The Abandonment Of Posts In The Overwatch Building Is Difficult To Accept

WOW THE END PART OF THIS IS TELLING. THIS GUY SAYS SEVERAL TIMES THAT HE TOLD SS TO POST SOMEONE “HERE” (MEANING AT THAT SIDE OF THE BUILDING??). Another guy seems to say he thought “we” were on the roof? The body cam guy says no we were inside


And this body cam guy says that Secret Service told him that they would post guys on the ground on the east side. Never happened

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I don’t understand why these guys are not talking to Tucker Carlson. Just blow the thing wide open and let the light of truth burn away all the corruption.


Great question and I’ll add, why were there 10-15 or more police INSIDE the AGR 2 story building adjacent to the parking lot? After the shooting, the police bodycam shows all these law enforcement come rushing OUT OF the 2 story building. I’m watching this scratching my head what all these guys were “securing,” the next poker hand or piece of pizza?

How incompetent!!! You cannot secure the area if you’re all huddled in buildings playing cards and eating pizza…


IMO they had to blur out the gun because it didn’t match all the casings on the roof. It’s easy to photoshop in a gun 6 feet away not touching anything. A gun that would match all casings.

Where are the forensics on the casings compared to Crooks’ gun? Where are the forensics on the bullets from the victims? Did they test for gun powder on him? Standard questions that should easily be answered by now.


Just a reminder this is a “chocolate + peanut butter” scenario.

You can have all these SS and LEO failures and still have an uneventful day.


You could have some nutjob attempt to get on the roof with a rifle and range-finder and IED detonation device, but with proper security he gets stopped, detained, and arrested and the event is uneventful.

But for both to happen and Crooks to “infiltrate” and get on the one vulnerable stop with a rifle, rangefinder, and IED detonation device, there is ONLY ONE ANSER. IT WAS AN INSIDE JOB ORCHESTRATED AND ALLOWED TO HAPPEN

For hours not one cop stopped or detained Crooks. For some 10+ minutes he’s on the roof and nobody stops him.

Reagan’s failed attempt by a man in a crowd with a concealable pistol aside, don’t forget that the LAST TIME such a event happened was 62 years ago! And it’s quite evident the CIA was involved in Kennedy’s head shot assassination, with the story of a “lone gunman firing THREE SHOTS from an elevated position” parallel to the failed Trump assassination.


I had this question also. Greg Smith was adamant about this point. Didn’t witness Smith also say at some point that the sniper on the second floor had a tattoo sleeve similar to that of Nicols?


Indeed! It’s obvious it was an inside job by the Deep State… we just need to prove it. They can manufacture, produce, cover-up and narrate anything they want.

You can hear someone in the stands in a TikTok video talking about being at the airport and hearing about this PA rally being the one Trump might be assassinated. So apparently it wasn’t much of a secret.

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Yes. Candace Owens interviewed Greg Smith and she was shocked that Greg told her nobody contacted him for an interview. He gave specific details not to be questioned by any LEO or investigators. Very odd!

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Absolutely! That definitely needs explanation.
(sun blocked in cruiser dashcam after shot #8)

It’s a good thing that “We The People” are beginning to get a sense that it is us - not them - that have the real power in this country. We just need to wake up!


Going back to the JFK assassination, I think there have been a number of people who have chosen the “red pill” instead of the “blue pill,” to use the Matrix analogy, and that number has steadily grown with each “false flag” event over the years. The problem is that group is still too small of a percentage of the population. In my own circle of influence I have found it very difficult to wake people up, even with the strongest of evidence. Too many people are content with taking the “blue pill.”


Already done. I spent all morning, on my own going through it, which I always do before reading or watching anybody else’s views or thoughts.

So I pre-apologise if I didn’t notice or absorb someone else’s fantastic analysis or observation

That will be for the second run…

For now, these body cam tapes raise many more questions than they answer…


Can you share that video, or a link to it please? I was trying to locate the version I’d seen but came up short yesterday.


