The Coronavirus Pandemic Is A Crisis Now Obvious To All


What are the best coronavirus treatments?

Here’s a list of promising drugs being tried on people infected with the virus.

Feb 25, 2020

The new coronavirus that has sickened more than 70,000 people in central China is spreading, setting off outbreaks in South Korea, Iran, and Italy, and now threatens to move around the globe as a true pandemic. The US Centers for Disease Control today said that its spread in the US is inevitable too, although how many people will get the disease is unknown.

“We are asking the American public to prepare for the expectation that this might be bad,” Nancy Messonnier, director of the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, said today.

If the disease known as Covid-19 does become a pandemic, one thing is for sure: billions of people will be hoping for a drug or vaccine.

While there’s no proven treatment yet for the virus and the pneumonia it causes, there are more than 70 drugs or drug combinations potentially worth trying, according to the World Health Organization.

Here are some of the most promising, fast-moving research projects.

Virus blockers

Although experimental, the injectable drug remdesivir, made by Gilead Sciences, is a broad-spectrum antiviral that Francis Collins, head of the National Institutes of Health, says he’s “optimistic” about.

The drug forms a misshapen version of a nucleotide that the virus needs to build new copies of itself, thus preventing it from multiplying. The same type of strategy led to Gilead’s blockbuster hepatitis C drug.

Remdesivir is a good prospect because it’s broadly active against viruses whose genetic material is made of RNA, like the coronavirus. It works well in mice and monkeys infected with MERS (a related germ), although it didn’t help very much when it was given to Ebola victims in Congo starting in 2018.

In January, remdesivir was given to a 35-year-old man in Washington state who caught the coronavirus during a trip to China and who then recovered. To find out whether it really works, the NIH said today that it would run a study of remdesivir at the University of Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha, where some Americans with the disease are being cared for or are under quarantine.

According to the agency, the study will be blinded: some subjects will get the drug and others a dummy injection, or placebo. The first person to join the trial is an American who was on the Diamond Princess cruise ship, the site of a major outbreak.


Probably the best defense in the long term, a conventional vaccine has the drawback that such drugs usually take three or four years to reach the market, at the quickest. That’s because it takes time to prove they protect people from infection and manufacture them in large amounts. As well, it’s not unusual for vaccines to simply fail, sending scientists back to the drawing board.

Luckily, a bunch of prototype vaccines were developed against SARS, the coronavirus disease that killed more than 800 people starting in 2003. Though the vaccines were never needed after SARS stopped spreading, some of those approaches are being dusted off for the new virus.

One company developing a coronavirus vaccine is Sanofi. Its approach is to manufacture proteins called antigens from the virus; these can be injected into the bloodstream, training people’s immune system to recognized the germ. Usually that kind of vaccine is made in chicken eggs, but that’s a big bottleneck. Millions of eggs aren’t easy to come by. Sanofi has developed other ways to make antigens inside insect cells.

Faster vaccines

Some companies are experimenting with new types of vaccines that involve injecting short strands of genetic material from the virus directly into people’s bodies. That way, their own cells make the viral antigens. Although such vaccines haven’t had major success in medicine yet, they are among the quickest varieties to create prototypes of.

That became clear this week when one company, Moderna Therapeutics, said it had already shipped some doses of an RNA vaccine to the NIH. Those could be given to volunteers in a safety test starting as soon as April. “We have never rushed to intervene on a pandemic in this time frame before,” says Stephen Hoge, the company’s president.

Plasma from survivors

A person who gets infected with a virus but beats it has blood swarming with antibodies to the germ. It’s been shown that collecting blood plasma from survivors and infusing it into another person can sometimes be life-saving. While plasma is not certain to work, more than 27,000 people are already listed as recovered from coronavirus in China, so there could be an ample number of donors. Doctors in Shanghai are among those trying plasma infusions.

HIV drugs

To help patients in severe respiratory distress from the virus, doctors in China are prioritizing drugs they can get hold of, and these include several medications already approved for HIV. One hospital in Shanghai, for instance, tested a combination of the pills lopinavir and ritonavir in 52 patients. The company AbbVie markets this combination as Kaletra in the US. While they didn’t see any effect, more studies are planned or under way using other drugs, including Truvada, a once-daily pill taken by people who don’t have HIV but are at risk for getting infected through sex.


According to some social-media posts, the cure for coronavirus is already known, and it’s the old anti-malaria drug chloroquine. Actually, that’s not proven. But studies of the cheap, well studied, and readily available compound are under way in China, with patients getting 400 milligrams a day for five days. Initial laboratory tests suggest the drug, discovered in 1934, may be highly effective.

