The Coronavirus Pandemic Is A Crisis Now Obvious To All

My understanding is that the garlic has to be fresh (within hours) or it’s just flavoring, not health benefitting.

I can guess why the Senator is disgusted. I live just outside a metropolitan area on the west coast with a population of over 350,000 people. There are a total of 412 hospital beds serving it. So medical help for .0011 of its people. On any given day, all the beds are already full. In short, if this is typical across the US, then we have ZERO capacity to handle a pandemic. Not just a difficult situation, impossible! He was likely presented with a stark choice, let 20% of the population die, or total lockdown and crush the economy down to nothing for a year or more before enough people have been through it to restart things. How should that make any of us feel? It is going to take some adjustments.

The government says that it has about 30,000,000 face mask.There is about300 million people in the U.S. if face mask are needed for 60 days, that is 1.8 billion mask needed.Point being we are going hell of shortage of mask in this country. Grab every thing you can now!

Thank you Quahogs for finding this super interesting development.
This appears to be a theory at this time (although based on what appears to be compelling evidence, but I am not a virologist so not qualified to judge the methods or conclusions) .
“In conclusion it is our opinion that individuals with two copies of CCR5-Delta32 mutation could possibly have immunity to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) and individuals with one copy of the CCR5-Delta32 mutation could have a maximum chance of recovery at a event of being infected with the COVID-19 but more research is necessary to be certain.”
Fewer than 1% of Caucasians are homozygous and therefore potentially immune. Individuals who are homozygous have have two copies for the deletion CCR5DD. There are Northern European populations with higher percentages of folks with one copy (heterozygous) of the CCR5-Delta32 deletion: Norway, Britain, Ireland (the color coded map here Theoretically, these individuals may have increased recovery if infected, but this is simply an untested theory at this time.
This is a brief explanation of CCR5-Delta32 deletion. One of its rsid# is rs333
IF you have done a 23andme test in the past you can see what you are by looking up your results online inserting i3003626 into search box here: Or you can do a control find and search for i3003626 in your raw data file from 23andme. You can learn more here: I do not know if Ancestry tests for this, I suspect they do.
You are homozygous if you see -/-. I am not….I am homozygous for insertions (As are the majority of people worldwide!) Darn, I am irish german polish czech, so a chance I could have been heterozygous, but no such luck.
The defective receptor variant CCR5-Δ32 does not always grant immunological advantage. In numerous inflammatory diseases and during infection with some pathogens, CCR5-Δ32 plays a detrimental role instead [14]. A prominent example is infection with West Nile virus, where CCR5-Δ32 homozygosity is associated with a significantly higher risk for fatal outcome [15].
LSS: This homozygous mutation pretty rare, but some Northern Europeans who carry one copy might have a slight edge. But just a theory. here is the dbSNP and 1000genomes page for this deletion to look at population frequencies. You must click on the See additional pop frequency from 1000Genome [here] hyperlink and look at the highlighted column for 1000genome data. In the below screenshot you can some allele frequencies too…the pink bars are people with one copy. Two copies so rare, does not show up at all.


Is there any evidence that masks could be reused by heating in an oven to kill the virus contamination? My kitchen oven goes as low as 170 F. Elastic bands might need to be replaced by cloth ties. Does anyone know what temperature might be needed to kill the virus successfully?

The current installations in China are the first generation, < 6GHz of 5G. Most of the equipment comes from ZTE - here is a piece that talks about the frequencies being deployed. The concerns over mmWave energy, which I don’t dismiss, relate to the later deployments of >/= 28GHz, which will come later.
“As is the case for most of the vendors there is an array of sizes and frequency band support in the antennas. As well as those UBRs, there are 32T/R 2.6GHz and 3.5GHz antennas. Qcell is its in-building solution, with 4TR quadband support for 900/1800/1800/2.3GHz and 2.5GHz support.”

I am continually amazed at the asininity of experts and government officials who continue to operate behind the wave. It’s only possible because they ignore the information readily available to all of us who are surfing the front edge of the wave.
Makes me wonder how the human species managed to last as long as we have.

You’ve done a great job articulating my perspective, too. Thanks.

