The Coronavirus Is Swiftly Breaching Defenses Across The World

Because, these official US bozos think you must have been to asia and that no one from asia came here except via quarantine, to test you… No one could possibly meet the criteria… same as doing away with the WHO pandemic category., Like it will disappear. They know its here. Butthey will know people will be upset with the govt… they will be anyway… Its time for all those in charge to resign.

I am not saying there are not devices or supplements that can do this… But I do know people with real stuff , do not troll boards like this at this time and situation.

I am not so concerned with italy numberwise. Italy has an absolute problem / outbreak / epidemic. Iran , the numbers clearly do not suggest epidemic but do not agree with deaths… However, when we look at MERS numbers it seems exactly consistent. So perhaps this more like MERS there. The question is why… Is it how they calculate cases or lack of diagnosis.? maybe MERS was not a problem outside of the middle east. So , one of two things are happening there. , either they cannot figure the ill vs the dead - for both this and MERS. or something there is making this much more lethal. Meaning is it possible that a previous exposure to mers which may have been mild and affected many - sensitized these people to death/. the ADE second wave.? or has this something to do with the evironment ? or has this merged with the MERS . or is there some genetic play on this?

I have no words. Her research seems solid. God have mercy on us.

I would tell the insurance company to go screw themselves - not that is probably not claused , but basically even if you provide 3 years - a stomach ache that you were prescribed pepcid for because you ate lowjoes eatery will disqualify you for having the flu. How can a pre-existing condition cause the flu? it may make you need more care but not diagnose if that is what you have… Since he was not there for treatment of severe complications but as a precaution and just a diagnosis… it makes no sense that any of his charges are relevant to existing health. Additionally. the hospital is out of its mind… I would write the hospital a SOL letter… As they must show that the rendered services and the according charges were reasonable… To ask a provider because of his travel history to exclude coronavirus based on a flu test… for confirmation - is not 4k… it may be 250-400 dollars plus maybe a 100 lab fee. Further, the state should bear some of this as his actions are only based on concern for the welfare of other citizens and the hospital. The hospital should be thanking him…

Oh Yes LOADS of it from all directions. I record, go into retreat and learn more, then check off my list as everything comes true …two or three weeks after I warn them as Mom the Doom Merchant. Now I report info to people who are open, do not waste anytime trying to prove anything I summarize but I provide links, and move on. Warn, then move on. One friend was so confident in her trust in the officials that she motivated me to write an article about this exact situation. PM me if you want me to send it to you… Thank you.

r 59 min ago

US senators will be briefed tomorrow on coronavirus

From CNN's Manu Raju

All US senators will be briefed Tuesday morning at 8 a.m. in a classified setting on the novel coronavirus, two sources with knowledge of the plans tell CNN.

One source said that the briefing will be in a classified setting because the senators who are organizing it wanted to be prepared in case a senator asks a question that can only be answered in a classified setting.

There will be briefers from the Department of Health and Human Services, Department of Homeland Security, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institutes of Health and the State Department, one source added.

I do not believe it’s any accident that WHO has forgone the use of the word Pandemic. This is going to be about someone’s money and its probably someone or some country with substantial influence.
But their precise reason is currently unknown.
I have a theory though that it has to do with the legal wording of documents in insurance contracts, possibly some derivative bets and/or the actions and obligations that must be undertaken by States, Countries or Provinces when that trigger word is used.
There are obviously ramifications when the WHO declares a pandemic and it may only be known at higher levels where agreements and memorandum of understanding were made in the past.
Perhaps it relates to financial claims states might make against one another for actions that will later be deemed acts of war.
For example, under conventions Kenya might one day desire to bring a case against China for harm done to its nation or people by an egregious industrial or biological accident that involves substantial economic losses.
If it can ever be proven that a nation deliberately released a pathogen that killed hundreds or thousands in any single country then there might even be recourse in class actions. Such cases could sit on the books and be activated many years or even decades down the road.
I am not a lawyer but I do know the importance of language. If the WHO has decided suddenly not to use the correct word then it means someone’s money is a risk.
This is suspicious in the highest degree.

  • Hi everyone. My name is Laura and I retired to Uruguay four years ago. I feel like I'm in one of the best places to ride out this Coronavirus. Fortunately, Uruguay is on the opposite side of the world from China and in the southern hemisphere so I have a good chance of being in the last continent to be affected. This is also a very small country with only three million people and a well-functioning political and Healthcare systems. I have already laid in my supplies and I have a plan to reduce contact with crowds and to keep very clean hands throughout the fall. When winter comes to Uruguay, around May or June, I may leave for warmer areas. My basic plan is to not get the Coronavirus For the next year. I think my chances are pretty good.
  • I am very happy to have found the Peak Prosperity videos and community. I also frequent the blog naked capitalism, but the coverage here is far superior. I have been following this virus since January 19th when my son told me about it while we were talking on the phone. He's teaching school in Vietnam, except they closed the schools a couple of weeks ago so he's just bored and drinking with his roommates. He's supposed to go back to California in about a week. Anyway, I just wanted to introduce myself and I'm looking forward to discussing this shared content with other people here.