Chinese woman describes Wuhan virus patients being burned alive

Gee, we should just trust a Democrat not to weaponize a crisis…
In other news, President Trump will hold a press conference at 6PM today with the CDC.

State: Residents should have emergency supplies on hand in case of coronavirus outbreak

The state said to prepare for a potential outbreak, residents should:

This seems like a good overview of the issue and has a decent prep list for the common family (ie not survivalists.) Would be worth forwarding to those who are currently less concerned.

These reactions seem much more measured and informative than the sky is falling from others…
Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-LA), who previously served as a doctor before coming to Congress
NOTE: at 4:40, he’s asked why it was classified, and said at the end it was declassified. I’m guessing because he stated he stayed after to ask more questions that some legislators left before the final end
Senate Health, Education, Labor & Pensions Committee Chair Lamar Alexander (R-TN)
Senator Mike Braun(R-IN)

Still and all democratic Senator Blumenthal seemed pretty upset. It did occur to me that this could be politicized by all sides but it doesn’t explain why these people won’t test for the virus and are standing back. I will be watching the President’s speech tonight to see what they have to say.

Here’s another useful page on the site:

Becoming infected by a particular viral pathogen does not prevent one from being infected by ANY OTHER DIFFERENT pathogen…nor does it protect your from any SECONDARY infection of COVID-19.
One may have an upper respiratory viral infection…at the same time one is having a lower respiratory inflammation caused by a different virus…at the same time you have a bacterial infection.
If you experience an upper respiratory symptom, it will probably be caused by the common flu. If you have a lower respiratory symptom, with mucus cough and temperature, probably due to the SARS-CoV-2 infection, resulting in COVID-19.
Terminal cases display different pathology of the lungs for each pathogen, which is characteristic for each virus.
Buy all the toilet paper you can stand!

Aerosol transmission has been defined as person-to-person transmission of pathogens through the air by means of inhalation of infectious particles. Particles up to 100 μm in size are considered inhalable.
Aerosolized particles are small enough to be inhaled into the oronasopharynx, with the smaller, respirable size ranges penetrating deeper into the trachea and lung.
Aerosols are emitted whenever an infected person coughs, sneezes, talks, or exhales.
Pathogens, like SARS-CoV-2, which are transmitted by respiratory aerosols can travel short or long range from the source depending on the size and shape of the particles, the initial velocity, and environmental conditions. Thus the need for the infected to WEAR A NICE MASK.

Thoughts from another Senator (R) on Tuesday questioning the current responses. Seems like some good thoughts like hey let’s communicate this thing better so people are informed!!!
Sen. John Kennedy (R-La.), a member of the Senate Appropriations homeland security and health and human services subcommittees, said the administration needs to do a better job communicating the level of the threat.
“Here’s what they need to do, and I would suggest that Secretary Azar be the one to do it,” he said, referring to Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar.
“There’s some real basic questions that the American people need answers [to.] How many cases do we have? Based on their modeling, how many do they think we will have? How’s the virus transmitted?” he said.
What is the mortality rate? What’s the mortality rate compared to influenza? How many facemasks are we going to need and are we working on getting more? How many respirators are we going to need and are we working on getting more?” he said.
Kennedy said he wants to know “what steps in a concrete way” the administration is taking to stop the virus from spreading throughout the United States.
He said the Department of Homeland Security and health officials at other departments have given conflicting answers on how long it’s likely to take to develop a coronavirus vaccine.
“God made these things called telephones and they could get on the phone and talk to each other,” he said.
Kennedy had earlier in the day grilled acting Department of Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf during a subcommittee budget hearing, appearing increasingly frustrated as Wolf was unable to answer questions about coronavirus preparedness measures.

Anything you are allergic to will produce excess mucous and inflammation in the body. The SAD diet high in milk products (casein) and wheat (gluten) produces mucous in most people. Sugar, corn, eggs, deep fried foods, refined vegetable oils, alcohol, soy all can cause issues. Try to shift the diet to include broccoli, onions, garlic, radishes, celery, leafy greens, berries, ginger, tumeric, etc.
Lots of ideas on the internet.

I think you misquote the genetic similarity of SARS and Covid as being 98% similar. This is not correct. They are only 79% similar. This 20% difference could account for the big differences observed on autopsy: fibrosis vs increased exudates.

Notably, 2019-nCoV was closely related (with 88% identity) to two bat-derived severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)-like coronaviruses, bat-SL-CoVZC45 and bat-SL-CoVZXC21, collected in 2018 in Zhoushan, eastern China, but were more distant from SARS-CoV (about 79%) and MERS-CoV (about 50%).

