The Coronavirus Is A Nightmare For The Global Economy

I’m trying to post a screenshot and it’s all blurry. The original is not and only 32kB so not over the 100kB limit. I’ve tried jpg and png, makes no difference.The height to width ratio is fixed too so that’s not the problem.
Anybody know what I’m doing wrong? Or maybe it just looks blurry to me? Thanks!

My PPE reduces my risk. However, the outside of my ppe is a carrier. You have virus. I touch your doorknob and my ppe picks up virus. I touch the next door neighbor’s door. Leave a few virus. . . .
I think I’m more afraid of people in hazmat than I am those totally unprotected.
Keeping hands clean is really hard when you have to move around outside.

Couple of articles you might be interested in reading.

Even if this pandemic does not sweep through the rest of the world, we’re in for aftershocks in trade up to and including a black swan event. Good article on this here:

It’s been a few weeks since this outbreak occurred and I’m thinking it’s unusual that there are no infections in Africa and South/Central America. Certainly there were Chinese interests and travelers to these areas too. Is there anything in common wirth these areas that might signify why we have no information? Hopefully it’s not a cultural or lack of test kits issue.

Zerohedge has an article on Africa. The article said they didn’t get test kits until the 7th of February.
Its an assumption that there are no cases in Africa. MSM not reporting any wont change the truth.

China is doing every thing thy can to fight this virus.

Coronavirus updates: 14 Americans aboard quarantined cruise ship now confirmed to have coronavirus ===========================

‘Definitely too late’ to stop spread of coronavirus, expert says

The spread of the coronavirus is “definitely too late” to contain due to the millions of people who have now fled the hot zone of the health crisis, according to an expert. Some five million people have already left Wuhan, the epicenter of the outbreak — presenting challenges about how to tackle the epidemic ========================

Hong Kong Is Showing Symptoms of a Failed State

Grocery runs in Asia’s financial powerhouse have begun to remind me of shopping in Russia in the chaotic summer of 1998. You grab what you can find, and if there is a queue, you consider joining it. Surgical masks and sanitizer gel are bartered for; detergent shelves are bare. A run on toilet paper last week, after an online rumor, was reminiscent of Venezuela. =====================

The coronavirus crisis could shut auto plants around the world ==========================

Singapore Grocery Chain Starts Limiting How Much People Can Buy

How Singapore residents react to the virus outbreak “is a major test for our nation,” Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said in a Facebook post Saturday.

“There is no need to panic,” he said later. “We are not locking down the city or confining everybody to stay at home. We have ample supplies, so there is no need to stock up with instant noodles, tinned food, or toilet paper, as some people did yesterday.”


Leak Video How corona virus infected patients are treated in Wuhan China New Hospital ======================= There are a number of videos showing people collapsing in the streets and also cases of seizures. Notice at the end of this video. ======================

Welding homes closed! The reality of life in China during coronavirus outbreak.
This video from January 26 was a compilation that shows where people
would just collapse and relates to the video directly above this.
Same here. Excuse the conspiracy theory stuff at the beginning of the video:

We do not yet know how many cremation centers are operating in the Hubei Province, where the Wuhan city resides, but just from these two, the cremation capacity is nearly 900 bodies per day, and even then the bodies are piling up. From these facts we can deduce that the actual death rate in the region most likely exceeds 900 bodies per day.
This is Natural News and I wouldn’t have posted this if they didn’t give a source.The link they give is here:
You can translate the text using this link. Not great, but it does work:

Darren of Plymouth
1.5 million chinese infected with #coronavirus. 50,000 cremated.

If you’re a gardener, have you made your seed order yet? Some staples are already showing as “sold out” at my favorite online seed retailers and I think this might be related to the outbreak. Try to get heirloom seeds so you can grow next year’s crop from saved seeds. It’s a good idea to get 2 year’s worth of seeds in case of a bad year - the seed will be 80% viable next year unless you buy it in a vacuum-sealed envelope (Park Seed does this - do not buy seed for next year from Park Seed.) Bear in mind that carrots mus be two years old to make seeds.
Hopefully you have started to grow your own things and have some heirloom seed already set aside. There’s a long learning curve but for those who are new to we’re here to help. PM me if you have any questions.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) has warned that "trolls and conspiracy theories" are undermining their response to the new coronavirus.

