The Abandonment Of Posts In The Overwatch Building Is Difficult To Accept

Thanks for posting this. I hope Chris Martinsen watches this video if he hasn’t seen it. Head of PA State Police says they left their post, but the Butler County DA says they did not. Repost of video, start at 20:30:

The DA may or may not be correct that they did not leave their post at all, but since Greg Smith saw them during the shooting, we know that during that time the DA is likely correct.
Having to lean out the window appears correct, but the lean needed appears small and should have been easily managed by these professionals. This video shows it:
Also there is the side window onto the roof they could have used if they had access.
They had everyone shouting and pointing below so they knew what was going on.
The unmanned roof was one of the first points of inquiry and was the genesis of the lies that the roof was too sloped or too hot, and hopefully it’s unraveling.
Congress must grill these snipers, and interview Greg Smith and his friends.
God bless Greg Smith.


If they came out that side window, Hercules 1 and 2 would have seen them? That’s a question. Hercules 1 and 2 were last resort protection, SWAT in that building should have been covering all of the building tops. Crowd control not protect Trump on the X. My latest mind set thinking is they were there for crowd control and to LIHOP. The entire time of Crooks being there he was among and surrounded by Cops and Swat. Amazing even had a range finder. WTF to be blunt.

This thing,, Beaver County’s own after-action report, says that somebody went downstairs.


There were 3. One left early, where did he really go. Second sniper went to look for Crooks. Third sniper left post to let second sniper back in to building.

Is that what really happened? As you mentioned the parapet is a perfect place to shoot from. The 1st 3 shots were controlled and professional, the second 5 were erratic by someone who was nervous and unprofessional.

Did one of the two ESU snipers go up on the roof to the parapet. Were they waiting up there for Crooks, the patsy to show up so they could coordinate their shots. Crooks was to fire as ESU sniper on roof fired. After ESU sniper fired he began to leave as he was done with his part. Climbing down from parapet. Any shot residue at area of parapet? Crooks observed ESU partner getting away without him and turned his gun on ESU sniper in parapet as he was climbing down and ESU sniper fell hurting his foot. Who hurt their foot? Were they identified? Were they one if the ESU snipers?

Crooks then was taken out by the Secret Service and 3rd ESU sniper let 2nd ESU sniper back in the building. Where did ESU sniper leave and reenter the building? Was that coordinated as the escape route for ESU sniper?

Seems too convenient fir the ESU guys to be absent from their post at just the right time. All three ESU guys whereabouts need to be accounted for. Difference in echos and sounds from the rifles need to be accounted for. Why did they initially count 5 brass and then later modify to 8? Why did they tell people to leave the roof between that time? Who were the people up the? Did it include any of the ESU snipers?

Sorry, don’t have the funds to subscribe as a member.

Vincent W. Converse CDR, USN (Ret.)

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Right! Maybe I will call on Monday and see if I can get any answers! I mean talk about liability issues. I heard they are a DoD contractor?

Here’s the Candice Owens, Greg Smith podcast:

I’m shocked. The window it appears Smith saw the man in was the side window of the 2 story building. The one leading to the roof of the building behind Crooks. I assumed it was one of the front windows, but apparently not.

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Some more questions arise from these videos posted by The Butler Eagle. It shows new audio of at least 9 shots.
We need to get this added as a new audio source. This time from a LEO.

There are YouTube videos posted by the local newspaper, The Butler Eagle, that have zero blur and you can see multiple angles of the roof and the shooter and the 2-story building behind it with some open windows and the water tower. Its definately worth a watch before it gets deleted.
I don’t see any brass (casings) on the roof at all. And I want to see them, but they aren’t there.

Not the best screenshot I have, but there’s lots of video around the roof.