Good Afternoon Chris
I just finished looking at the cop-cam being worn by the officer who initially was boosted up onto the ledge of the roof and got a view of Crooks. It appears that he boosted up enough to onto his elbows to allow his body camera to get a view of the lower roof before he fell (or jumped, whatever) back to the ground. In his own words on the body cam he states that he was up there long enough to notice that Crooks had a weapon, a back pack, long hair and glasses. I realize that this doesn’t take much time at all to notice, but he was up there that long. His actions subsequent to coming back to the ground really puzzle me however. It appears that he hit the ground and without saying much at all about what he had observed (especially that there was a person on the roof with a gun that had been pointed at him), took off running to his patrol car out in the parking lot to fetch his long rifle. Upon arriving at the car he took some time opening the car door at which time he reached in and got the long gun. He then proceeded to fumble about loading the weapon. He then proceeded to go to the rear of his vehicle in order to not be in the line of any possible gun fire. After some time he proceeded to run from his vehicle to the back of another vehicle parked in the lot, again concealing himself from harm. Again, after some time and after he heard that the shooter had been neutralized. he came out from behind the vehicle cautiously and approached the side of the building that Crooks was on, shielding himself once again at the side of the building. During this time he was attempting (poorly) to inform the other uniforms in the area of what he had seen. Of course this was after the fact of the shooting and counter shooting/kill. Only after he was fully sure of the fact that he was not going to get shot he “BRAVELY” approached the side of the building where an officer boosted him to the roof where several other officers were already present.
I realize that every individual acts differently under trying circumstances such as this. However that being said this individual is a trained police officer probably carrying a sidearm and likely a taser. He appeared to be in full protective gear. The time that he took to go to his vehicle and get his long gun allowed Crooks to take 8 shots and the sniper to take him out.
Am I the only one who is questioning this officer’s actions? If he had kept his head and either boosted himself back up to the ledge with his handgun, or at least gotten immediate help , this situation likely would not have occurred.
I feel that most likely his thoughts were “I’ll be damned if I am going to put my life in jeopardy for this clown, Trump”. Hopefully the truth will come out.

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One of the guys on the roof at the end says, “So much for a picture with Trump.” Not all these guys are in on the plot. They appear to be stunned at the USSS incompetence and neglect.

You hear the guy admit there were guys inside the building. How do they not hear Crooks running on the roof??

The first guy who climbed on the roof didn’t appear to have injured hands… so where did the blood in the bathroom come from?

You definitely see a flash in bottom 3rd window at the exact time shot 1 is fired. 6:11.32
Unlike the Dave Stewart video where you see that light AFTER the shooting.

Know what is cool?

I was right about the sun being past the building so it’s not the sun in the windows. Confirmed by body cam.

Let’s go science.

And I think I know what it actually is.

The source of the light reflecting in the window is the officer with the body cam.

Follow the three windows as he runs in front of the building. A light is reflected in each one as he moves down. Maybe his body camera light?

First window flash 18:11:22 and then the other two follow with him.

That doesn’t explain the ones after he leaves though.

But it does show the fence line is clear.

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I don’t understand why Tucker isn’t even talking about this. He has been saying this was inevitable, but now won’t mention it. I’m hoping he’s doing his own investigation with all the sources he has.


You are right about the sleeve tattoo although I am not sure if Greg said it. Here is the article:

Research video editing state of the art. I wonder if it’s edited to show the lone gunman. That muni cop showing up at the last minute, zipping over to the roof when an army of crowd control cops were eating doughnuts in the building directly below the shooter literally 10 feet vertically away. Cops had the building surrounded.

Answer is they were there for crowd control, mass casualty event → not protect Trump. That was Secret Service’s job. Apparently. Not once did I hear any of the cops say Get Trump off the Stage. Traffic cops basically however “dressed like Tarzan act like Jane.”

And I noticed in Bozeman Montana when Trump walked out the long haired SS agent is there behind Trump. Still on the job Charley’s Angels with a gun. Lets keep working it. Thanks Chris.

Sorry it’s behind a paywall but somebody will read the whole thing.

Breaking down the bodycam footage: Video from Trump’s Butler County rally shows disconnect between a – Butler Eagle