The Coronavirus Is Swiftly Breaching Defenses Across The World

"It also tells countries like Canada, that have been able to manage and detect cases so far, that we have to prepare across governments, across communities, and as families and individuals, in the event of more widespread transmission in our community."

In addition to solar minimum, wr have government experiments with SRM (solar radiation management) as a means to slowing global warming. The aerosolized (yep) mix they are spraying (geoengineering) has small metallic chaff which theoretically reflects the sunlight but what is also implicated in respiratory issues anecodtally by those in areas of observable heavy spraying.

This is the test you want. Unfortunately, unless you have some pre-existing disease linked to VIt D deficiency it is sometime difficult to get you doctor to order these and heave them covered by insurance. Good chance you need to pay out of pocket.

A person can order tests here without a doctors order, but not in all states.

Labcorb $70

Quest $50

A nice write up here:

There is alot of debate about constitutes optimal range for Vit D. Personally, I like to see patients in the 40-60 ng/ml range.

Heads up about units: different labs report values using different units…big difference between ng/ml and nmol/L! Optimal of 40-60 ng/dl (nanogram per mililiter) equals 100-150 nmol/L (nanomoles per liter).

Some would say even higher levels better, I am not sure I agree. There is a theory about Vit D getting sequestered in tissues in inflammatory states and the ratio of 1,25 to 24,25 Vit D is a better value to track (but expensive to test and really just a theory)

Optimal dose needed to get to 40-60 ng/ml will vary by the individual and their age, weight, skin tone, latitude they live, season, and unique genetics.

I know people who need 10,000 IU per day to get to target, while others reach optimal in the winter on as low as 2,000 IU/d. The only way to know is to monitor your levels after taking a set dose for a month and see if you are at target and adjust dose up or down as needed. Testing in winter makes most sense…as likely making little Vit D from sun exposure if you are living in dark winter latitudes. IF you spend alot of time in the sun during the summer, then back off your winter dose somewhat.

Too much Vitamin D can become toxic, but that unlikely if you do not exceed 10,000 IU per day in healthy individuals.

“Overall, research suggests that vitamin D toxicity is very unlikely in healthy people at intake levels lower than 10,000 IU/day (323-325).” It is also important to take VIt D with Vit K2 and with food with some fat content (nut butter, avocado, nuts, seeds, olives, etc) to help with absorption.

I like these brands: (Disclaimer: I work for the following company)

Others good ones

This is a nice summary about Vit D too…as to what might be optimal:

Also, don’t forget Vit A. Many people have mutations that make the transformation of beta carotene into active Vitamin A very inefficient. They are better off eating food sources rich in Vitamin A: egg yolk, liver from any animal, cod-liver oil, salmon, fish roe, cheese. If vegan, consider a Vit A supplement or look to see if you have some preformed Vit A in your multivitamin.

As for NAC and when to start. First, NDs tend to prefer liposomal or oral glutathione. Precursor therapy like NAC or whey protein powder high in cysteine may not be efficiently transformed to glutathione in some people. “Endogenous glutathione production is determined by genetics as well as the environmental influences in and around the cells. This means there are a lot of unknowns regarding whether someone can achieve the increase of glutathione production that is assumed to happen with precursor supplementation. Simply put, giving glutathione itself removes the chance that a given patient is someone who cannot efficiently produce it from NAC.” –Tina Kaczor, ND, FABNO ( However NAC cannot hurt if that is what you have, it just might not be the most bang for your buck if you are looking to increase therapeutic levels of reduced glutathione in your body.

When to start NAC/GSH: last month! Don’t wait! Start now. Increasing GSH (shorthand for glutathione) can lower your levels of inflammatory chemicals. This is a very good thing when your immune system does encounter a bacterium or virus, it has a better chance of responding in a coherent, balanced way.

Kudos to Dtrammel for compiling the threads on prepping and treatment ideas! I will post this there too...I suggest people start using those threads instead of these daily ones when they are looking for answers that have been already posted elsewhere. Be well, Claire

Looking at SK and Cruise data to better understand Italy and Iran: this

  1. South Korea -
    833 cases
    8 deaths, 6 serious/critical, assume 15% of serious critical will result in death. ~ 9 deaths or 1.1 case fatality rate*
  2. Cruise ship -
    691 cases, 3 deaths, 36 serious/critical. assume 15% serious/critical will result in deaths. ~ 1.2% case fatality*
    Hypothesis Italy and Iran
    Italy - 229 cases 7 deaths - if assume a 1% CFR - likely they have at least 700+ cases
    Iran - 61 cases, 12 deaths -if assume a 1% CFR likely the have at least 1200 cases*
  • cases are still in progress so unsure what final CFR will be
    *Iran may have higher CFR due to poorer quality of care. This would mean total cases might be lower, eg; if CFR 2% cases may be 600.

Lipsitch predicts that, within the coming year, some 40 to 70 percent of people around the world will be infected with the virus that causes COVID-19. But, he clarifies emphatically, this does not mean that all will have severe illnesses. “It’s likely that many will have mild disease, or may be asymptomatic,” he said. As with influenza, which is often life-threatening to people with chronic health conditions and of older age, most cases pass without medical care. (Overall, around 14 percent of people with influenza have no symptoms.)
Lipsitch is far from alone in his belief that this virus will continue to spread widely. The emerging consensus among epidemiologists is that the most likely outcome of this outbreak is a new seasonal disease—a fifth “endemic” coronavirus. With the other four, people are not known to develop long-lasting immunity. If this one follows suit, and if the disease continues to be as severe as it is now, “cold and flu season” could become “cold and flu and COVID-19 season.”