The casings were easier to see in the later bodycam (which was released earlier). Audio & Video of the Assassination Attempt - #217 by brian60221

I will watch this in its entirety, but it is not what I “watched” Greg Smith say about him watching from the West Side of the overlook building with “someone in the window while the shooting was going on”. I am confused about this (moment trump appears to be shot at rally) 1min30sec
I’ve been paying attention to this guy for a long time, who appears at many Trump Rallies behind him. His name is Vincent Fusca. I doubt that’s who he is, but anyway… He’s the dark hatted guy at the upper left. Stop the video at 3 sec in.
This “Vincent” turns to face another brown hatted man over two people, who turns to look at him. There’s also a woman in the same row clear over to the right, wearing big sunglasses and a red, white, and blue big hat too, that looks over also.
I noticed them first thing as i seen this. Looks to me like they are signaling each other, as they know something is about to happen. Fusca never reacts, flinches, nothing. Bet he’s wired too. I wonder what his hands might be doing. The other hatted guy appears to me to lean in to observe what’s going on in the huddle. The woman squats down, and disappears. I wanted somebody, you, to see this, for whatever it may be worth. Lin in Iowa

You and me both. I’m quite puzzled by his behavior that included running around to the front of the building to be in the direct line of fire from a perp with an AR.

He did not yell GUNGUN!GUN!

He did not draw his sidearm until he had run around to the South of Bldg6.


But not as odd as all the other police/LEO on the West side of bldg6 unable to locate or draw down on Crooks, or yell, or alarm or alert in any way.


And how on earth did the officer on the picnic table NOT see what was on the roof NOR take preventative measures?!

Good questions, except the Crumbly one; both of them are adults, gun was sold to him.

What about the disappearing vents?

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it’s just the angle of the bodycam. they usually sit pretty low, like right around sternum-height, so you have to pretend like you see everything from the height of someone who is like 4’11 - 5’5 depending on the height of the cop. those cops wearing army fatigues had their cameras on their helmets, and only a few local cops choose to wear theirs really high up due to the size of those cameras, so they like to keep them around the chest/sternum area since it’s easier to carry and attach it to their plate carriers/vests.

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Same officer, same camera. Look closer, the whole wall is out of focus, grainy, poor quality, looks like a black and white photo, where 2min 15 seconds before, full color vents clearly. By then way the vents are clearly seen through out the video from many angles. I keep asking everyone and all I have gotten this far is a like and crickets. Why would they change the video? You are my first reply and you are trying to dismiss this. The question is not if it was obfuscated, but why?

what is your issue with the body camera being too low to capture the vents on the roof? you have videos of people on the roof,
here take all the screenshots to your hearts desire and show us the missing vents

gun is not photoshopped(or composited as its the right word for a video).

as someone who do this everyday, i can guarantee you its not comped in. I am guessing all they have done is to move the gun away from crooks body and then throw it few meters away.

What i think is fake at this point is the closeup picture of cooks bloodied face that was released within an hour of the shooting that resembled maxwell yearick. I think someone played with that a tad bit to resemble yearick. But I could be wrong and it was probably just the way it felt.

Regarding shells. I can sort of see a bit of them. the pic with yellow circles is the older bodycam video released. So if u match back to the frame, there are objects arnd that resembles the same.

Now this cam is not from the 1st cop on location. Until we have helmet cam from that officer, we are merely working with what we have so far.

I dont understand why they had to point a gun at a dead body and why they had to tie up his hands.

Can someone help explain that bizzare part? A headshot wound means they need to make sure he wont wake up again and shoot at them?

edit: quite evident from the video that the roof shakes/vibrates when someone is walking on them - considering the cops are heavy. So the shells could have moved a bit. you can see no one was paying attention to the shells and walking all around where we see the shells later.

How could Greg see this guy in this window? Isn’t this window/door east facing? Do I have that wrong? Wasn’t Greg on the west side of the building the whole time?


Depends on their department and/or protocol for an event like that. Some departments make you still “detain” the suspect by restraining their hands, despite there being a fatal wound. Some departments don’t have that and they just leave the body there.

But one thing they all do is move the weapon away. The body will have to be examined by medics and then moved, you don’t want the chance of random fingerprints getting on the weapon, or someone spilling some fluids or something over it and possibly damaging the evidence. It’s also good to do that because some people that look dead, aren’t always dead. Some people get headshot wounds and keep fighting if their gun is within arms reach. You never know, so it’s easier to just take the simple precaution and move the weapon.