The Coronavirus Is Swiftly Breaching Defenses Across The World

One of my friends who’s a GP has said that he’s waiting to see how this turns out in Germany, France and the USA before he will get concerned. He reckons the third world countries are not a good barometer to predict how it will affect us, but I’m not so sure.
I'd be curious about his take on Italy, now, as a harbinger.

NightsWatch, This is excellent!!! Thank you so much for pulling this together. Its rather mind-blowing in its scope of authority and sweeping powers! I’ll have to review your “cheat sheet” further to comprehend it more fully, along with its possible implications.
Is there any such general guidance for states’ powers? I imagine it varies from state-to-state, but perhaps there’s some resource of consolidated information available (e.g., state liaisons with Homeland Security, or a law resource or a National Governors’ Association)?
As this pandemic unfolds, there may be greater interest in exploring the laws and limits to authorities’ powers during public health or other emergencies, especially as they pertain to individual civil liberties.
Given your particular expertise, I’m especially happy to welcome you to the PP community, NightsWatch! You’ll find you’re in good company. :slight_smile:

I decided to cancel an upcoming trip to Cancun for spring break… my sister attacked my decision vehemently, refusing to even hear my “why”… she’s going & isn’t going to “live in fear” as she has accused me… any others getting this kind of reaction?

before it sounded like another way to rob the treasury for corporate gain and additional govt. power.
As if we still have one.

The first reported case of COVID19?
December 1, 2019.
Fascinating article, that may shed light on Patient Zero Wuhan.
It fits with the hypothesis of certain SARS type vaccines triggering more problematic outcomes in future outbreaks.
Be careful what you wish for comes quickly to mind.
Good luck all PP’ers

Iran News agency reports 50 death due to Covid 19. Iranian parliment member says many more infections than reported.
This was on Al-jazeera english channel.
4:15 to 15:30 is mostly just Iranian bureaucrats droning on.

Yes Karen. I got something like that Saturday when I went to my clinic to update prescriptions (in case a shortage develops). So I told the receptionist my reasons and asked what she thought.
Straight out she snarled “It’s all bullshit, stop worrying”. So I had to ask if she follows the news very carefully and she actually said no because it was a waste of time and there isn’t any worry in Canada.
So much confidence…so little information. Sheesh!

I’ve heard it speculated that babies are less susceptible because their immune system is less developed.
That is one difference they have from older humans. What other possible differences could contribute to their advantage with Covid-19?
Two other differences are their current diet and the likelihood that they have far less damage build up to their bodies, due to bad eating habits, than older humans.
Regarding their diet, how does the nutrition in breast feeding compare to the diet commonly consumed by non breast feeding people in terms of protein, fat and nutrients?
I posted this link a few days ago:
It is a study of the relationship of ACE2 receptors and a high fat diet. From what I’ve heard, ACE2 receptors, in the lungs, are what Covid-19 binds to.
I can’t help but wonder if there are things we can each do, individually, to improve our chances, while we wait for the drug companies to come up with a vaccine?

My guess is Wuhan hospitals have had a number of secondary covid infections in already very sick babies. Since the baby was already sick, nobody bothered testing and the cause of death was listed as the underlying condition.
We know not everybody gets tested, as the jump back and forth between lab tests and lung x-ray evidence shows. I wouldn’t bet my kids lives that the very young are significantly less susceptible.

However, I wouldn’t assume the difference was slight, at this juncture, nor would I fail to ask questions that might improve the chances of the rest of humanity.

Thanks for letting me know you’re getting push back too, cautious behavior is not the same as “living in fear”!

No, mostly because I’m keeping quiet. People don’t like to have their cherished world view disturbed. When I’ve done this in the past, I frequently am not allowed to finish sentences. Phrases like “fear monger” and “conspiracy theorist” are trotted out, phrases specifically engineered to discredit an opponent, without considering their argument, or evidence.
Interestingly, I asked my daughter (a RN in Texas) what she was seeing. She responded with the party line, basically nothing to be worried about. When I mildly challenged that response, she opened up that she may have been downplaying the issue. I’m sure she is conditioned, from years in the profession, to not spread alarm. Her second response was similar to what we are hearing from Chris, genuine concern.

There is likely a common factor to where the clusters are forming, possibly Selenium in soil content/selenium intake or perhaps something else?

Obviously the party line is to protect investors from liquidation of these bond funds. I wonder which agency is in charge of declaring a “pandemic”? To liquidate, it must be 12 weeks from pandemic start. Also, at least two countries must have at least 20 deaths. With Iran coming on strong, I think this point has been reached.(Not officially.)
We never found out who made all that money shorting airlines the day before 9/11. I wonder who are the pandemic bond investors.

Les, breast-fed babies are on basically a ketogenic diet. Breastmilk is mostly fat. That’s what babies are supposed to be eating.
On the other hand, I’m not sure what rats or mice “should” be eating. When they do these experiments with rodents on a high fat diet, they usually are feeding them tallow from CAFO raised animals, or soybean oil. I didn’t dig into the article you linked to long enough to find out, but that’s what I have found out every time I have gone into the details of similar articles. Sometimes it’s listed in the methods section, sometimes they refer you to another article and it’s a bit of a hunt to find out what they feed the rodents.
I don’t know what diet would be specifically helpful for this particular virus. In general, to keep the immune system at the right level, which is the level that fights a virus but does not kill you by attacking you, a diet that is a very high in fresh produce, that does not cause your blood sugar to rise too much, that provides high amounts of nutrients, that doesn’t cause excessive inflammation and oxidation, that’s basically what you’re looking for. I would be amazed if there’s a secret for this virus in particular, as it seems from my focus in the last 10 years as a functional medicine doctor that it’s pretty much the same diet that helps most people for most things.
My favorite resource are Mark Hyman‘s books including Food: what the heck should I eat, and the 10 day detox.
As a matter of fact, Peter Attia released a brand new interview with Mark Hyman this morning, and what they’ll be talking about is longevity, and I bet most of their recommendations will be the sort of thing you need to survive viruses and other threats to health.
There is one situation where things may be a little different, and that’s the trade-off between cardiovascular disease and surviving infections. Normally, an elderly person (say 90+) would want red meat and animal protein to help prevents pneumonia, falls, and fractures, but it can be a problem in some for cardiovascular disease. However, in this case, cardiovascular disease has been listed as a risk factor for death from the virus, so I’m not sure what conclusions I can draw. Diabetes has also been listed as a risk factor, and so keeping the glucose low is probably a good thing in this case.

Paris in July. I’m not gonna go. The extended family are not happy.

Basically, I posted that link, again, to see if there is any interest on Peak Prosperity, to look into alternative approaches to fighting Covid-19. So far, I’m not seeing a lot of interest.
People on PP are better than most, but, it seems, still have cherished beliefs they are reluctant to dare question.
I certainly wouldn’t call breast milk Keto, unless the mother is on a Keto diet.

It comes down to something Chris has brought up “Truth Passes Through Three Stages: First, It Is Ridiculed. Second, It Is Violently Opposed. Third, It Is Accepted As Self-Evident”
Also normalcy bias, Americans thinking they are special & divinely protected from suffering the rest of the world has to go through, etc.