The Coronavirus Is Even More Dangerous Than Previously Thought

Alzheimer’s can cause loss of taste and smell, as it did in my mother.

Date Debt Held by the Public Intragovernmental Holdings Total Public Debt Outstanding
03/16/2020 17,495,252,134,765.03 6,005,506,923,878.49 23,500,759,058,643.52
03/17/2020 17,506,099,534,102.63 6,021,994,383,555.02 23,528,093,917,657.65
03/18/2020 17,506,638,952,920.28 6,006,952,045,253.80 23,513,590,998,174.08
03/19/2020 17,505,933,295,301.02 6,009,728,152,255.63 23,515,661,447,556.65
03/20/2020 17,506,352,913,010.65 6,008,182,077,907.88 23,514,534,990,918.53
03/23/2020 17,507,401,138,252.23 6,010,453,915,906.78 23,517,855,054,159.01
03/24/2020 17,530,592,687,171.67 6,020,993,346,212.75 23,551,586,033,384.42
03/25/2020 17,530,771,851,107.63 6,011,750,886,314.88 23,542,522,737,422.51
03/26/2020 17,535,603,326,374.89 5,979,198,664,130.74 23,514,801,990,505.63
03/27/2020 17,553,231,839,939.21 5,981,808,048,557.21 23,535,039,888,496.42
03/30/2020 17,554,731,018,699.21 6,010,324,969,544.04 23,565,055,988,243.25
03/31/2020 17,674,771,266,474.08 6,012,099,546,166.00 23,686,870,812,640.08
04/01/2020 17,719,077,528,190.93 5,983,182,830,719.25 23,702,260,358,910.18
04/02/2020 17,834,239,216,864.28 5,999,588,971,994.26 23,833,828,188,858.54
04/03/2020 17,918,595,311,923.59 5,989,735,061,841.82 23,908,330,373,765.41
04/06/2020 17,919,267,151,226.25 5,997,945,512,631.34 23,917,212,663,857.59
04/07/2020 18,004,963,300,482.19 6,006,560,016,171.17 24,011,523,316,653.36
04/08/2020 18,110,326,875,954.74 6,001,505,173,930.16 24,111,832,049,884.90
04/09/2020 18,230,730,588,326.65 5,990,940,150,877.70 24,221,670,739,204.35
04/10/2020 18,230,748,262,703.22 5,980,327,611,008.67 24,211,075,873,711.89
04/13/2020 18,230,750,748,315.02 5,962,339,872,819.78 24,193,090,621,134.80
04/14/2020 18,338,500,813,636.89 5,963,277,630,312.32 24,301,778,443,949.21
04/15/2020 18,441,034,071,127.88 5,942,892,026,233.98 24,383,926,097,361.86
04/16/2020 18,524,301,170,741.25 5,940,990,009,971.86 24,465,291,180,713.11

I actually asked about this in the forum about 4 weeks ago. I can imagine people who are used to going to the salon/barber are finding it difficult. However, being disabled for a long time, i am a pro at doing my own hair. But, I had actually even done it a few times when i could have someone else do it. You have sat in the barber chair for every month most of your life, did you ever pay attention to the process? Anyway. I can burn hair. The back is a bit tricky - it would be easier if you could take your head off. lol But a mirror works fine… After about 4 times , you will be a pro. The last time I was in the barber chair was 2012. I do not think my hair looks any different than when I had it done. Back perhaps sometimes is a bit full because , i only get into that every other cut. And yes my father cut my hair when i was younger, and I hated it. first i was kid in the 70s. Long hair-styles… and he was wearing and cutting my hair 60s… so yeah… i looked weird.

The attached interview with Dr. Robin Armstrong allows for an update to the success he had in treating a cluster of Covid-19 infections in a TX nursing home. Please recall that a Kirkland, WA nursing home was the original cluster in the US, before we did cluster, cluster, boom!
Here are the comparative stats;
Kirkland, WA: 129 sick, 37 dead. Death rate = 29%
Galveston, TX: 53 sick, 1 dead (Dr. says not covid, but let’s count it). Death rate = 2%
This is why I keep posting on the efficacy of hydroxychloroquine. As much as the news, various MD’s, and even Chris Martenson don’t think it works… it mostly does work, especially if given early with Zithromax and Zinc. This is real data… none of the people ended up on ventilators or even in the hospital. You cannot argue against this data… it’s apples to apples. Without the protocol, this disease will wipe out 1/3 of a nursing home. With the protocol and a watchful Doctor almost NOBODY needs to die from this.
Dr. Armstrong;

Just came across a post in a nurses group about how the Coronavirus has been presenting like HAPE (high altitude pulmonary edema). Could it be treated the same? Here’s the link:

(CNN)Emergency room doctors say they are running into a new crisis as they struggle to treat patients with Covid-19 -- a shortage of dialysis machines and supplies.