Westcoast, this is an addition to your extensive list that you may have seen in this morning’s Vancouver Sun. Seems a local academic made human recombinant ACE2 due to the SARS outbreak. Soluble ACE2 was something Chris mentioned quite some time ago. It falls into the class of virus blockers by, hopefully, preventing binding rather that inhibiting viral transcription (by drugs).
One of many trials, the press release is here for anyone interested, which indicates it’s already through phase I and II trials (basically not harmful in test subjects).

this case was announced earlier this afternoon…and it’s like a scooby doo mystery as to where, how, when?? terrible communications!

Rather than heating, consider spraying/soaking in hydrogen peroxide or colloidal silver and air drying.

I personally use activated charcoal as a smell remover in a few spots in my house (kittybox room esp.) and I am aware of some of its other beneficial qualities (ie: H20 filter and ability to counteract poisons and sickness in the body).
I found this link a few days ago and am planning on doing the DIY “gas mask” as an alternative to the cloth masks. That being said, I also plan on doing my shopping in the middle of the night too…if the virus gets close to us here (I live in the Midwest).
Any thoughts on this link would be appreciated… perhaps the info included in the article could be a help to all of us trying to be smart about this whole mess…

Interesting bit of actual data (link) on the positivity rate for Covid-19 testing in some countries.

Number of tests and positivity rate for Covid-19 as of today

  • UK: 7,132 concluded tests, of which 13 positive (0.2% positivity rate). [source]
  • Italy: 9,462 tests, of which 458 positive (4.8% positivity rate), awaiting results: unknown. [source]
  • France: 762 tests, of which 17 positive (2.2% positivity rate), 179 awaiting results. [source]
  • Austria: 321 tests, of which 2 positive (0.6% positivity rate), awaiting results: unknown. [source]
China and South Korea have managed to test hundreds of thousands of people, Italy is in the midst of testing many thousands. Even Iran, late to the party, has managed to test more than 1,750. Austria had its first case yesterday and has already put up results from 321 tests! I wish I lived in an advanced country with the technical, medical and fiscal ability to do such things.... Wait, I am in the Unites States where we haven't yet cracked 500 people tested (445 for those counting at home) and apparently can't make a reliable testing kit. Good thing about not sampling anyone across the country is that we have prevented any active spreading in our communities...right? But I heard that from the CDC. Oh, wait, yesterday they said that 'community spread appears imminent, and disruption to U.S. communities could be significant.' Everyone should grab their towels and revisit the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy - DON'T PANIC!

So back in January (you know, when it was just “the flu” everywhere but here), I decided it was a good time to add to my current stock of long term food storage. On 1/24/20, I placed my order w/ Emergency Essentials and paid in full. Today I’m told my order may, again “may”, ship out around March 9th. This avenue of supply appears to be a dead end. Walmart here I come - thanks Emergency Essentials.

How well would a UV light work on masks?

I am concerned about my kid’s braces. He’s got more than a year’s worth of treatment still to go, and I can’t help thinking that’s pretty high risk during a pandemic.
At what point do we say rip 'em out, finished or not?
Anyone is welcome to chime in with advice and opinions.

Regarding the braces…I would wait until this began approaching your area to take action. Children seem to be safer by the stats. Life has to go on within the balance of vigilance and preparedness.;sl=auto&amp;tl=en&amp;;sandbox=1
3 new cases across the border of the dutch town of sittard where said to have gone to carnival with an infected soldier. My mother just texted me there will be an important announcement at 20:35 local time on NPO1, the main state channel (and the timing is after the state news, the most watched program on television usually).
So far many media are still reporting “low to none” infection risk for asymptomatic patients.

Welcome to the community David.
To answer your question, there was an earlier study done on SARS that showed you could disinfect paper masks by soaking them in a 3% hydrogen peroxide bath for 30 minutes, then rinsing them in water and allowing them to air dry.

  1. Don’t PANIC.
  2. Talk to the orthodontist.
  3. The teeth aren’t going anywhere. Except for a possible increased risk of tooth decay, I wouldn’t think letting things rest for 6 months or a year until this all gets sorted out is bad. Just besure kid brushes and flosses well.
    “…rip em out, finished or not?..” Youall Texas women are rough, ooohhh…