The Abandonment Of Posts In The Overwatch Building Is Difficult To Accept

Thank you, Chris, for the great summation and combination of so many timelines and articles.

Just hours after your video dropped, Butler Township Police released a bodycam video verifying and clarifying the narrative of the boost to the roof.

It also released a montage video that deserves its own analysis. (It starts with a cruiser cam video/audio by Motorola that records the time of the first shot at 6:11:32. It then cuts to a conversation between LEOs, where one alleges he thought Crooks was an LEO, and asks why nobody was on the roof. Unclear if it is genuine surprise or CYA for the recording.)

Notable moments:

  • 6:10:40: Local Butler policeman Tedeski is next to corridor connecting to AGR 6. There is no ladder there.

  • 6:10:52 or 41 seconds before the first shot at 6:11:33: Policeman gets a peek over the roof of corridor.

  • 6:10:54: Crooks’ backpack appears in top left of the frame, and policeman immediately descends and runs toward D. Stewart’s area to take a peek at roof. (At 6:11:07 near the center of frame is probably D Stewart by tree.)

  • 6:11:29-31: Two plain clothes are seen departing from crowd by tree west of AGR, move toward front of AGR. Are these the first two plain clothes in Stewart’s film who were checking windows before meeting Greg Nicol on the eastern corner of AGR 6?

  • 6:11:32: A white flash appears on 3rd 1st floor AGR 6 window from east-to-west:

    I know many discount this as a possible origin of a second shooter because the window seems closed, but I mention it here again because the flash appears only at this second, and this is precisely the second of the first shot as recorded in a newly released dashcam video.

  • 6:11:33: Policeman pivots to his Butler Township Police cruiser in eastern parking lot to get a rifle. There is no sound, but this is the second when shot #1 is fired NYT timeline. (The FOX news article above has separate dashcam footage of inside this very same Butler Township Police cruiser with a clock in it that indicates shot #1 was one second earlier, at 6:11:32, and shot #9 is heard at about 6:11:38, before this very same policeman with the bodycam tries to open the cruiser’s door at 6:11:52-54.)

  • 6:11:37: On film appears an LEO in eastern parking lot with what appears to be a rifle pointed at roof. He may have been the one who fired shot #9 at about 6:11:38. (Near him a picnic table is visible.)

  • 6:11:43-45: Said LEO with slinged rifle drawn seems to be PA State police, has crew cut and sunglasses over his head:

  • 6:12:08: Bodycam starts recording audio as well.

  • 6:12:42: Policeman with the bodycam says to the PA State police, “He turned around on me,” probably referring to Crooks.

  • 6:13:30: Several LEOs are seen running from the northern end of parking lot toward AGR 6 main entrance

(The rest of the footage matches D Stewart’s at the end, but from the perspective of the big concentration of LEOs east of AGR.)

  • 6:14:36: Bodycam policeman warns colleagues climbing roof to “Watch out, because he can * come right down on you” so apparently he (and presumably most others around) still does not know Crooks was shot in head ~90 seconds ago.

  • 6:15:14-15: Bodycam policeman corrects colleagues, who are confused as to where on the roof Crooks is: “This building. He’s on top of this building. The left one.” He then corrects them again. Only then do many LEOs start to run south toward AGR 6, a sudden change of location that seemed puzzling in the D Stewart film.

  • 6:15:31: Plain clothes khaki shorts guy is seen walking away from the connecting corridor. In D Stewart’s film he is seen earlier walking toward corridor at 7:52 of video time.

  • 6:15:57: One hears someone scream “Let me see your hands!,” presumably the first interaction of LEO with Crooks post-shooting.

  • 6:16:12: Still no ladder against connecting corridor, LEOs still boosting one another.

  • 6:16:33-48: The bodycam police asks “Jess” to boost him again onto the roof and gets boosted.

-6:16:37-38: Two LEOs stands out, one all the way to the left with black/tactical outfit, radio mouthpiece, protective eyewear, and helmet, beard/goatee but no sleeve tattoo; the other similarly outfitted with a sleeve tattoo. Is either an ESU/SWAT sniper?

The one on the right might be the tactical guy who appears inside AGR 6 in Grassley video 2 at 6:29:30 with a sleeve tattoo:

He also may have been this one who appeared in the ABC News interview of the BC ESU/SWAT team:

I am highlighting these two because their uniforms differ from most other LEOs; they have a black/tactical/SWAT look; and we still do not know (I think) the name or look of the ESU sniper other than Greg Nicol who was assigned to the western 2nd floor windows. [They may be “Washington Regional SWAT - PA” guys, dressed like another guy in Grassley video 1 at 19:09:41 who has a patch with this designation.]

-6:17:06: Footage cuts off as he approaches Crooks. There are three LEOs who got there first (probably boosted from same spot), two green camos and one local police, it seems.

There is another video cut that starts later but goes later in time as well. It is worth analyzing this extension.

My first take on this Butler Township policeman is that he was first surprised to find on the roof a man with a rifle; after he jumped down from roof at 6:10:55, 38 seconds before the first shot, he did not fire any warning shots from his gun into the sky or scream or radio any updates to anyone (Trump was speaking!) but simply ran to the south side of AGR 6, maybe to to try a headshot; once shots rang 38 seconds later, he ran away for his rifle in the cruiser; and even then, he stayed next to the cruiser with his rifle pointed down and waited for other LEOs from much farther to approach AGR before he headed there himself; and then he stayed in the background while other LEOs were trying to rise and take a peek at the roof, or were already getting boosted onto it; even then he stayed behind a corner for cover, before he finally decided to follow others onto the roof. He came across as void of initiative, cooperation, common sense or urgency once he jumped off the roof. That said, before he did encounter the shooter, this policeman had great initiative to drive fast to parking lot, run to roof, ask to get boosted … and he disturbed the rifled man on the roof. (I say “man” but he did describe him as having long hair and glasses, such as Crooks.)


