The Abandonment Of Posts In The Overwatch Building Is Difficult To Accept

Generally someone who wears glasses low on the nose, has good distance and bad nearsightedness. He could even have bifocals and use for mid distance and close. He obviously wore them all the time around the complex. Possibly.

I read your account and looked at your pictures in different positions(which was very helpful). But, you still haven’t included the obvious bullet hole above the eye. If you look at it you will see. Sorry it does not fit in your model of what may have happened. That is why I point it out, so you can somehow account for and incorporate it.
“Exit wounds may be circular like entrance wounds, but they are more often irregular in shape. They may be slitlike or have ragged edges. They do not have a rim of abrasion like entrance wounds unless a victim’s skin is pressed against another object. This is called a “shored” exit wound. Skin around an exit wound may also be discolored because of underlying bleeding in the soft tissues.”

If I was unable to clearly see a perfect hole above his eye, I would agree.

We have an exit or entry in the right neck near his ear. From his position, best guess is that is the exit. We don’t know definitively where the entrance was; some people (myself included) speculate that it might have been right thru the mouth (there appears to be damage to his left upper lip area, adding to this theory) so the back of the throat would have been the actual entrance, offering little resistance and not a spectacular exploded head nor “instant” death. I speculate this because had he been shot in the side of the head or face, with a large caliber rifle, I would expect his head to explode into millions of pieces with brain matter everywhere due to hydrostatic shock and other physics.

I do also see a round “hole” over his left eye. I don’t know what that is. But I would expect if that were the entrance it would have likely blown/destroyed his eye, which is clearly bulged but intact. I’d also expect the skull resistance to have exploded his head like a balloon, unless the bullet navigated somehow thru his eye socket without destroying his eye, blowing up his head, and exiting his neck. I think that unlikely. Look at the near perfect face imprint in blood, we can see both eyes are open and if his left eye had been shot I’d expect blood to have poured out that area, which is not what we see. I think the bulged but intact eye is from hydro shock, but can’t explain the round injury - perhaps that was from his glasses somehow damaging his eye lid?

It appears that death was possibly quick but not instant, due to the amount of blood loss, suggesting the heart pumped for a few more moments. Just a lethal wound thru the throat/neck, maybe brain stem damage, etc. That again, is speculation. I am no doctor. He could have supposedly just leaked blood even while dead. But again I’m no doctor. I have seen a lot of dead people in war though.

As it remains the bulged eye socket and eyeball are consistent with some low levels of hydro-static shock. This is a common result. Example: Ever caught a mouse in a spring trap? Big snap on the neck, their eyes often bulge out due to the immense pressure applied.

If you watch videos of large caliber bullets hitting objects like full soda bottles or water mellons and similar you’ll get a good idea of what the head does when struck “solidly” by a large caliber bullet. The fact Crooks head is “mostly” intact suggests to me, the bullet entered his mouth, perhaps left cheek? (meeting no resistance), but actually penetrated the back of his throat and exited his neck. Had it hit his head solidly I’d have expected to see very little of his head remaining.

As a for instance, I watched a suicide video of a Iraq war vet who famously streamed it online. He placed a large caliber hunting rifle under his chin and pulled the trigger. His head exploded akin to popping a balloon, leaving nothing but maybe 20-30% of his empty skin, a fleshy emptiness, and a enormous bloody mess of brain matter and head parts. Instant, decapitated, headless corpse sitting in a chair. That’s what I’d have expected had Crooks been hit in the actual brain cavity of his head with any high caliber rifle round.

And thankfully Trump avoided that fate that day as well.


Can someone show me the image of the bullet wound over the left eye?

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to me it is not that obvious that he has a bullet hole above the eye…
I know certain people claim that he has an entry wound around the eye and that that bullet exited his neck, but I simply do not know…

about stippling gunshots and tattooing: that is something that is seen with suicides or with close distance gunshot wounds, but this is not what one would expect when looking at longer distance gunshot wounds…

I do not have a certain model in which things need to be pushed…

I look at the evidence and fit the puzzle pieces together.
if there are puzzle pieces that do not fit, the story is not clear, and then we wait until additional evidence pieces or analyses become available, and we see where we get with that information…

it depends who fired the 9th or 10th bullet:

  • from my view, the SWAT officer who fired the 9th bullet may also have fired the 10th bullet, and this could have led to:
  1. damage to the buffer tube if the senator’s report is to be believed, and the 10th bullet
  2. may have entered him in his lower left chin/cheek/jaw with an exit wound at the opposite side of his face, damaging the stock if it had not been damaged by the 9th bullet
  • given that the SWAT officer only fired the 9th bullet,
  1. the 10th bullet may have been a higher caliber (.300 Winchester Magnum) if it originated from any of the barn snipers, but if the Washington Co. sniper fired from across the green, he would have used different, potentially less devastating, caliber…
  2. it is also possible that another SWAT officer or another person with a rifle fired the 10th round…

we know that crooks was looking to the right in the direction of the witnesses near the trees after he had interacted with the 9th shot, and he was also pointing his rifle towards these people.

