The Abandonment Of Posts In The Overwatch Building Is Difficult To Accept

i believe by looking at the text message and radio coms, Greg left his position because command asked which direction Crooks was travelling in @ 18:00…he went to the North side of the 2nd floor to the room oppsote of where he was stationed and spotted him…then for some crazy reason went walkabout thinking that was a good idea…

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The defense rests, your honor.

This is a bit interesting.Building 1 has only 1 floor. Building 2 have 2 floors. So may be they were saying he left post in Building 2 go downstairs and walk up to Building 1. and we see him exit 2 solid minutes after shots were fired.

So the other story of his partner left the post to open the door when shots were fired is pure BS or a memory lapse. I very much doubt it can be a memory lapse under the circumstances. Gun shots are hard to ignore.

So plausible scenario 2 is Gregs Partner send him off at 18:06 to go look for Crooks and took the shots or avoided crooks from getting shot(thats if crooks shot 1-8)

also we dont see how Greg could have called his partner to go down to help open the door.

18:15 we can see a bunch of officers on the roof. not in the report somehow.

And if 18:06 Greg left his post, took him 7 minutes to exit the door and if door was open again from inside by Gregs partner(after he communicated with him perhaps using telepathy at 18:15:01 during the unsuccessful attempt to open the door, 20 seconds later the door is open. So if the 7minutes to walk from Sniper position to Door is true for greg(provided he didnt stop in the middle for a smoke or toilet or to masturbate), his partner must have abandoned post 2 minutes after Greg left the room. So anyway the story have a lot of holes. someone is lying or they have it all mixed up.

unless ofcourse greg was talking about another door in another side of the building.

No evidence of Greg outside of building until 2 minutes after shooting.


Agree, but that might change but I am not holding my breath. I think Greg is inside a 3 letter black box that is planned and executed…we may not move forward from this point.

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Note BC BWC2-12211 starts 18:04 already getting out his vehicle near intersection of NE roads direction of Sheetz. 2 other LEO’s are also a bit S of hear from water tower to E along woods looking for suspect.

This tells us coms must have been given prior to this time by Nicols. Seems only evidence to this point of looking for suspect is way E. of AGR bld.


Radio Coms and vehicles entering starts with Suspect spotted by BWC2-122111 at 18:08:30.

Suspect 2nd appearance 18:08:49

Two LEO cruisers racing into parking lot 18:08:54

Unmarked SUV entering 18:09:21

Tells us that Radio Coms went out to everyone that Suspect was on the running on roof at 18:08:30. Impossible for Greg to be going out to talk with LEO’s door 9 as all there was nobody on this side before cruisers showed up.

Note also that Radio coms must have been shared with SS within a minute as the the S CS turned around N to focus on AGR 1.5 minutes prior to first shot.

Sorry, I meant to type 18:10:21.

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I thought it might be good to share a few things about investigations, something I’ve done and trained others on in my professional career for over 30 years. This is as good a thread as any to post it since it applies to some of the recent discussions.

First, as investigators we have to beware of a variety of biases that can negatively impact our ability to reason logically and think critically.

Second, we have to recognize that human memory is fallible, and even the most well-intentioned witness might not provide accurate testimony. (Not to mention those who intentionally provide false testimony for a variety of reasons.)

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So isn’t it as simple as Greg did NOT meet anyone outside door 9 (building 6 AGR) between 6:08-6:12? If that is correct, then obviously, whoever gave
Congress that information is lying. Also, how is it that some say (like Paris) that both left their posts while “others” (like Butler DA) says only one left their post. There is no way this information can be this messed up unless someone is lying and has a reason to lie. I think (lol)


Good points to keep in mind. Evidence by what is in Reports is always suspect but all we can do is try to corroborate with multiple sources of evidence.

