The Coronavirus Is Swiftly Breaching Defenses Across The World

Be sure to post the form letter of your senator/congressman’s caring reply.
We’re all in need of a good laugh.

My doc recommends 10000 iu. Says it won’t hurt.
Would some knowledgable please address NAC dosing and when to start? Now or when sick? Thanks!

now when you try to view the corona map at johns hopkins it asks you to login…i guess since there’s no information…there must be no cases! BNO Newsroom on twitter still has numbers.
a scary development given that they are part of Event 201.

Consider adding severe respiratory difficulties and pneumonia to that list. Also mention that some would require extended hospital care, even intensive care.

“This crisis is not confined to China; cases have been confirmed in 32 countries to date. This novel coronavirus spreads easily and hits hard.”
Edit for conciseness in every way you can. If you can make the same points in fewer words your text will have more impact with busy officials.

At least that’s the “official” story.

When I lived in Seattle for 12 years, I became very deficient in vitamin D. It took about 3 years of sun exposure and 10,000 to 30,000 IU vitamin D3 per day to return to acceptable levels.

The Fed. will stop all market crashes and WHO will never declare a pandemic. The rich get richer, ain’t we got fun !?!

Hey, Bill, There are old traders and bold traders but no old, bold traders ??
Like Smaug, I just sleep on my pile until awakened by a great disturbance in the Force.
Love, Jeddi Smaug, Jr. ?

Get sun NOW! With as much skin exposed as possible. You really can’t make up for it with supplements. I’m in Boston. 38 on Saturday, 50 on Sunday. In a sheltered spot it can be very warm in the sun. All cause mortality and morbidity goes down with more sun. Just don’t burn.
If you are doing supplements, then along with D you need not only K2 but also A or you will be out of balance and inviting heart issues.

We found that the mean 25(OH)D concentration was lower in China than in the US
(45.1 vs. 83.5 nmol/L), with Chinese elderly lower than American elderly for every age group. 70.3% in China and 17.4% in the US were considered as vitamin D deficiency (30.6% and 3.4% were considered as severe deficiency).
Vitamine D deficiency in US and China among older

In today’s polarized political climate, we probably need two or three letters with different flavors.
For traditional politicians (conservatives) it may start something like … as the Federal government has recently indicated, Americans should do their duties to get prepared for local corona outbreaks… Here are some expert suggestions… add a mainstream reference
For politicians who can’t take their eyes off the money: Bloomberg (or most recent business publication) reports that economic disruptions from covid19 are likely to be severe if steps are not taken to prepare. Some of the following preparation will save this community money and keep our local businesses as healthy as possible during the projected disruptions…
For liberal politicians: I know you want to keep our community safe. The corona pandemic is not only a threat to individual’s physical health, but also could have side effects with severe impact on the wellbeing of the entire community. I have a few suggestions that might help us all pull together to weather the coming storm as a stronger community…
If you’re very sure they’d want to hear exactly what you’d want to hear, pick up the phone and chat. If they are not the kind of deep thinking people we find here on PP, then spend time analyzing the words they use and the things that seem to motivate them before you write. Remember, it’s not what YOU say, it’s what THEY hear.
Perhaps a few non-conspiracy looking letters to the editor, geared to the common denominators in your community might also be in order. Don’t criticize the stupidity. Just give a few simple, not alarmist ideas that remind people to pay attention.

Awka- did you happen to screen shot? The tweet is now gone. :confused:
vit d: I’ve personally been diagnosed with “critical low d” levels less than 20 (can’t remember the units). I was prescribed d2 and my d never budged. I did lots of research and learned d3 was better. I switched to 8000 and then 12k (bc I felt so much better on it!) and my levels finally came out to 42. I’ve been working on raising d for 5 years!! I just restarted my whole family on d3, hubs and I both take 10k/d and kids take 800/d. Seeing how it’s February, we don’t get much sun, we use uv protective clothing in the summer we are all likely low. I did a lot of research and sadly cannot remember the guys name, but he Was the guy who came up with the current recommendations of vit d supplement. He basically said optimal levels of d was blood levels of 75k and it’s practically impossible to overdose. Have to take greater than 50k/day for long time to possibly get too much. But yes it’s far soluble so cant just get rid of it. I am perfectly comfortable with 10k/d for at least 2 months (I have previously done this for 6m straight) and then maybe tapering down to 5k a day. This is just from my personal experience and research. Not all supplements are equal and my kids started reacting to “palm oil” in our old supplement and I just recently found it with olive oil and coconut oil for them. I prefer the drops. Hubs capsules. Amazon! Actually I’ll probably go buy some more today. Lol
there is a relationship with calcium absorption that I need to go back and relearn. Just haven’t had time but wanted to mention. We can’t take k2 Bc my daughter has anaphylaxis to dairy and k2 is dairy based from all I could find. But yes I would choose that if I could.

As a word of warning, today proves without a shadow of a doubt that crypto is NOT a safe haven asset! It is speculative.
Because today was when it really counted. The world went full panic mode, complete risk off, Stocks dumped, gold/silver jumped and what did crypto do?
Red across the board. Similar loss percentages as the stock markets.
This was the first time such an event happened with the Crypto space being mature; at least bitcoin is and virtually everything tracks bitcoin.
Maybe there is promise in blockchain tech. I certainly think so. But ALL the current crypto currencies? None of them qualify as a safe haven. Don’t blame me. The market has spoken.

I have a 40:40 program. 40% skin exposed for 40 minutes middle of the day. UV B rays, give most vitamin D, least cancer. Just opposite of govt. recommendations. We have a problem right now of very quiet, low power sun. Crop losses, weather changes, disease, lower UV. Big 400 year cycle, or greater, probably. The Eddy Minimum. Interesting how the Chinese Dynasties fell approximately every 400 years. This is the big fourth turning.

There are many forms of K2. One is based on natto. No dairy in that at all. You must include Vitamin A or calcium metabolism will be off - settling in soft tissues (think calcium plaques, kidney stones) instead of hard tissues.
Stop being so afraid of the sun. You need the sun, starting at sunrise. Your body is loaded with photoreceptors that are supposed to take in all the wavelengths over the course of the day.

Stupid doctors prescribe vitamin D2. You can find K2 non dairy. It was originally from Japanese natto, fermented soy beans. Yes, I found getting my vitamin D from below 20 to above 50 ng/ml took a long time. Good research at

A new case apparently linked to contact with the person from Iran

Thanks kunga, I forgot we also have soy allergy to work around and forgot that was the other reason we couldn’t use k2. I’m sure someone makes it allergy friendly but I need to keep looking for sure. Thanks!

Fermented soy is not the same as soy. Maybe can use. Get advice. Be. careful with supplements from Amazon.