WHO Director General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus told reporters that misinformation was "making the work of our heroic workers even harder". But exiled Chinese billionaire Guo Wengui said Sunday, citing leaked information out of Wuhan, that the death toll could be as high as 50,000, 1,5 million infected, as Chinese officials burn bodies to cover up the true extent of the crisis. One reporter from the Epoch Times shared this map earlier showing the sulfur dioxide content in the air spiking over Wuhan. View image on Twitter   In other news, one reporter from the Epoch Times, a newspaper that has assiduously covered the virus despite threats from the mainland government, said she believed based upon her research that the virus might be artificial, a question that others have raised.   Out of all 31 provinces in China, Guangdong Province is quickly becoming the second-worst-hit after Hubei, even though the two provinces don't share a land border. The ET shared a video of a third makeshift nCoV hospital being built somewhere in the province, apparently.

This Pandemic will be and is a historic event. However, the reality is all we really have is right here and right now. Why not keep a three ring binder of articles of interest, your thoughts and fears. How you and your family are prepping and coping. Make it a year long binder, You could include pictures, like the salad bar at the grocery store, people with masks on, the receipt for filling you vehicle with fuel and the garden you are growing. Twenty years from now a child or grandchild might find the binder very interesting. I would have found such a binder reflecting the rationing my my parents and grandparents went through in WWII very interesting.
Being busy and productive provides more health benefits than to much ruminating. How many of us are ruminating?

A great reminder Wendy, and seed starting media as well. For those who are used to buying starts at the local big box, it is pretty straight forward to grow your own. We have been using soil blocks for eight years and love them. Media and blocks are made on site. We have enough components on hand to get us through the season. A great feature of the blocks is the roots air prune, they stop growing until you place them in the soil, the roots will not circle as they will in a pot. Vigorous growth, very little transplant shock. We start a few thousand seeds each season.

Thank you for sharing the seed gardening, this has been on my mind and I didn’t know where to start! Those of us with children that have severe food allergies are more than cringing over a break in our usual food supply. Any tips on best crops to start? How much should you seed? Preferred tools/boxes? Thanks in advance!

Wuhan implemented the policy of ‘bring everyone together who needs treatment’

On the night of Feb 9, diagnosed patients of Shuiguohu Street, Wuchang district, were transmitted by bus to Hongshan Gymnasium makeshift hospital for further treatment. #coronavirus
Just a reminder of what their "hospital" will look like. Excuse my sarcasm on this post, but I don't see this ending well for those getting on these busses.

I was explaining the ACE2 mechanism of the virus to my wife who is a pharmacist the other night. She told me there were massive recalls last year on those drugs. Apparently there was a carcinogen in the meds. She also mentioned many pharmacists thought the recall was a little silly, seeing that the compounds were found in cured meats at higher rates. All the drugs were recalled for destruction and are still in short supply. Anyways, just an anecdotal tale from the field.

