The Coronavirus Pandemic Is A Crisis Now Obvious To All

Absolutely Laura. Have the braces removed. It can wait until next year when hopefully there is a vaccine. Why even think twice about things like this?

The standard temperature for an autoclave is 121 degrees Celsius. To get an idea of how hot this is, consider that corresponds to approximately 250 degrees Fahrenheit. In other words, it is hotter than boiling water. The reason for this is that simply bringing something up to the temperature of boiling water, 100 degrees Celsius (212 degrees Fahrenheit), is not sufficient to sterilize it because bacterial spores can survive this temperature. In contrast, 121 degrees Celsius is almost always sufficient for sterilization. Source
Your oven should do the job obviating a pressure cooker environment, although you'd need to test a mask to see how autoclaving affects it. Consider also this chart of temperature, pressure and time.  

If chloroquine phosphate is as safe, simple, inexpensive and readily available as claimed (in spite of my nervousness about side effects), then vaccines and other drugs may not be necessary. Oh dear, has a possible profit centre just evaporated?

MY idea is this: Soak with Vinegar. Spray with high pressure hose. Dry in the Sun(on both sides).
Vinegar is kills viruses yet is not toxic to later breathe the residue. Another possibility is maybe hydrogen peroxide
High Pressure Spray to wash from inside out to flush out contaminates. May have to limit pressure to keep from destroying mask.
Sun drying - UV from sun kills viruses.

This from the Assn for Biosafety regarding SARS: 45 days at room temp?

Evaluation of SARS-Coronavirus Decontamination Procedures

First Published June 1, 2007 Research Article


When the first wave of the SARS epidemic seemed to have reached its conclusion, it was completely unclear how the spread of the virus would evolve. Taking into account all the uncertainties and anticipating the worst-case scenario, many laboratories and vaccine manufacturers started working on a vaccine approach against SARS infection. The results presented here describe the evaluation of decontamination practices performed within the framework of a SARS-Coronavirus (SARS-CoV) vaccine development project. We show that it takes 45 days at room temperature to fully inactivate the human SARS-CoV, whereas an enveloped virus such as the rabies virus, when treated in a similar way, is totally inactivated in three days. Moreover, the SARS-CoV is very resistant to alkaline treatment and, even more surprisingly, formaldehyde fumigation is not efficacious on the dried virus (under the conditions tested). Only heat (autoclave) and hypochlorite chloride treatments are efficacious treatments for the decontamination of SARS-CoV.

There is some question whether UV light will penetrate deep enough into the fabric of the mask to kill all the virus spores. Remember, your act of breathing pulls them into the fabric. Better to wash them in a 30 minute bath of 3% hydrogen peroxide, then water rinse and air dry.
Now UV light can be helpful for many other things. Consider you can’t soak your cell phone. We discussed this a while back here on the threads. You have two choices, a smaller unit that is sized for your cell phone, or a bigger unit. They make UV light sterilizers for baby bottles. Here’s the model I and a couple of others here have bought.
EVLA UV Bottle Sterilizer
Its a bit pricy, at $140US but its very large and can be used to sterilizer and kill the virus on many things at the same it. Put it at your door and then when you come home, toss everything you carry that can’t get wet into it, and those things that can be into a small plastic bowl of Hydrogen peroxide. Your shoes then get set in a shallow tote with some bleach to sanitize the soles.

Both Chris and one other poster (sorry I forgot who you are) explained this. Found a very nice formal explanation and wanted to share.

  1. Calculating Case Fatality Rate (CFR) AFTER an epidemic is over is simple:
CFR = deaths / infected.
2. During the epidemic, the time lag between getting infected and death complicates the calculation. Some sick people who are destined to die have not yet done so. Say the average time lag between day of infection and day of death is 14 days.
CFR = deaths / the number that were infected 14 days earlier.
3. An alternative approximation is to look at only completed cases, ones that have resolved into either recovery or death.
CFR = deaths / (recovered + deaths)
I understand that there are awesome statistical modeling approaches where lots of other factors are included. ----------------- CFR is different from Mortality Rate (MR) which is:
MR = deaths / population size.
Mortality Rate depends on CRF and on the transmission rate.

Have a chat with the doctor next time you are in, or if its more than a few weeks for the next appointment, then maybe go in and have a chat now.
Ask them how they are going to handle the crisis and the increased need for protective measures. If they blow your worry off then I might reconsider or give them a spirited discussion about seeking another dentist.
I’d be more worried that you would catch it in the waiting room from other visitors than from the staff. I’m sure they take some precautions (masks, gloves) now anyway.

An autoclave is steam under pressure, wet heat. It would work to sterilize a mask. However, this is very different conditions from dry heat in an oven. Very few people can afford an autoclave for home use. Maybe a pressure cooker, properly set up would work. I have used one in a small lab for glassware sterilization.