U.S., global markets plunge as coronavirus cases spike, creating ‘economic pandemic’

The Dow Jones industrial average sank by more than 1,000 points, or 3.6%, to close at 27,961.01 after Wall Street interpreted new disease clusters in South Korea, Italy and Iran as a sign that the respiratory illness has outraced confinement efforts. The technology-heavy Nasdaq index fell by more than 3.7%. Factories around the world are grappling with parts shortages as their Chinese suppliers struggle to resume normal operations. With global economic engines sputtering, the Federal Reserve and other central banks face calls for emergency help. ===================== "all countries should prepare for a "potential pandemic" ======================  

Hundreds of Michigan residents being home quarantined for possible Coronavirus

LANSING, MI. (WILX) - The coronavirus is being monitored in 326 Michigan residents who recently traveled abroad. These people had all traveled to China or were passengers on an infected cruise ship during the last month. The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services said the travelers are seen as "Medium" or "Low risk" for infection. ####### No one has been placed in quarantine facilities but they have been asked to practice home quarantine as much as possible. ######## ============================================ How about this brilliant headline?:

Japan health officials say coronavirus ship quarantine was not perfect


Crystal River couple in coronavirus quarantine hopeful to return home

Courter said they've been able to walk the perimeter, without interacting with anyone. ==========================

Students held out of school for a day and residents under self-quarantine as coronavirus concerns spread to Europe

Students returning from Italy, where Coronvirus cases are climbing, were told to stay home from school on Monday. They are expected to attend class on Tuesday. ===================================  

You linked: “The Dow Jones industrial average sank by more than 1,000 points, or 3.6%, to close at 27,961.01 after Wall Street interpreted new disease clusters in South Korea”.
That remark created a bit of a stir in my house because on Sunday night when markets turned down I had a forecast (after two revisions) on the previous thread that the DOW would bottom at 27,960.
I was wrong by precisely 1.01 points which is as close as a trader can get and lay claim to actually hitting a bullseye. Maybe I will earn some cred around this joint if I’m lucky. But at my place I’m still getting grilled about saying gold is going to make a great big faceplant off the high board into solid concrete fairly soon.
And it will. I don’t know if this is a gold bug site since I’m new here but I suspect my comments about gold going into reverse may not be welcomed by some members.
Nonetheless, there is no better way to be prepared for the future than to have some knowledge in financial areas that interest you. And since gold is my area of specialization I will have this last comment.
So I just want to reiterate for the benefit of the gold aficionados here (who retain an open mind) that the near term outlook for gold is not bright.
I would not be a buyer here no matter how enticing it may seem because what you are looking at on the gold chart is an important reversal top, not a place to add new positions.
I have already posted my calculation that February will give us a closing price near 1659 and if it does then that is your cue to get out of Dodge. We are currently at 1657.70 on the front month contract and I suspect I won’t be far wrong.
So this is my last post on the subject since the Carnivorus Virus seems to have everyone’s rapt attention. Just be cautious not to delude yourselves that just because the world looks like it’s going to hell that means gold will go higher and do really well.
It won’t. And the really bad news is that it’s going to deflate substantially from here on out so don’t mortgage the house to buy anymore.
Why will gold deflate? I don’t know why but I imagine it will be related to Chinas economic house of cards coming unglued. It’s on the chart though and it can be predicted.
Best of luck to all.

Welcome Laura. Please keep us informed of news from your country.

I was cured of herpes in 14 days with the herbs of robinsonbuckler @{{yahoo.}} com, this is unbelievable

I know on hindsight, everyone will say the japenese botched that. In reality, I do not think it would have made much of difference if any. The reason for quarantine the ship, is to keep the port and land safe, Not the ship. As we know, quarantine was orginally assumed all or most of the vessel was infected already. Norovirus and long history back for centuries have taught us, that the ship is a plaque ship… no one is spared. to that end, there was nothing that the japenese did wrong.

Throw out a bottom for shits and giggles. I love the whole discussion of metals.
An open or closed mind it a terrible thing to waste. :wink:
Humor me please.

CDC finally says prepare —
“We are asking the American public to work with us to prepare for the expectation that this is going to be bad,” she said. “Now is the time for businesses, hospitals, communities, schools and everyday people to begin preparing.”

“The coronavirus is not a civilization-ender, not Stephen King’s Captain Trips come for us at last, but it’s increasingly obvious that we do have a lot to fear from it, both medically and economically — and the American response seems to lag substantially behind where we should want to be right now.”

given the still-limited scale of United States testing, there is no way to be sure, and if we escape a major outbreak, it will be more from luck than prudence.

So already, the virus has exposed a clear weak spot in what you might call the liberal-globalist imagination: an overzealous “remain calm” spirit in the face of the real risks of a hyper-connected world."

MgSO4 or Epsom Salt or Magnesium Sulfate is a source of magnesium in the body. Americans (in particular) are deficient in this mineral. It is cardioprotective and required for muscle relaxation (too much will relax your bowels to much surprise!) Ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) will interact with ions of opposite charge in the body and potentially disrupt the ion balance, which could lead to cardiac instability. No point in curing the virus if it gives you a heart attack, so one should play it safe.