They say they are overwhelmed, not only because patients are going into kidney failure, but also because the body's intense reaction to the virus is often causing their blood to clot too much, and the clots are literally clogging up the dialysis filters.
It's part of the new syndrome that doctors are seeing in Covid-19 patients. They are not dying from the pneumonia that has been one of the defining symptoms of serious Covid-19 disease, but from other systemic effects on their hearts and other organs.

CARES - you get - $1,200
But wait
43,000 millionaires in US - they each get on average - wait for it - 1.6 million

Some observations about time spent around the Coronavirus period…anything sound familiar…

  • Half of us are going to come out of this quarantine as amazing cooks. The other half will come out with a drinking problem.
  • I used to spin that toilet paper like I was on Wheel of Fortune. Now I turn it like I'm cracking a safe.
  • I need to practice social distancing from the refrigerator.
  • Couldn’t decide where to go for Easter ----- The Living Room or The Bedroom
  • PSA: every few days try your jeans on just to make sure they fit. Pajamas will have you believe all is well in the kingdom.
  • Homeschooling is going well. 2 students suspended for fighting and 1 teacher fired for drinking on the job.
  • I don't think anyone expected that when we changed the clocks we'd go from Standard Time to the Twilight Zone
  • This morning I saw a neighbor talking to her cat. It was obvious she thought her cat understood her. I came into my house, told my dog.... we laughed a lot.
  • So, after this quarantine....will the producers of My 600 Pound Life just find me or do I find them?
  • Quarantine Day 5: Went to this restaurant called THE KITCHEN. You have to gather all the ingredients and make your own meal. I have no clue how this place is still in business.
  • My body has absorbed so much soap and disinfectant lately that when I pee it cleans the toilet.
  • Day 5 of Homeschooling: One of these little monsters called in a bomb threat.
  • I hope the weather is good tomorrow for my trip to Puerto Backyarda. I'm getting tired of Los Livingroom
  • Classified Ad: Single man with toilet paper seeks woman with hand sanitizer for good clean fun.
  • Day 6 of Homeschooling: My child just said "I hope I don't have the same teacher next year".... I'm offended

It appears that Covid 19 deaths in just one province may be over 11,000.

Brief background. I live in a small Northern Minnesota town at the end of the road, Ely Mn. We have an elderly population and there is much debate about “reopening” town to “outsiders” this summer. My town depends on tourists in the summer.
We all know that the best way to slow the spread of the virus (other than locking everyone down) is if everyone wears a mask while in public (as well as practicing social distancing and washing hands). Well today, when I was leaving the local hardware store (I know I shouldn’t be out but I was wearing an N95 mask and the nearest reported case is over 60 miles away. I know the Honey badger is sneaky. That aside, when I was leaving the store, there was a gentleman (Levi) leaving boxes of gloves and masks for people to wear while they are shopping. We started chatting, he asked me if I heard of what the Czechs were doing and I said yes. He was a bit shocked. I told him I’ve been preparing since the end of January and asked him if he heard of Chris Martenson. He said, and I quote, “He is the best person to follow”. Long story short, he started an "organization in our community (because of Chris’ videos) where people are making masks and giving them out free to the two grocery stores, and hardware stores … He is trying to get everyone to wear a mask when out in public. He even started a website, that is promoted on Facebook … I think there is more we can do as a town to get people to wear masks, and I think people are willing to do what it takes.
I tried to get some high school kids to make the “paper towel” face masks for the stores. Said they might save someones life. Told them that when they get out of college and have a job interview one of the questions might be, “what did you do with your time during the Covid crisis.” I told them that saying something like, "I saw a way to help my community. I took the inititive and got a group of fellow students together and we made face masks for local businesses to provide to their customers to help protect our community sounded better than saying they face timed their friends. Well they didn’t think so. I think can make this happen and in so doing, save some lives. So I like to give a shoutout to Chris for helping to lesson the impact on my community!

Hello wheresdavid,
I just want to say that is a super duper story and thanks for sharing. You just never know…

Hi Chris,
Came across your Day 1 video the day it was released and have been following you ever since. Love your daily videos, they have helped so many of us prepare for the unprecedented.
I noticed your investigation into Daily Case Fatality Rates and thought I would share my data. I started a spreadsheet capturing key data from namely, infections, deaths, recoveries and resolved stats for a few countries. Over time I expanded the data set to include the top 40 countries. Attached are some of my Daily Case Fatality Rate (DCFR) graphs. What is interesting is some regions haven’t experienced the gradual run-up of the DCFR figure as time goes on whilst other regions certainly have. I haven’t as yet tried generating the DCFR graphs using a 7-day offset. Will give this a try and see if I notice anything different. Keep up the awesome work.
Daily Case Fatality Graphs