The Coronavirus Is Swiftly Breaching Defenses Across The World

But it’s also not low-fat. Also, you have to take into account with these carbohydrates are actually absorbable by humans or are meant to feed gut bacteria. Human breastmilk seems to have a lot of nonabsorbable carbohydrates. But being keto while breastfeeding (or pregnant) that does have some research suggesting it’s a bad idea.

As of now, China, South Korea, Iran and Italy are having problematic outbreaks. Japan is reporting cases but in a slow trickle, same as Hong Kong and Singapore.
I wonder which country is next? A few days ago Italy wasn’t even on the map.
Dow drops 900 looks like market realized this may be a problem

“Also normalcy bias, Americans thinking they are special & divinely protected from suffering the rest of the world has to go through, etc.“
That’s is a BIG generalization to speak for all Americans.
I don’t know anybody who thinks they are divinely protected and won’t get the virus because they are Americans. Rather they look at the statistics and think they may be able to survive it. Just go to the “Official” websites and they will tell you don’t panic, the risk is low.
“For people in most other parts of the world, your risk of getting COVID-19 is currently low,” a quote from the WHO website.

I agree, not many in the divine protection camp. Most, even self-identified conservatives are in the somebody else will take care of it camp.
Liberals assume the medical system and disaster recovery help (FEMA) will take care of them. They don’t need to be self-reliant because everybody has the right to food, water, medical care - of course not a clue where that might come from. Just heard Bernie reply that he wasn’t going to work on the details of how to fund his plans because there was lots of money out there among the rich.
Conservatives assume that we’ve assigned the job of preparation to some bureaucrats who will of course do their assigned duty, so we can continue with our assigned duties. So Trump has assigned some people recently and conservatives aren’t worried.

Hi Les,
AT2s are especially prominent in the newborn. Is this why children seem to be less susceptible?
The above is from my post at
Also start taking 4000 IU of vitamin D3 per day (it’s fat soluble so take it with a meal).
I sent the below email to PP, but you might be interested in some of its content.

Dear Dr. Martenson and Mr. Taggart,

I am a former laboratory director of a medical center in Southern California, board certified in anatomic and clinical pathology with emphasis in microbiology. I have no affiliations with any organizations or institutions, political or otherwise, public or private. I'm retired and am committed to being prepared for what’s coming.

You’ve done yeoman’s work with your videos. A large collective thank you. I admire your courage almost as much as your dedication.

I am a big Mike Maloney fan and religiously read his daily news reports. That’s where I first encountered your excellent missives. I enjoy your corona videos as much as I do his on the hidden secrets of money.

I’m emailing you because such a post on PP would get lost in the shuffle. The below technical discussion is also probably beyond the comprehension or interest of the typical enrollee or might be viewed as quackery v the vaccine approach. Also I want to help you both as you have helped us. You can either accept the suggestion or not. No response needed.

You have recently raised the issue of antibody dependent enhancement (ADE) producing a cytokine storm in SARS CoV2 and compared this to dengue fever and dengue shock syndrome/dengue hemorrhagic fever in your excellent video entitled "Coronavirus Infections Outside Of China Are Growing Exponentially".

This is especially disquieting since such "storms" fell indiscriminately, especially the healthy, if the second wave of the 1918-1919 Spanish flu pandemic is any indicator (see below).

I am kind of a naturopathic pathologist (? oxymoron). I’ve not seen anything from you regarding Vitamin D. So I’ve put together a somewhat technical explanation of why it might be worth including in any preventative measures.

The 1918 Influenza Pandemic: Insights for the 21st Century

"The notion that a so-called cytokine storm, a deleterious overexuberant release of proinflammatory cytokines such as interleukin (IL)-6 and -8 and tissue necrosis factor (TNF)-α, could have contributed to the high mortality and excessive number of deaths among the young and otherwise healthy during the 1918 pandemic has been frequently proposed."

In the Eva Harris article to which you referred

it appears that serial infections by more than one serotype of dengue, which has 4, is required for ADE. We have SARS-CoV1 and SARS-CoV2, as you have pointed out. Furthermore, influenza viruses and corona viruses seem to exhibit enhanced “antigenic drift", opening the door for additional future serotypes.

So, we have reason to be anxious, but ...

“The interplay between vitamin D and viral infections”

06 January 2019 issue of Reviews in Medical Virology

This fabulous though quite technical article provides abundant data to implicate vitamin D deficiency in not just the seasonal flu but also in dengue, SARS, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), ... these diseases are not seasonal by coincidence. They occur during the darker months when our vitamin D levels are lowest.

Selected comments from that article follow.

“Vitamin D significantly decreases cytokines and chemokines such as TNF‐α, IFN‐β, IL8, IL6, and RANTES."

