The Abandonment Of Posts In The Overwatch Building Is Difficult To Accept

The diagram shows start of video shows Crooks running along purple line approx as shown left of 2 story bld. and disappears to right of red line which was drawn to very distinct corner of that 2 story bld.

Video and time data points for BC footage all support and other evidence support Path 4 from Bld. 6.

Problem is time and distances to fit 12 seconds of Copenhaver video to match up with BC footage from 18:08:30 to 18:08:48

Double checking positions for Copenhaver to make something make sense.

Thanks. That will help a lot.

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For those interested in the Greg Nicol locations before and after the shooting, and whether or not he met 1 marked and 1 unmarked patrol vehicle outside of door 13, here is a definitive data point 7 minutes after the first shot was fired. It does not prove anything, but it does give us an endpoint to the search for more video evidence.

Bodycam BWC2-122109


Have you seen this video of the roof walking? It was posted 1 hour ago.

i haven’t seen that testimony, if you have a link or youtube title i could watch i would apreciate that…so to the point of what Greg Smith says, that there was a sniper on the west side of AGR…i have looked at multiple videos that show the open window, with the meshing in place but i cant see a sniper riffle…we do have that evidence for the window Greg Nicols was staioned at…should there have been a sniper at the west side, of course there should and there was one all the way up until 16:20 when the ESU sniper left (as shown in text messages)…i am not saying that ESU sniper was stationed in the west window, because i am saying the exact opposite, he was stationed on the south side 3rd or 5th window from west end (Greg is 2nd window) and his text message to Greg and the other un named sniper show that when he left he would be “seen” placing his riffle in the car by the sniper in the west facing window…(see text picture)…but after 16:20 we cant say 100% there was a sniper in the west side window…but it makes sense doesnt it, Greg is supposed to cover the south facing arcs (shown in picture) and the other un named sniper covers west.

I don’t think he ever actually said whether the sniper was facing west or facing south. He just merely said he could see him in the window. Presumably if he could actually see him then it must’ve been facing west. My recollection is that in the interview, he mentioned seeing somebody in the window with a big tattoo. I think Greg Nicol Nicoll has a big tattoo.

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Right, that’s correct facing south? So I guess in theory from where he was standing, he may still have been able to see him, but he would’ve had to have been standing at the window instead of behind his rifle. I had heard that he was actually going to be meeting with some congressman this week. Has anybody heard that?

i havent heard that, but lets hope so…the question still needs to be answered even if both snipers were in the southern facing windows, how did they leave the west facing arc of oversight after 16:20…

heres a good new video that has a very easy breakdown of events…well worth watching…

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great find…it does show us or more literally doesnt show us a few things…

  1. it shows us that ESU sniper who left @4:20 was the only ESU member who travelled by their own car and parked at the west car park…
  2. it shows us, or doesnt show us the car the ESU member who departs says is parked in the west car park, leaving us the question who came and went between 16:20 and 18"20, 1 person who this may have been is the man who walks around the front and tells everyone in front of the AGR building its private property and tells everyone to go…he departs after a LEO vehicle pulls up from the stage side of the fence and speeks with the man (maybe AGR security)…and then departs…but i stress this may have been him its just a guess.

as for Nicols movements inside the AGR building…we only have the After Action report with the various timestamps showing where the 2 snipers are supposed to be…but we dont know who is the triangle and who is the square, but we do know with a high probability that the report was made to cover up what they actually did happen or maybe whoever made the report was accidentally very very sloppy…lol…as for either sniper getting locked out i don’t know where that rumour started and i havent seen it anywhere apart from in comments…

the washington post somehow got hold of the transcript from radio calls, and the article does show Nicols leaving his post at 18:00 and going to the north side of the building and reporting he was at the picnic table then walking north., after that its down to the after action report…

Greg Nicol is Beaver County ESU (BCESU Sniper). This is from the Good Morning America Interview.


lol…yes we know what he looks like, but we dont know who is who from the report…for an example…the report says Butler ESU sniper stays in place (Blue Triangle) untill 18:12 and doesnt leave his post…but we know Greg leaves his post and is at the north window oppsote his position and sees Crooks walking north between building 3 and 4…but waits downstairs for 8 minutes (building 1 in photo) before heading to the corner of building 4 at 18:12…this is when the president is walking on stage…yet he hangs around in building 1 and no Leo cars arrive…he isnt looking out of the doors when the cars pull up in front and doesnt emege from the doors for ages…so either he had a quick peek out the doors when he got down stairs and found no Leo cars there and went to NW corner of 4 and then came back after he heard the shots…and poked his head out the doors which is caught on Leo car dash cam…

but then the Beaver sniper has to acount for his actions…the report says he stays in place…but the PA state commissioner says they both left their posts…which is why i am doubting who is square and who is a triangle…lol…Austin Powers vibes from this post…sorry…lol

Bottom line is the accounts of the two building 2 counter-snipers in this document, and in testimonies is incompetently muddled at best and intentionally deceptive at worst.

Released text messages and videos are the only reliable sources of information on them, as far as I can see. Everything else requires corroborating evidence to confirm it’s veracity.


exactly…the after action report isnt dated, so we only have the grassley publishing date…but i am sure the State police commissioner asked for and recieved correct information, as he obviously wasnt going to take the fall for the ESU guys…he knew they both left their posts…and wouldnt have lied under oath…thats something he would have made sure was correct before going to testify…

noteworthy someone leaked the transcripts of the days radio coms to washington post…so theres no reason they are being with held from the public…unless…

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can anyone help me please…i know nothing about guns or riffles or whatever this is…but i cant work out what is shown in this picture…i see the tripod, i see the sight at the top and i cant work out if thats a larger sight under it or a barrel, because it doesnt line up with where the trigger part is…sorry if this is word salad…but i thought someone might explain it to me, or have a name of the riffle so i can google it…looks weird to me…lol

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I don’t know, and perhaps I shouldn’t answer, but I think someone might do this if they just wanted the scope because it’s excellent, but they don’t intend to shoot. Hopefully someone with more experience will give a more definitive answer.

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Thanks Brian…its the alignment of where the trigger section is, and then i dont see a barrel that the camo is hanging of unless its a sort of ‘Z’ configeration…as i say i dont know anything about riffles, but its obviously not a riffle like the secret service snipers have, this looks like it has a very short barrel, but it appears to be out of alignment of where it would be to where the trigger is…a few inches higher…again, it sounds like word sald that i am saying…but i cant explain the difference of where i think the barrel would be to the trigger…

Chris asked the same question in his video. I have been reading nearly every post for a while now and haven’t seen one about it. I would have captured the info if I did. I will add that I haven’t tried searching for it either.

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ok, i am of to look for the typical swat gun/riffle on google…but this is obviously something to be used as a swat gun, move and shoot thing…but to me, it looks like a gun, with a large scope on it then a smaller scope on top…but i am just confused…i will post if i find anything similar at all.

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possibly AI AT308. picture is at a weird angle so maybe the window frame is obstructing the view of the rest of the barrel, because those rifles are usually packing at least like a 20" barrel, and I have no idea why a sniper would opt out for anything shorter. at that point it would be easier to just have an AR-10 or even an AR-15 platform imo