yet’ of Trump Assassination Attempt (near the bottom)


no, i am saying at 18:02 Greg radios he has seen crooks at picnic table walking north from the window above door 13, runs downstairs and goes out of door 13 because he deosnt have coms with local LEO…he doesnt exit door 9 until 18:13 aprox…at 18:12 either Greg (unlikley) or the other ESU sniper is at the N.West side of building numbered 4 in the report as the picture shows…thats why i asked WTF is soneone over there for…and if they were then how long did it take to get there…and why. meaning un named sniper must have left his post before the shots were fired to get to that building…

Without a comprehensive statement, Greg could state that he came out any door on the west side to support his position, so we will never have the video evidence to crush his alibi, the discussion is moot, but the bigger issue is who authorized him leaving his post? And even if he was left outside why didnt he run around to door 9 instead of asking his peer to let him back in?