RANTES is a cytokine related to interleukin-8 that attracts memory T lymphocytes and monocytes. These T cells are the mediators of the cytokine storm and endothelial dysfunction.

"Vitamin D down‐regulates the NF‐κB pathway"

NF‐κB stands for nuclear factor associated with kappa light chains on B cell lymphocytes. The antibody to the spike protein on SARS is an IgG kappa.

"Vitamin D increases the expression of IκBa protein."

"The IκBa (inhibitor of kappa B) protein inactivates the NF-κB proteins and keeps them sequestered in an inactive state in the cytoplasm."

According to the article this increased IκBα protein is present in alveolar cells, endothelial cells, and macrophages.

The above cytokines and chemokines are the same culprits in dengue shock syndrome and the Spanish flu pandemic.

More recent articles

"Nuclear factor kappa B (NF-κB) is a key signaling molecule in the elaboration of the inflammatory response. Data indicate that curcumin, a natural ingredient of the curry spice turmeric, acts as a NF-κB inhibitor and exhibits both anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties."

So far, no cases in India, where curry is beyond popular.

High-dose of vitamin D supplement is associated with reduced susceptibility of monocyte-derived macrophages to dengue virus infection and pro-inflammatory cytokine production: An exploratory study (Mar 2018)

“Vitamin D produced a significant decrease of pro-inflammatory cytokines and high production of interleukin 10 (IL-10).”

IL-10 is an anti-inflammatory cytokine.

"A supplement of 4000 IU/day of vitamin D may represent an adequate dose to control dengue progression and DENV replication."

And maybe for SARS too.

Vitamin D-Regulated MicroRNAs: Are They Protective Factors against Dengue Virus Infection? (May 2016)

"All the data discussed here suggest that vitamin D could constitute a strong potential strategy to modulate the “cytokine storm” that occurs during ongoing DENV infections and the progression to severe states of the disease."

Effectiveness of Vitamin D in Prevention of Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever and Dengue Shock Syndrome (2017)

"Vitamin D decreases the risk of DHF and may have a role in management of dengue fever."

Dengue viral infection deteriorates vitamin D3 (July 2018)

"Vitamin D3 level was found significantly (P < 0.05) decreased in test group (dengue patients) compared to control group (healthy individual)."

To be fair some studies purport an association of higher vitamin D3 levels in DSS/DHF than in DF. But upon review they seem to be flawed. In one

both the control group and the study group were seriously vitamin D deficient and in another

both groups were deficient or barely sufficient (> 100 nmoles/l = 40 ng/ml). If these studies demonstrate anything it's that you need plenty of D to see any benefit. This strategy is frequently encountered in agenda driven articles where one pharmaceutical, e.g., a statin, is compared to a competitor using suboptimal doses. Another strategy to mislead the reader is to tout relative benefit over absolute benefit. They rarely include NNT or number needed to treat to prevent one case, which immediately provides a good read on risk versus benefit. The NNT for the flu vaccine is 40, while only 33 need to supplement with vitamin D to avoid one case of the flu. And if one is determined to get the flu vaccine, vitamin D supplements are additive.

Again thank you for all you do. I hope this email has served to moderate your ADE fears and to empower you, as you have us.


Letters to your Senator,, others?
Does anyone have a template or existing write-up that could be shared and sent by many to your representatives?

Best to take Vitamin K2 with D. I take 10,000 IU D per day. Lab testing for vitamin D level is pretty low cost. Many are deficient.

Don’t lose sight of the fact that a now 1000 point drop fromm ~29,000 is only 3.4%. Not even a correction at this point. But I do think we will continue to put in new lows that won’t get tested in late spring as in years past. Whatever gets set in as a market bottom in the next month (or two) will likely be the lows for the year.
And yes, I may be incorrect. But since I am market neutral, I just take what the market gives me and trade in that direction.

10,000 IU of Vitamin D3 long term sounds rather high.

Thanks. I’ll look into it. I currently get all of my vitamins from plant foods and am cautious about overloading my bodies receptors with mega doses found in vitamin supplements, but am open to suggestions.

Probably the same people (SEC) that invoked emergency powers (1st time in history) for easing regulatory restrictions for clearing and settling security trades for 15 days. Ever hear of Cantor Fitzgerald? Largest securities broker in the US. Eurobrokers as well. The 2 accounted for about 40% of those killed in both towers collapse.