First the info is classified. Then it’s not. That’s fishy in and of itself.
Then he speaks of antibodies. Maybe someone can answer this. If a person survives a bout of Covid-19, and their antibodies can help prevent the virus in others, why can’t it prevent the first person from getting the virus a second time and why is it worse the second time? Maybe the answer is more technical than I would be able to understand but it doesn’t seem to make sense to me.

Could drive one crazy. Abstract to deactivate corona on surfaces says alkaline substances don’t work. So the organic ammonium chloride wet wipes don’t work? Read the opposite last few weeks. This abstract says bleach will work. So who does one believe?
Got to use everything, I guess.

Just like granny used to do with soiled hankys, linens and anything else that might have come in contact with infection, it got presoaked in a little bleach water then washed.
Has everyone forgotten about bleach?
Well its is dirt cheap and it kills germs, viruses and bacteria about as well as any product on the market if used in the right concentrations.
Grams knew. That’s why a lot of us are here.
Edit: Just reading a Wiki that many US hospitals use a standard dilution of one part bleach to 5 parts water to kill bacteria and germs on surfaces. That’s pretty strong and will probably whiten any clothing it gets spilled on. Bleach out of the bottle is usually around 5% so your dilution is just taking it down to 1% of the packaged liquid.

Chris, I’ve been following your videos and they are extremely helpful. I’m a public health microbiologist. I asked regarding serological testing and immunoly friend said this: There is no Ag/AB lateral flow rapid DX text for covid19 so the world is stuck with a molecular test that can only be done in bigger labs. On top of that, the test formulation that CDC put out had at least one non-optimal PCR primer set. in plain English, We won’t have a rapid test available for awhile. I put this up on my blog:
Chasing Wicked Beasts. Stay the Heck Put. Keep going dude, I truly appreciate your input and have set your videos many places. Thanks.

I am only recommending hydrogen peroxide for masks because I have a study that looked at it. I do have both bleach and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) here for cleaning. Probably use the bleach for hard surfaces where I will want to wipe them down and then let air dry. For my hands and face the H2O2. A hot shower with plenty of soap for the rest of me.
That’s an important point, we all gotten used to spraying on the cleaner and then wiping the wetness right up. That does very little to actually kill germs and viruses. You have to allow the chemical time to degrade the enzymes surrounding the virus, and to kill it. Most recommend letting it stand for 10 minutes, so wipe the surface wet, then leave.

Right on! I’m a public health microbiogist and refuse to go into anyone’s waiting room right now or during ANY season. I wait outside. I’ve seen horrors in clinic waiting rooms. It makes no sense. N95 mask will protect, but only limited time.

Absolutely. I had a Hanta virus scare a few years ago as I live in the woods. I used standard bleach, but yes, threw it down and walked away. I didn’t re enter the space for fifteen or more minutes. The problem with bleach is its corrosive quality, but yes it works. absolutely. g

Last time I was at the clinic I told the receptionist I would wait outside until my appt time and could she just text me when ready since I preferred to avoid the risk.
Was she ever irritated.

VeganDB12, thanks for posting the paper and YouTube by Dr. John Campbell. They validated what I had been thinking. That is, CorVID-19 is highly contagious. In Wuhan, the Chinese locked down as many people as they could. It was isolation in small groups. This is based on a blog from two people so affected by the lockdown and published in the Huffington Post. There were photographs.
Given the published work and Dr. John Campbells’s analysis, I really don’t see containment working in the US unless it is ruthless. Self-quarantine won’t be allowed because containment is not guaranteed. The high transmission rate must be curtailed.

I have a short term supply of the Buhner protocol tinctures but also want to start making my own. Bought organic kudzu and japanese knotweed root at an herbal shop in Seattle this weekend. Planning to chop more finely and fill glass bottle 1/3 with roots and top with 100 proof vodka. Filling all the way to the top to prevent oxidization and topping with metal canning lid as apparently plastic lids can melt in tincturing. I can’t find any more specific instructions in Stephen Buhner’s Herbal Anti-Virals book or my other herbals so any thoughts welcome. I figure once the word gets out the Buhner protocol herbs may go from super obscure to hot items plus it’s a lot cheaper to make your own. Thanks!

So there is more than just the best way to sterilise a mask.
There is … have I affected the properties of the mask.
We maybe forget it is a filter and a particulate trapper and … how do we effect its properties of a particulate mask.
I don’t know anyone that washed their car or oil filters out and reuses them.
In the end I am sure it’s a good backup plan …
uv or chemical or heat. I am sure they all affect the qualities of the mask but I am sure it’s better than no mask remembering a mask also stops you touching your face
remembering an n95 mask is quite uncomfortable to wear because they are restrictive
remembering the n95 masks that’s easier to breathe through have an exhaust valve … the exhaust valve opens and let’s contaminates out so also not good for containment of aerosol particles
anyhow read some stuff figure what you think is better but think outside the box think inside the box