That doesn’t clear them.

  1. a full 30 seconds passes between the LEO dropping down and the shots happening

  2. not one of those officers climbed a vehicle and took shots at him

  3. the AGR 2nd story assigns still left their posts

  4. the plains clothes LEOs were, I don’t know, doing nothing on the west side

At this point, both the USSS and the various personnel at AGR seem like epic failures.

I want to know about the first shot taken at Crooks: the one redeeming light in that wasteland of incompetency and/or maliciousness.

(and where is the audio during the most important parts?)


Chris, I started following this thread of yours about the Trump shooting with great interest weeks ago. I have believed that there was a second shooter early on. In the beginning you were showing the audio graph of the sounds coming over Trump’s mic and mentioned that the time between the sonic “snap” and the report of the riffle of the first three shots was slightly longer than the “snap” and report between the next five rapid shots. I believe that the distance from the group of the first three shots (snap to report) was longer than the next five because the first group of three came from a second story window (maybe the farthest window to the west on the south face?) and the next five came from Crooks who fired in a hurry because of being scared by the cop looking at him or the sounds of the other sniper’s shots to his right (lying prone).
Also, regarding the sound graph you showed made by the cellphone under the tree at the west end of the two story building, the first three shots were muffled because that shooter was shooting from inside that second story building from one of those open windows that were open on the south side of the two story building.

It is also interesting that the two local police snipers vacated their second story positions just before the shooting started… who took their place? And what about that rifle on a tripod that was shown in a picture from one of those upper rooms in the same building? SOMETHING REALLY STINKS about this whole assassination attempt on Trump especially when the government comes out in the early hours after the shooting that they believed there was a “lone gunman.”

As for the number of shell casings by Crooks body, the first count was five and then a half hour later after some new people showed up there were eight. More suspicious coverup work to make Crooks to appear as a lone gunman?

I still remember the Kennedy assassination and the coverup that went on back then.
In 1904 Lord Akton of England rightly observed, “Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” Dear America, we are watching absolute corruption in action as they try and get rid of Trump one way or another to stay in power.


In today/s video “Abandonment of Posts” at 2:34 secs the text at the bottom right in blue says : "Me from 8a-4p "

Whoever wrote the text is the one who is leaving early-wish we knew who wrote the text


at 3:36 in “The Abandonment” in blue text again someone says “_____8-4”
if you fill that in is the person saying “me 8-4”?
Whoever wrote that text is leaving early. whoever is leaving early is suspect

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at 6:30 of “the abandonment” blue texts reads “so he knows you guys are up there” that can be interpreted in 2 different ways.


What happened to the blood in toilet in building 6?
It was supposed to be from the hand of the policeman climbing the roof but on today’s video we can see that he doesn’t hurt his hand nor his ankle. Also whoever hurt his hand how did he got inside the building 6 while the sniper of the team couldn’t get there without Greg going downstairs? I think it was answered in the congressional hearing that they were looking for second shooter only because there was blood found in building 6 toilet but it was the blood from policeman climbing the roof.


13:34 “the abandonment” the text message says crooks was to the “direct right of the picnic table”. that is the same area that crooks was filmed wandering about an hour before the attack. crooks was wandering on foot in front of building 6 someone videoed him from the grandstand.

MUST See cop car footage
shows some else on the roof cast a shadow across the cop cars camera blocking the sun for a moment as they pass immediately after the kit shot at 0:08

it’s a huge “smoking gun” that the undercover agents just let this happen. they are basically controlling the situation and helping crooks along. there job was not to protect trump, they were there to help crooks.


There is no way a person on low ground would get hoisted up and try to combat someone on high ground, especially if you cant use your weapon. the hoisting the cop story is complete bullsh$t.

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Supposedly the face shot was taken because somebody (possibly ATF) requested a face photo for facial recognition.

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the secret agents behind trump moments before the shots is SUPER-DUPER SUSPECT!
-they are aware that there’s a gunman on the roof pointing in their direction so they are escorting people away and sort of stooping, if this is the case…they shouldve tackled trump! instead they manuevered everyone else out of the line of fire.

Okay, but who released it to the public? ATF? Highly unlikely, unless they wanted us to see something. Idk. Nothing adds up to me. With crusty face blood but then the fox helicopter rooftop footage has no blood trail? Can’t explain that. Any ideas?

This is why I have questioned everything. If the gun was in his arms when shot, and the one pic shows a longer barrel, and then all of the other pics and video show the gun 10ft away and with a shorter barrel, with no blood trail on the Fox helicopter footage, how can we believe any of the images or videos now released? Hopefully, Chris has some raw footage from some honest patriots he is holding back from us!

Personally I think the “long barrel” issue is probably just image compression artifacts. Why even bother swapping the rifle when all the authorities feel fine with just scooping up all the evidence and then refusing to do any real investigation? AFAIK, we still don’t even know what kind of round Corey Comperatore was hit with.

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Blood in the toilet or blood in the bathroom? And who was it that said there was blood found in a bathroom? Local? Just trying to clarify so we know who said what. Who released what info. Who is planting the tiny bits of info the public is getting. I think we need a timeline of who exactly released exactly what info or details and when. I’d volunteer, but I am not a tech savvy person and never want to be!

So the image with the longer barrel is not legitimate? Idk. I have looked at it and also the gun in his arms that it seems media has edited out, but it has seeded my distrust. If you have more info, pics, or sources it may put my mind at ease!

This is a great observation to me. He did not “bloody his hands” nor injur his ankle! I wonder what new bodycam footage will show michele tending to him.

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