Tom Sammy, here is a draft of a letter that I am about to hand-deliver to our local city council. I wrote it yesterday because it doesn’t appear that our local officials are aware/preparing for COVID-19. My city of 6,500 people famously weathered the 1918 Spanish influenza with zero deaths, by blocking access to outsiders. That wouldn’t work today, but I’m seeing NO preparedness or communication with the public (yet).
Dear Council Members,
We are in the midst of a deepening global health crisis, resulting from the spread of the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) and resulting pandemic (COVID-19). This crisis is not confined to China, Japan, South Korea, Italy, and Iran. Cases have been confirmed in 32 countries, and this novel coronavirus is especially virulent. The U.S. Center for Disease Control (CDC) is working to slow the spread of the virus, but most experts recognize that the virus can no longer be contained.
The City of ___ and its citizens should prepare for the arrival of the novel coronavirus, in the time we have. ___ is “famous” for averting local deaths from the deadly 1918 Spanish flu by limiting the influx of visitors on what is now Highway 50. Such draconian measures would not work today, and we should prepare for the very real possibility that 60 to 80% of our populace could be infected. For many, the symptoms may be minor and some infected individuals will even be asymptomatic. For the vulnerable 20% of those infected, the symptoms may be severe, including vomiting, diarrhea, fever, chills, and possibly death.
Individual and community preparations must focus on three tasks – reducing each person’s chance of getting sick, helping households with basic survival needs during a pandemic, and minimizing and coping with larger societal disruption. What matters most is how households, neighborhoods, community groups, and businesses prepare.
Without being alarmist, our city leaders should review any contingency plans that are already on the shelf and update (or create) contingency plans for this new epidemic.

  • Will public gatherings be restricted? What criteria will trier this or decision point? (Social distancing will be important but unpleasant and financially costly.)
  • Are our critical services such as water and sewer treatment fully staffed, and do we have adequate cross-training of employees in the event that half of our city staff is taken ill at the same time?
  • Do maintenance staff and police have adequate personal protective equipment (PPE)?
  • Do public buildings have placards and adequate supplies for hand hygiene and non-mask respiratory etiquette?
  • Does the City have several month’s supply of critical reagents, filters, lubricants, and parts to weather the supply chain disruptions that have already begun?
  • How will our police balance public safety vs. individual rights with respect to virus containment, self-quarantine, or mandatory quarantine?
  • Are we prepared for a reduction in tax income when local tourism is affected as severely as international tourism is currently being affected?
  • Do we have systems for organizing volunteers to work together through the difficult times that may be coming?
Council members and City employees likely have their own written or mental lists for critical services and emergency response. I urge City leaders to set an example for a resilient and rational response to this very real outbreak. We need not live in fear, but we mustn’t live in ignorance, either. There are many simple and powerful steps that our City leaders and individual residents can do to prepare before the outbreak is felt at a local level. Yours in service to health and prosperity of our community, [my signature] Perhaps I'll be considered a crazy person for writing and submitting this letter, but I'll take that risk over riding out the Coronavirus without water, sewer, and other critical functions. What do you think? WaterDog

VIX (volatiliy index is up 51%! I can’t even type fast enough or it’s up another percent.
It’s BLOWN past the china currency devaluation scare and it’s now going to be compared to the greek sovereign debt crisis. In a matter of HOURS!
Welp. I’ve been calling for people to get the fuck out of the market for weeks now (go check my twitter if ya don’t believe me). I hope somebody out there listened.
Or bought the VIX of course xD i would’ve done it myself but after my physical gold and silver i had nothing left. Well, secondary buffer, which i spent on virus supplies.
But hey since i bought mine in december i am not complaining :slight_smile:
Good luck to everybody out there!
EDIT: From the time i started typing that to the time i ended typing that, VIX went from 51 to +54,22% currently

Last night I was watching the pm opening at kitco with interest. With futures forecasting an 800 point drop, what would the metals do.
At opening Au tanked to 1384 within a minute, probably less 1689. $300. It was even on their screen for a while. Not this morning though.
Hey Kunga, was that you that btfd? Anyone get in on that action?
I’ll bet someone did. :wink:

Quote from the New York Times. “The island nation of Mauritius, in the Indian Ocean, gave passengers on an Alitalia flight from Rome a choice of quarantine or immediate return. Alitalia said none of them had symptoms. They flew back to Italy.”
Is there a particular place Chris, Adam and the PP team would like to be send snippets of info?

Myrto Ashe, You said something about an elderly person, say 90+, and being 77 and not feeling at all elderly, I loved it!

SAGE Publishing has made a number of academic articles related to the Coronavirus available for free. A PDF with titles, journal names, and URLs can be found at

Here’s my take fwiw…No one is coming to save you.
Oh, if the government is coming, it is ONLY to control you even more.

Allegedly a letter from Iran’s Prime Minister of Health?
This accounts has had some interesting information. I’m curious if anyone here can read this, and has any thoughts as to the veracity?
edited as the author updated his Tweet to reflect the correct person resigning