The Abandonment Of Posts In The Overwatch Building Is Difficult To Accept

I also heard initially that blood was found in a bathroom of building 6 and that it was a result of the policeman who climbed up and was confronted by Crooks hurting his hand. Unfortunately, I do not remember where I heard it.

FOX News got via FOIA new bodycam and dashcam videos from Butler County police.

Several videos are posted in the article, some seem cut down or edited. Here are the best versions I have found:

  • Bodycam video of Butler Township policeman boosted to roof
  • Montage of videos, including dashcam video in front of AGR picnic table with new audio of shots 1-9, as well as of bodycam of LEO asking BC ESU snipers why they were not on the roof, as well as of conversation about how “when Trump was coming in they shut down cell service”!
  • Bodycam video of angry local LEO alleging he told SS on Tuesday to be on that roof (starts at 2:00)
  • Bodycam video of local LEO who screamed (also in D Stewart video) “If you are not law enforcement, GO!”

There is a lot of material in each video, which deserves a good separate discussion.

Btw, I find it curious that one day after Chris put out his video about how BC ESU snipers had a lot to explain, the Butler Township Police (separate) released to FOX all this material, which makes this local police, PA State police look much better (confirming story of boosting on roof) but which makes SS and ESU snipers look even worse. In one video, a local policeman complains he told SS to be on that roof four days before; in another, a BC police seems to be questioning one of the BC ESU snipers:

Bodycam guy: “I thought you were on the roof … I thought it was you”

Thinned voice (inside AGR?): What?

Bodycam guy: I …er … I thought you guys were on the roof.

Thinned voice: No … we were inside.

[Radio interrupts: Hold on Bravo 1 …] (I think this is codename for one ESU sniper?) Then a faint background conversation between others follows, about unprotected roof. Point is this makes BC ESU sniper look worse.


Turned out to be mostly true, see here. There was a Butler Township policeman boosted to the roof of the connecting corridor, he rose as far as his elbow then jumped down (presumably saw Crooks, but one cannot see if Crooks pointed rifle at him), then he started to run to grounds in front of AGR 6, then after shots to his cruiser.

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Which color uniform they wear is a local thing. Black was all the rage, then some went to ODG and then to different variations Multi-cam.The term SWAT changes depending on the Agency. They can be doing the same job, but use a different acronym. SWAT is just the best known by the general public.

Thanks Brian, found exactly what I was looking for. I knew I’d seen that video before, when the south-facing team actually moves.
Looks like it’s more than 30 seconds before the first shot was fired, so it’s even more damning than the 15 seconds I estimated earlier.


Thank you Commenter! You have labled your source( Fox via Butler County). I wish we had a material source and release timeline. We could learn a lot and know who to direct false information questioning and accountability to! If I need PI work done I’m calling you.

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Good writeup. A few random thoughts and observations.

  1. The flash in the window COULD support the idea there was someone firing from an elevated concealed position thru a wall vent as many theorize, and a white flash in the room might be visible thru the window. The vents are hard to see in the video, some theorize they are edited out along with the sound.

  2. This officer (or someone) is noted later in the video as saying “I told Secret Service to cover that building on Tuesday.” or similar words. Whether he did that or that’s a cover is unknown.

  3. We do see the tall orange ladder being brought over later in the video.

  4. This officer seemed to show some initiative but overall befuddled, cowardly, and inept. I hate to armchair this but holy he11 you’d think this was day one. He could have fired his sidearm into the dirt to alert everyone and that would have immediately gotten Trump off the stage and everyone notified. He could have told others to get on top of vehicles for a better view. But instead he hopelessly runs around, fumbles for an eternity with his AR15, and is generally useless and does NOTHING else to contribute. Everyone just seems to stand around waiting for it to unfold and for others to do something…

Edit: I was mistaken, on close review it’s a shadow, not blood on his right hand.


Pretty sure these are dressed as “Washington regional SWAT - PA” for this event. However, one of both may also be on a more regular basis part of BC ESU (as the interview screenshot shows), and even more regularly part of a local police department. Check out the patch of this guy, dressed alike:

I have it in my head that getting hit even with something like a round from a 9mm is like someone hitting you hard with a bat or a hammer. Yes, it prevents you from being perforated and internal organs ripped up, but it’s still dreadful. And that’s just from a handgun. Getting shot with a rifle will usually be vastly worse.