I agree, would be great to see the genomic sequencing of Covid in Italy and Iran to see if it has mutated from the virus circulating in Asia. However, I want to point out at least one other possibility: host susceptibility as it varies by ethnicities. Once the dust settles and more research comes out, host genetics and how it influences the incidence and severity of Covid-19 may show it is the same virus but there are differences in the host populations genetic risk scores (as well as epigenetic and cultural factors like common vitamin/mineral deficiencies, malnutrition, hygiene practices) that can influence virulence.


#1 The government[s] doesn't know everything. They get limited information from various sources and they don’t know whats fact and what isn't. They also don’t know too much about this disease or what to do about it. And #2 Their primary concern is not to cause panic. Public panic is a greater threat than the disease itself. The economy could crash, which is not only about money but about the ability to maintain hospitals, the supply chain of medicine etc. They don't want people to panic and run out to clear the shelves which will lead to some people having all they need and others starving. Lets not even talk about violence in the streets and the other obvious issues. (bolding added by me)
While it is definitely true that any government doesn't know everything, they also should be better informed than just about anyone given their resources and access to privileged information. The government can not control this virus but they can help direct the response of the public to the outbreak of this pandemic (can anyone with a straight face say this isn't the accurate term?). Pretending it isn't there or isn't serious is not going to help. What kind of nonsensical argument is this "avoid panic at all costs" meme? They are not in any way shape or form avoiding or minimizing panic. They are merely delaying it a while, allowing fears to be stoked higher by global events as the outbreaks multiply around the world. What does anyone expect to happen when the vast sleeping public wakes up to learn that there has been an outbreak in their country or near their home? Because of this idiotic don't worry be happy government strategy in the US, the chance of outright panic has been immensely increased. Instead of providing honest information about what is and isn't known as this global outbreak has progressed, combined with calm and clear education about how to respond and plan when and if the virus shows up here (which it undoubtedly has) they have opted for a model where the majority of people, who are blissfully ignorant, are going to have their fear response triggered all at once by some event (say the discovery of active spread in a US city - whenever we get around to testing anyone). The response is likely to be the biological equivalent to the last few days in the markets. Given the vacuum of believable government information to date there will be near-complete destruction of any confidence in what the government (including CDC) says about the virus at that point. There is much greater likelihood of seeing the widespread panic and shelf clearing responses that the government is supposedly trying to avoid. Instead of having a month to plan and slowly acquire supplies, like many of us here have done, most people are going to try to respond out of near total ignorance at the same time? What is that going to look like? I don't expect or believe the government can control the inevitable spread of this disease but because it chose not to inform and educate the public so as to allow people to prepare accordingly and be responsible for themselves they have taken on the moral onus of protecting the entire sleeping population they were afraid to wake. Good luck with that. Government isn't supposed to mollycoddle the populace like a bunch of daycare kids (don't scare them) but it is supposed to actually work on our behalf for the common good (i.e. help us to make informed choices). We could learn a lot from other countries like Singapore, South Korea and dare I say it, North Korea about how to foster an informed response to the virus that doesn't include PANIC. While we are at it, maybe they could teach us to make virus test kits......

Another day. New habits developing. More hand washing. Sanitizing our clothes upon entering our house with a 45% alcohol solution. Immediate shower afterwards. Constant sanitizing of commonly touched surfaces. I found a new area that I had not considered before; the handles of the photocopier.
There is anxiety of the virus and the anxiety of living differently. I am a creature of habit that enjoys routine. I feel on edge. However, it was beautiful today. Last night, we had rain. I imagine the cleaning of the streets and the air from the rain really helps us out a lot. I am very grateful for the respite.
It appears the mysterious church that accelerated the outbreak in Korea was in Wuhan in December and abruptly left upon learning about the virus in China. The church , as I was told today, informed no one upon returning to Korea.We see the result of those decisions today. Such selfishness.
The numbers are around 1300 today. I wonder how many critically ill patients Korea can take care of before the whole system collapses?

What are you all guessing??

Just wanted to say thank you a million times to Chris and Adam (and everyone else) for this website and all of it’s information, at a time where I feel very uncertain about our future. No doubt about it, this is a historical point in time. I have been following along with reading the recent postings and comments since January and have prepared to the best of my ability. My spouse isn’t completely on board, but I have to do what I can to protect us as a family. The uncertainty in all of this is something I never imagined would actually happen in reality. It will be interesting to watch the Presidents speech tonight.

Also, came across this earlier... what do you all think about it?

Much of this sourced from China. If you use, stock up.