if the 9th bullet had damaged his rifle significantly, I would not think that he had still kept it in his hand while looking at the crowd on the right and directing his rifle towards them…

if the 9th bullet had shattered the stock, I would have expected the rifle to be kicked out of his hand, or similar…

we see there is a significant blood trail in the 20th lane on the roof.
this means that he did not die immediately after he got shot:

  • if the 9th bullet caused serious harm, he may have started bleeding until the 10th bullet finished him off
  • if the 9th bullet did not cause huge blood loss, the 10th shot must have done so
  • it is even possible that he was still alive when the first responders arrived on the roof: they deemed it necessary to handcuff him, and it is not necessary for a dead body to be handcuffed…
  • it is even possible that (under the assumption that he fired any shots) that injury above his eye was caused by a hot ejected casing…

yes, caliber and gun placement are very important…
a movie I can recommend related to that topic is Liebestraum: Liebestraum (1991) - IMDb

absolutely true, and the flag above Trump’s podium was flying in a nearly horizontal position, meaning the slightest, gentler breeze would have caused total disaster…

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Are we certain the rifle was shouldered when the tenth round came in? If so, I like the grandstand for the angle, but then we have @greg_n who’s confident the tenth shot came from the south barn from his audio work. :thinking:

Someone please direct me to the bullet wound above the eye, I’ve not seen it. I’ve seen a lot of bullet wounds and believe I see the entrance and exit on Crooks but I’ve seen no images showing the “above the eye” wound.

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I’m sure they did not want his head to be exploded. They needed a picture of his face.

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His left eye is not closed entirely. No damage. Not a bloody red eye,

Thank you. I can’t imagine what you have been through. I was sickened by researching. I have watched pro snipers shooting and exploding “heads”. I always believed there was no way there wouldn’t be more damage until I looked at actual gunshot wound victims. I agree with your thoughtful explaination, except as you also can’t explain, such a perfect circular hole…hydro-static shock…could be.

I think he struggled to take breath due to throat damage and bleeding.

Look at some examples but beware the graphic greusomeness.
Here is an example:

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I cannot see a bulge. Perhaps he took of his glasses by his bloody hand.

boody skin

Yup. Speculation here again, but it might have been the entry wound over his eye. Bullets do remarkably unpredictable things at times. However as I stated prior, I would “expect” a rifle caliber that impacted his skull anywhere to have simply exploded his head like a balloon, or shot water melon, etc. It is theoretically possible in the world of unpredictability of bullets for a bullet to have somehow entered at the exact angle to have passed thru his orbital socket without doing “explosive” damage to the eye and skull/brain, etc.

Then again perhaps that’s an exit would of some explosive skull fragment. WE can clearly see his left orbital has bulged so there was significant skull/brain internal trauma.

Or perhaps it’s an abrasion from hard impact with the roof surface, maybe he writhed around for a moment with his face on the roof scratching a abrasive area of skin off, and/or maybe his eyeglasses somehow caused or contributed to the appearance of the injury. May not be a hole but an abrasion from his eyeglasses that appears to be a hole, perhaps writhing around for a moment if we imagine death was not instantaneous.

That could explain all the blood especially from nose and mouth.

Eye socket and especially over left eye is definitely bulged outward. Evidence of significant expansion, hydro shock, internal trauma, etc.

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Look at my pic or Sorey’s. You will see the hole.

But from your picture that could be consistent with a shored exit. Looks like his eye was up against the roof. Or like BigTim says hydro-static shock.

I appreciate all of you doing what you are doing, I realize this is something I need to protect my eyes and ears from for my own wellbeing.

YT fed this up to me,

So I will leave it here.

Thank you to all, for everything you are doing!

What information? They have not made any available!!! A picture of a gun, backpack, car trunk, and one headshot picture. They have lied over and over and over. Fired no one. Got rid of the evidence AND BODY! Forgive me if I do not believe or trust anything they provide(if they ever provide it).
Edit: I am not upset with anyone here. I am just stating that it sucks to live in a FREE country where we cannot trust the authorities to tell the truth. Where we have to work with what scraps we have and try to reveal some truth about this inside job to get rid of the true president of the U.S.A.


OK. I feel like I’ve been a real Debbie-Downer of late because I’ve been disputing other people’s hard work and hypotheses. So, here I go again.
It’s unfortunate because all any of us are doing is dissecting the :poop: evidence purposefully released to us.

I don’t believe there’s a gunshot wound above the eye. Gunshot wounds are so dynamic that rarely are any two alike. Ocular or orbital damage can be present with head trauma away from the eyes, and then be completely absent with a wound very near the eyes. It’s a strange animal for which I have no explanation. However, I’m not even certain that’s what we’re seeing here.

This is where I see the gunshot wounds. Entrance = Top of the corner of the mouth. Exit = Below the ear, back of the mandible.

thomas-matthew-crook bullet

Without a doubt, the bullet severed the carotid artery. That’s why there’s so much blood. He most assuredly lived many, many minutes (possibly up to 10) after taking the hit. Blood loss and aspiration would be the cause of death. It’s very likely the bullet fragmented into the cervical spine as well rendering him incapacitated. The head has also been moved from its original location in this picture.


The head has also been moved from its original location in this picture.

The picture was flipped horizontally.