I agree. I think it’s worth distinguishing between

  • the mass of guys who appear in these latest videos - they seem not even to know Crooks is on a different roof, and devoid of clear information
  • the two BC ESU snipers who abandoned their posts at the worst possible time for an extended period of 7 minutes, without good reason, one of whom, Greg Nicol, appears suspiciously relaxed right after the shooting when other LEOs clearly think there is high danger still

What these videos strongly suggest is that there was no second shooter on the roof close to Crooks. They also suggest to me that some local police don’t want PP and its readership to think the “police was boosted” story is BS, because this release came out one day after Chris posted the above update video.

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40 some years ago, in an article about soft body armor. One case a LEO was hit right over his heart from a 30/30 rifle. The vest stopped penetration, but a rare fluke. His heart full of blood and the back face of the vest deformation caused severe injury or death. I don’t remember if he died or not.

It’s certainly POSSIBLE that there are advanced soft armors that might stop a AR15 5.56x45mm round, but they would have to be beyond “next generation” armor. That round is moving usually around 3000 to 3200 feet per second and will go thru up to level 3 or 3+ hard plate armor reliably, and would zip thru commercially available soft armor like it wasn’t there. Generally it requires a heavy solid armor plate (usually ceramic or woven materials, level IV) to reliably stop that bullet, and it’s impractical to cover all areas of the body with concealment. If you need a visual, look at those big strong SWAT and SS type guys and all that big gear, much of that is hard body armor to protect against rifles.

As far as being shot in that area, it’s certainly possible but it seems we’d know about it even from Trump himself. I think it’s safe to conclude that he wasn’t shot in the chest or anywhere else.

Being shot in soft armor with a pistol would be a hard punch and leave a bruise. A rifle round would likely/normally zip thru soft armor with ease. Being shot in a plate armor would probably sting but do little more if the plate stopped the round.

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The more I think about this, the more I agree. If someone was yelling that there was a guy with a gun on top of my roof, I would first yell to my family there is danger on the roof, get down, take cover. Next I would get my gun. Next I would try to see him myself from a safe vantage point. Once I spotted him I would fire. Where is he going to hide? He is on a rooftop for all to see. I would not have Uncle Jim hoist me up to a roof (especially without my gun drawn). Has anyone every tried hoisting someone onto a horse? Not as easy as you think. This is b.s. They really think we are stupid. How deep does this go!?

Standard level III(3) will stop 5.56 & 7.62 NATO ball ammo. level IV is. rated for .30/06 black tip armor piercing.

I’ve seen Youtube video tests with M193 5.56 defeating 3 and 3+. Search for it if you don’t believe. Oddly due to the smaller size and the fast speeds it sometimes does better than .308. Hard to believe but I’ve seen tests.

Regardless, these are all big heavy solid plates, which is the ultimate point. It does NOT appear Trump is wearing big heavy solid plates regardless of levels 3 or 4.

Why were there so many police, SWAT, plain clothes inside that building between a fence and the 50,000 people watching trump give his speech at the Rally. If something happened over at the behind the fence they couldn’t even get there, video of the police ramming the gate, there is video of the LEO’s SS, etc getting help from a Man and Woman through the crime scene tape of the fence. All armed for a war but inside and between a fence and the 50,000 people.

Meanwhile there’s a 20 year old radicalized hating patsy on the roof with an AR15 shooting over the fence at Trump.

Look at the body language here. I see disgusted participants or great guys with their hands tied knowing what’s really going on. Pick out the Rat or are they silenced heroes. We won’t know until the JFK files are released.



At 10 minute they’re talking about someone who hurt his hand.

I remember that but after the body-cam footage of that officer dropping a few hours ago, his hands looked fine. He didn’t say anything about it either. Another guy investigating the case pointed out blood smears on the metal when the cop was first lifted up. He thinks is Yearicks blood from cutting his hand…

Just posting this link in case it provides new info. Haven’t read through the thread, busy day.

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@cmartenson in case no one done this yet, synced new bodycam video wthout audio with the djstrewart audio nd video

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