The Abandonment Of Posts In The Overwatch Building Is Difficult To Accept

Still don’t understand why ANYONE from the public was allowed on the AGR site. Liability for the company up the wazzoo but I heard they are a defense contractor, right?

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This particular photo is one I picked up from an earlier post to this blog.


Why does this SHOW more information that we ever know about? The phones? An aide at a nursing home does not make that kind of money to buy all that ammunition/guns that’s for sure.
And no word about the white van that they towed away from the houses down the street.

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Agreed. It would be good to find more video that might indicate their positions from a few minutes before Crooks climbed onto the roof until the time of the shooting. Perhaps these videos would show Crooks as well.


Hi everyone,

There is new important and surprising evidence I’ve just run across and which, if true (and we still don’t know…???), pretty much “seems” to solve the mystery of what may have happened that day (July-13th, Trump’s attack)

That new info (if true) seems to fit and explain quite well all the many strange anomalies

However, to be able to check this out and verify it (if the new evidence is correct or incorrect, true or false), we would need to get more data from the public and the agents that attended the rally (their video footage, as many as possible) to compare their different video and audio recordings

I’m finishing a website to explain this in detail (because it is quite complex) and will publish it here in the next few days

What if there was a 2nd person on the roof and the LEO encountered the 2nd person.

Could a 2nd person have been on the building roof behind Crooks, right in line with him?

Could that 2nd person have been on that other roof spot above the building doors to Crookes left?

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I recognize he is a very questionable source, but his reasoning sequence is what caught my attention. I am putting together a timeline with screenshots from other video sources to see how it plays out. I’ll get back with you.

There you have it, TRTK. Thanks to @squaremelons post we can see new bodycam footage showing the first wave up to the roof did not have or use the red ladder. Go to the 7:00 mark.

This reveals what was going on behind the trees in Stewart’s video when they ran behind the trees. The bodycam footage from the third group up to the roof shows the second group saying they used the black tactical ladder, which the third group also used. Then you see there was still no red ladder in place.

“Ladder-Gate” has been solved! The red 10 ft ladder was brought to the site after the first three waves of responders accessed the roof. It was not pre-staged for Crooks.

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Here and The Gateway Pundit is where I have gotten photos also, however they do not give a source that I recall.


BREAKING: Bodycam video just released shows a police officer being lifted up to the roof of the AGR building, interrupting Thomas Crooks just seconds before he started shooting to assassinate President Trump at the Butler rally.

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Yes John! This is what I was thinking too.


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Here’s a clean video of the officer allegedly hoisted onto the roof. This is a 3 minute video, but apparently there’s a 6 minute video over on Fox behind a adblocker wall.

Having watched it only once so far, my immediate reactions:

  1. It is edited, clearly with about 3 minutes of CRITICAL time cut.

  2. It weirdly has no sound during the initial CRITICAL time periods.

  3. No ladder is seen in the alcove behind the trees at this time. (This seems to defeat my and others earlier theories on who/when/why the tall ladder was placed here, however it raises a lot of suspicion and questions about the legitmacy of this video. It might be fabricated/edited.)

  4. The casual nature of these LEOs reactions is staggering, and for several MINUTES nobody gets onto a car or SUV roof for better sight, nobody again attempts to engage him, no sense of real urgency as this officer fumbles around for an AR, loading, unloading, reloading, etc. when he should be firing his pistol into the dirt to warn everyone on site of a shooter. Or on the radio telling SS to get Trump off the stage. His best tool was not the AR but instead to alert everyone …

  5. I smell a rat in the slow release of this video along with the sound and time cuts.



Thanks so much! Why couldn’t they have released that video weeks ago? Now I’ll just wait for the “official” report - ha! ha!


Sorry, but I don’t buy this video on first viewing. I hope Chris or someone can frame-by-frame it and see if it is even the same day with the same people as other videos. Super weird to me. Just my opinion.
“We’ll Know Our Disinformation Program is Complete When Everything The American Public Believes is False.” - William Casey, CIA Director 1981


You know what’s weird?

It’s weird that he had 30 seconds from dropping down before shots were fired.

Why is that weird?

All the security leadership has lied about that timeframe. Is that perjury?


Totally. A rat.


Something I’ve been sensing all along during this citizen’s investigation is how the release of information from the ‘powers to be’ follows what this forum and others are uncovering or questioning. I just get the sense that We The People are forcing their hand, which is a good thing since they are trying their best to cover it up or cast it aside.


I was thinking the same thing. How is it possible those people could just hang out so close and pretty much unsupervised - even for all the cops around!