The Coronavirus Pandemic Is A Crisis Now Obvious To All

There is a new case in Germany, a man who has visited the Netherlands recently. Unbelievably, the Dutch national health institute, RIVM, states that since he was asymptotic at the time, het wasn’t infectious. OMG.

The German guy lives about 4 miles from my home. Last week he stayd at an hotel about 15 miles from my home. At this moment he is in critical state in a German hospital.
Since he was not infected last week our CDC announced that they will not trace his steps/contacts because he was not ill last week so it was impossible to spread the desease.

Official statement (in Dutch)

RIVM: kans op besmetting door Duitser nihil

Het RIVM zegt dat er geen contactonderzoek komt, naar aanleiding van de besmette man in het Duitse grensgebied. Volgens het instituut is dat niet nodig omdat de Duitser, toen hij in Limburg was geen ziekteverschijnselen vertoonde Google Translation RIVM: chance of infection by German nil The RIVM says there will be no contact investigation, following the infected man in the German border area. According to the institute, this is not necessary because the German, when he was in Limburg, did not show any symptoms of illness:

I had the same question, and I’m betting you could be both infected with influenza and covid. That would make for a poor time of it if it were bad cases.

I really thought letting them off the ship and not quarantining them for an additional time was unwise. Seems Chris called it, this virus has the long period of being asymptomatic in some people
Dozens allowed off coronavirus-hit Diamond Princess cruise ship in Japan now showing “symptoms”

Although we can certainly find numerous instances where various and assorted governments and their entities dropped the ball, I have to say that I don’t think it would have made the slightest difference as to whether this thing was going global or not. All we are doing is playing for time to come up with vaccines and whatnot to deal with this thing.
It looks like you can catch it by looking crossways at somebody. And I have to say we still don’t know what the fatality rate is or what the long term health impacts are for those that survive. Not knowing is scary. And maybe knowing would be scarier still.
Living in the country makes me feel better about avoiding it… but I’m a college professor. Tell me how I’m supposed to elude this thing if it starts proliferating stateside. Pray for warm weather to come soon I suppose?

I hear alot of blame being thrown around at China and even at the US for under-reporting the severity and risk of this disease. I think it stems from a massive over-estimation of the ability of governments [ and humanity in general ] to manage everything under the sun. #1 The government[s] doesnt know everything. They get limited information from various sources and they don’t know whats fact and what isnt. They also don’t know too much about this disease or what to do about it. And #2 Their primary concern is not to cause panic. Public panic is a greater threat than the disease itself. The economy could crash, which is not only about money but about the ability to maintain hospitals, the supply chain of medicine etc. They dont want people to panic and run out to clear the shelves which will lead to some people having all they need and others starving. Lets not even talk about violence in the streets and the other obvious issues.
So, #1, they dont know. And #2, even what do they know they have a responsibility to hide to avoid panic…and its very reasonable that they would.
So with those things in mind we can conclude that the government cant do anything about this and we shouldnt look to the government for solutions, and we should view all information coming out of the official channels through that lens. All they can really do is quarantine, which we know doesnt even really work too well. This is a natural phenomenon, there is NOTHING that they can do about it. They are just going to try to make it seem that they are doing something to calm the public and maintain faith in government. Thats all they are focused on, calming the public and saving the institutions…NOT you and your family. That is going to be 100% up to you.

The only thing the gub is going to do is exert more force on us. More regulation, more laws, more taxes, more censorship, less freedom, firearms confiscation.
They get their orders from the moneychangers.

Penguin Will
I totally agree we must learn to care for ourselves in this situation. No question, there is simply insufficient capacity in the system to handle all of the cases that may arise. And there is no stopping the virus but slowing it down allows us time to work on treatments for it.
I am providing links to a non-peer reviewed paper and a video from Dr Campbell (a UK doc who has been very enlightened throughout this process as well) showing that some outbreaks have had a much shorter time to illness and serious complications. Without getting technical, containment (quarantine and social distancing in general) can have a much bigger impact in this situation. I have a lot of difficulty accepting the passivity of our leaders and the refusal to test seriously ill people. Not only is it cruel but it can create the fear they are trying to avoid. And it can lead to more infections. Still and all you are right we are obviously on our own. I hope and pray Senator Blumethal and others can find a way to get the truth out. Bless him for sticking his neck out. Secrets like this, as Nairobi seems to imply, often cannot remain secret for long…
I’m only about 20 mins. in so I can’t give any particulars.