At this point, it is not even known how many people are infected. As of Sunday, there have been 35 confirmed cases in the U.S., according to the World Health Organization. But Lipsitch’s “very, very rough” estimate when we spoke a week ago (banking on “multiple assumptions piled on top of each other,” he said) was that 100 or 200 people in the U.S. were infected. That’s all it would take to seed the disease widely. The rate of spread would depend on how contagious the disease is in milder cases. On Friday, Chinese scientists reported in the medical journal JAMA an apparent case of asymptomatic spread of the virus, from a patient with a normal chest CT scan. The researchers concluded with stolid understatement that if this finding is not a bizarre abnormality, “the prevention of COVID-19 infection would prove challenging.”

The immediate is the eternal. Thank you for reminding us all. Your lovely cats and your kindness to them, remind us all of today. I went into my garden yesterday and watered each plant. Afterall, tomorrow is never promised to anyone. We must smile in the rain.

Yep apparently the insiders have fished positioning themselves for the down side.

As chris says it’s best to look at critical cases (when that data is available) because it’ll be the most accurate.
We know from the study that looked at everybody between december 6th and feburary 6th that there’s a 81% mild, 14% severe and 5% critical cases rate. When somebody goes “critical” it usually means Intensive care unit with breathing apparatus and/or other machines to keep organs artifically functioning. In other words; the highest chance that person has been found/put in hospital.
So with at this time 23 critical italian cases, that implies x20 = 460 italian cases.
With the caveat that there might be ICU patients that haven’t been tested for the virus yet/aren’t suspected to have the virus even though they have the symptoms (because there are multiple diseases with these symptoms and each confirmation test takes time, days for multiple tests to really confirm it)
Every time they find a critical case, the total case count should go up by 20. There’s some variation ofcourse but it won’t be much.
The fact that Iran doesn’t release this data is telling. But honestly, i think they just don’t know.
EDIT: Just to prove my point, currently there’s 36 critical Diamond Princess cases, which x20 is 720, and current confirmed case count is standing at 691. With cases they missed so far (false negatives) it sounds about right.

Regarding Vitamin D-A-K, this is the one I have been taking for years.

I’m a chiropractor with 35+ years experience, and knowledge of nutrition. Want K2 that is independent-lab certified to be hypoallergenic [like every one of their products?]. Pure Encapsulations.

I read that article today as well. The thing that struck me as missing from the article / calculations is that being afflicted with Covid-19 a second time apparently proves far more deadly. Whether asymptomatic carriers would be similarly affected I don’t believe has been definitively determined. What about the third time around?

For those anxiously awaiting their daily dose of Chris’ video update: :wink:
Coronavirus: Time To Prepare Is Running Out (2/24/20)

Galene77, the link you provided suggests a reason why Wuhan people and China generally (including young doctors) may be more sensitive to the new virus. As summarized by a commentor: “the overwhelming locus of infection in Wuhan (or China in general) may be a result of a mandatory vaccination scheme that included a spike protein. After sensitization by a vaccine against a form of corona virus, a rechallenge by another corona virus can lead to massive pneumonia, according to the research.” I dont have time or inclination to wade through the cited papers, but this may be an important puzzle piece…
Yasui et al., Prior immunization with severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)-associated coronavirus (SARS-CoV) nucleocapsid protein causes severe pneumonia in mice infected with SARS-CoV. J Immunol. 181:6337-48
Te et al., 2012. Immunization with SARS coronavirus vaccines leads to pulmonary immunopathology on challenge with the SARS virus. PLoS One 7(4)
Tseng et al., 2012. Double-Inactivated Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Vaccine Provides Incomplete Protection in Mice and Induces Increased Eosinophilic Proinflammatory Pulmonary Response Upon Challenge

I don’t know about biology of magnesium specifically in illness, but in a healthy body it is unusual vs. other vitamins or minerals. Very little magnesium is normally in the blood (1% of total). 2/3 is in the bones, 1/3 in somatic cells. Blood level is tightly regulated. Under severe stress, somatic cells dump a lot of magnesium to the blood, and kidneys work hard to reestablish the desired level. That magnesium is gone forever. Maybe the body recognizes this situation as “stressful” Julie

The Atlantic has a piece that includes interview with a Harvard Epidemiologist, Mark Lipstich. He feel that we already have 200+ cases in the USA, and even this small number (100-200 cases) make the infection uncontainable. It will spread through the population.
Rapid testing and isolation are futile. High transmissibility, asymptomatic spreading and lots of travel and public mixing means:

The cat is out of the bag. The horse has left the barn The milk has already been spilt, and The water has already gone over the dam.
Most will have mild disease. And some subpopulations will be hit very hard. (A friend pointed out that the population being hit hardest --the elderly with co-morbidities--are exactly the group not in the work force, drawing Social Security benefits and spending the most Medicare dollars.)

I recommend (on info from doc) testing once a year for vitamin mineral levels whether you are supplementing or not.
The best test I have found is Spectracell labs.
Ps. most MD’s don’t know shit about supplements. Go to a functional medical practitioner

The problem is ignorance, stupidity and clinging to obsolete beliefs regarding viruses and health. ANY VIRUS can easily be eliminated from the bloodstream in 10 minutes with an $1800 frequency device. Every prepper needs to have one of these. Medical doctor clinics will NOT have them because they are not approved. And they won’t get approved because they don’t use pharmaceutical drugs. They use FREQUENCY…22nd century medical science. You saw it on “Star Trek”. Now it’s here. Request info by email at

Unfortunately I get so many ads to improve my eyes, knees, or sexual function that I missed this revolutionary machine. Maybe you could go into business curing your neighbors rather than selling the device?

I’ll keep my prediction short…Honest money is about to make a return to earth.
That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.
My wood fired sauna is hot, eucalyptus in the water bucket tonight, gotta go.