Having lived in East Africa since 2008 with the majority of my time spent in Ethiopia I think I am qualified to comment on the well timed Zerohedge article you just posted.
To wit, there is zero hope of viral containment once Coronavirus reaches the African continent. What is coming for Africa is nothing short of a social, economic and political disaster. Let me me explain this by way of a statistical backdrop.
In Ethiopia, the average annual expenditure per person for medications was under 5 USD in 2018 while total expenditures on health services per capital was 28 dollars (includes government, NGO and charitable expenses and contributions).
Just from a backdrop on investment in health services we can be pretty certain that a serious viral outbreak will not be controlled there. Not at that financial level anyway.
The Ethiopian government is already overwhelmed meeting the most basic debt payments while the nation is suffering a dollar shortage so acute that all non-essential goods cannot even be imported. The largest budget item next to debt payments is imported fuel. And that is in a country where only 1% of the population owns a private vehicle.
Addis Ababa is currently experiencing an unprecedented HIV/AIDS epidemic. Recent statistics showed in excess of 70% of prostitutes were infected while one WHO study done some years ago came back with an astonishing 100% infection rate of regional sex trade workers. That study is buried so deep on Google search I cannot even find it anymore.
The Ethiopian governments own records were claiming HIV infection rates of up to 5% nationally but my personal physician there related that in the capital Addis the real numbers were as high as 30% of the sexually active population.
This is a case of how statistics lie. Ethiopia’s median age is 16 meaning half the population is below that age. So excluding young people who would not be sexually active and excluding older people means that the 5% national infection rate is concentrated in a more defined demographic group and locale and helps explains the nearly biblical HIV infection rates in Addis Ababa.
East Africa is also currently suffering the effects of two other very serious health problems. MRSA is rampant and uncontrolled throughout most hospital settings while a new variant of drug resistant Tuburculosis kills thousands of people annually.
Indeed, the majority of HIV cases who become AIDS victims are currently dying of TB and related respiratory illnesses.
So we can run some math on this with what we already know about Corona rates of infection in China and then superimpose that on a largely sick and poor population in Ethiopia. I will leave it to you to do the calculations since this post is running too long. But the numbers are not very pretty.
This recent development of TB that does not respond to antibiotics poses the highest risk to anyone whose immunity is already compromised and it is without question going to be one of the illnesses that cause higher death rates among future Corona victims in East Africa.
So combining a novel virus that people have no immunity against with an already sickened population tells us that Ethiopia and particularly Addis will be graveyard a year from now.
And that is not even close to being alarmist.


Hi, ao, My buyer sends proceeds by echeck so don’t have to go to bank. My concern is shipping there or back if this virus compromises the shipping systems. Any comments?

Curiously, a post I left just an hour ago addressing African preparedness to a pandemic has never appeared. Perhaps its because there was a link that must be vetted before being allowed to post?
In any event I wanted to follow it up with a commentary about the hospital system in Ethiopia’s capital Addis Ababa that is written as a first hand account.
This brief narrative is my personal experience of medical care provisioning in Ethiopia during the summer of 2018 when my wife contracted lung cancer and died. It is entirely factual no matter how implausible it may sound. And it is intended to show just how impoverished that nation is and how poorly equipped the hospitals are even in the capital city.
This post therefore will attempt to answer the question of how prepared African countries are to deal with the Coronavirus epidemic.
We attended an appointment at Black Lion Hospital when my wife began having serious breathing problems and at that time discovered one of her lungs were filled with fluid due to a presumed cancerous growth.
What happened next was we began a search for a biopsy needle so the hospital might test the growth that was detected on an X-ray. That search lasted more than 7 days and we were unable to locate a single 18 gauge biopsy needle anywhere in Addis Ababa.
The hospitals do not stock them and none of the pharmacies had any to sell. All we heard in each place we went was “yellem” which means there are not any. Finally a single needle was located and bought from a local NGO for a nosebleed price of 130 dollars. It is one reason why most wealthy Ethiopians flee the country for serious treatments.
Hospitals there are very poorly equipped and at Black Lion patients families are required to leave the hospital grounds and go to local pharmacies to buy masks, surgical gloves, IV solutions, medications and any other supplies required for treatment or surgery.
The emergency ward was a horror. It was maybe 50 beds across two large open rooms under a corrugated steel roof. When it rained you could not hear a word anyone was saying because of the sound of water striking the metal roof.
Patients in all states of medical distress were crammed tightly in rows of beds and typically surrounded by up to a dozen or more family members. It was elbow to elbow bedlam there on the main floor with an open unguarded entrance to the facility.
Linens and beds were dirty or soiled and I frequently witnessed blood on the floors from emergency surgeries done in situ. There was only 3 portable oxygen machines of which my wife periodically had use of one. But it was taken from her at varying times of the day as other emergenies arrived.
It is difficult to fully express what a hopeless environment that was but it is even more difficult to imagine how it would function during a pandemic emergency as even during my wife’s short stay the emergency room was full to capacity.
This is not a country a foreigner would want to be when struck down by illness or injury. There are other hospitals that are more modern but the story is the same. Most seem to operate near capacity already and as a result I can say without equivocation that Ethiopia will not be in any position to manage a serious health care emergency like novel Cnv.