Zero hedge is reporting that since Dr Messonnier is the sister of Rod Rosenstine, she might be anti-Trump and that this casts doubt on the CDC’s Covid19 warnings. Who ya gonna believe here, your lyin’ eyes or political pundits?
no wonder it’s so hard to get accurate information
not that I care 2 beans for either political party. This just illustrates how politics gets in the way of facts.

Yagasjai I am glad you are starting to recover. Many of us will not get the testing for Covid even when we are ill since many authorities won’t do widespread test including US CDC. I feel for you and many of us may be in the same predicament. I hope you stay well.

Governments simply do not have the power to control this contagion. They are not responsible and are not to blame anymore than they are responsible for rainfall. This is just being realistic.
We must focus on our own lives and families. We have quite a bit of power in our own worlds. By focusing in our own lives we get even more power.
Going out shopping again this morning. Getting organized.
Got some storage totes from Lowes. Smaller ones to hold canned foods as they are heavy, and some of these bigger ones.

I have 4 recipes:

  1. Pancakes with lots of toppings,
  2. Pasta dishes,
  3. Tuna Casarole and
  4. Chicken Chili
    I’m buying the ingredients needed for each meal x4, and putting each meal together in one tote with a label (and the recipe) “Chili”. That was yesterday.
    Today, I’m heading out to do it again.

if correct…terrifying…
[The Epoch Times, February 26, 2020] On the 25th, Song Tie, deputy director of the Guangdong Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention, revealed that preliminary data from the province showed that 14% of patients with new coronary pneumonia discharged from hospital had a “rejuvenation phenomenon.”
On the same day, similar news was released in Guangzhou. Li Yueping, director of the ICU of the Eighth Hospital Infectious Diseases Center in Guangzhou, said that in the follow-up of discharged patients, 13 patients were found in Fuyang. He said that although the cases were tested positive, it was technically difficult to distinguish between live and dead viruses.

Toilet paper…cant have too much
iodized salt

I keep reading official news stating the CV19 is not an airborne virus. Links posted here state it is airborne. Which is it? Furthermore, what makes a virus airborne? I would think coughing and sneezing sheds virus material small enough to be suspended in the air.

Hi Mr 10min, thank you for doing the video. With respect to feedback you requested, I would insert references along with some of your information about the virus up front. The reason I say so is I’ve spoken to quite a few people about this and they’ll tend to disagree with you about various details. For example, there’s the superintendent of our school district who has kind of heard of a virus and is vaguely toying with the idea of maybe preparing somehow. When I told him about the relatively high Rnaught, he said that somebody else (a virologist no less) had said the Rnaught was 2.5 at the most. I didn’t have any Lancet articles in my back pocket at the time. I’ve found a huge lack of concern even among professional scientists and a local ER doc that I’ve spoken to. Of course, this may be changing now…

I am personally stunned that we (the US) can’t figure out how to run a test or to transport patients without exposing non-infected people in the process. It’s bad enough to notice that we can no longer count votes, but this is even more scary.

A lot of foods typically stored will be constipating. I’m stocking up on prunes! LOL
In a shortage of gowns, wearing large trash bags can be helpful.
I get .gov can only do so much, but they’re blatantly lying to us about the situation. I would respect much more an admission that COVID-19 will be part of our lives from hereon.

Does this work? [Self-Isolation for infected people] - Canada / Tononto

The latest diagnosis is in Ontario and involves a woman who recently traveled to Iran. Provincial health authorities in Ontario said the woman in her 60s went to a hospital emergency room in Toronto, and has since been sent into self-isolation at home as she’s treated.
Doesn't this guarantee that friends and family get infected. Worse yet they wont say where she lives.