Body cam and dash cam videos are some of best ways to corroborate assuming not altered in any way. I am suspect of Crooks black spot appearing at 18;08;30 and not reappearing until 18;08;48 left of 2nd story fully upright. He should have been seen across whole width of 2nd story from right to left or at least at some point getting up not just conveniently right at dark corner.

Going through video frame by frame for 18 seconds nothing appears against the 2nd story wall?

I also cannot come up with a path that would be possible to corroborate with the 12 second Copenhaver video.

Paths 1 and 2 seem to be only ones where view of Crooks running for 2-3 seconds then disappearing for 6 seconds and reappear for 4 in same area.

Would be nice to at least get exact time Copenhaver video started to make any sense of BC footage and timeline. Is anyone able to figure this out to the second rather than 6:08 minute reported?

Remember that there is a reason none of what is being provided has any audio until after shots fired. Obviously trying to ensure / cover up any culpability in allowing this to happen.

If it helps you at all, this is how I’m tracking his roof access and travel. I leave some guesswork as to the apparent left-right movement seen in the Copenhaver video.

Your dashed E to W to E line would not make much sense as it would have Crooks run West blowing his cover of tree from N CS only to retrace back East. The Copenhaver Video would have to have purposely started on W to E run omitting the E to W run in immediate 3 seconds prior.

There also is not enough time overall to make this ill advised detour in 18 second total starting at X-Over b/t Bld. 6 and 4 at 18:08:30.

Very important to determine start of Copenhaver Video to the second.

That’s why it’a dotted line. I’m not thoroughly convinced he’s making a W to E path in the Copenhaver video. The testimonial and photographic evidence, along with the body cam footage clearly shows him on that path from his access point up to the building 4 sighting, though I can’t be certain of how far from the E edge of the roofs he’s at other than the crossover points. I don’t know what gain there is in getting more exact on his building 4 path other than to know if he could have been spotted by SS counter-snipers.

Isn’t it likely, though that all of the people on the west side would have seen either crooks or Nicol if they just looked to their left? Nobody says that they saw that.

Also, I’m still going back to Greg Smith’s testimony that he saw a sniper in the second floor window on the west side the whole time the shooting was going on. To me if we can verify Greg Smith’s story that would directly conflict with Nicol’s story. . Either way Nicol has real issues in my opinion.


That’s my understanding and I’ve seen that official version and his discussing leaving his post (grounds for termination at minimum, I believe, contributing to a murder and many injuries). Or he lied. I’d be VERY curious for a detailed study of all of the AGR grounds videos because in the videos I’ve seen I’ve never seen GN running around looking for patsy Crooks.

Odd that he’d forget his key and the fact the doors lock, TWICE… Almost like he lied about the first time, huh?

Yet on his walkabout, I’ve yet to see him in any witness videos walking around (or frantically running, which would be more appropriate, that he’s in a hurry to locate a suspect and return to his post)…

Apparently Crooks was observed acting suspiciously (some timelines show that on the roof) around 5:52, texts or radio call sent out.

I believe the radio coms to the patrol officer (boosted roof cop) were received at 6pm (18:00) per his car dash cam. I cannot find that video now. I thought it was right at 6pm. Now I’m questioning that…

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Watch this drone footage video to answer the likely access points and routes Crooks took on the rooftop. It’s quite clear now.

He went to the alcove north of building 4, climbed up on a AC unit, small structure, used a pipe like a climbing rope, did a eastern path toward the parking lot, then a straight shot south to his position.

It looks like he is moving “left to right” on the camera and dipping down, purely due to the angles.

I don’t think we have good footage yet of the far back northwest side of the AGR facility.

That would be nice though.

I went back and now have definitive time for Crooks transitioning from Bld. 6 to Bld. 4 at 18:08:03

It appears he laid down on Bld 4 until 18:08:28 when he gets up and slings his back pack over his shoulder.

Someone please help me get Copenhaver Video start time to second so we can tie this all together.

This should work for the start of the Copenhaver video.

Edit: I used a Sky News Australia version of the Copenhaver video.

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