The Coronavirus Pandemic Is A Crisis Now Obvious To All

That was a good find regarding decontamination, thejacksonteam. This quote said it all: “Only heat (autoclave) and hypochlorite chloride treatments are efficacious treatments for the decontamination of SARS-CoV.”

Niacin and or B3 not just improves blood flow to the lungs thus oxygen to the body, but actually Suppresses Cytokine Expression (link below) and that is medically noted to reduce Lung Inflammation from Pneumonia and is a crucial treatment at the point of Sepsis from Pneumonia, and should 100% be standard Covid-19 (Sars-2, Wuhan Pneumonia, China Coronavirus, NCV-19 or are all-time Favorite the Kung Flu, because it’s Chinese and Kicks your Ass!) treatment at the point of Pneumonia and Sepsis, but remember they are administering via the blood, and not orally and taxing the liver and kidneys that much more for the same effect, and if you were at home, and very dehydrated, had a high fever with your organs over taxed because of such, I am not sure how safe a high dosage of B3 would be to conduce a Niacin Flush, and have yet to do the research on just how taxing Niacin Flushes could potentially be on a strained system, and I’ll go further to suggest many home treatments can 100% back fire, like Fenugreek for an example, which has anti viral properties, and is said to help asthma, as it has a side effect it can make asthma worse, and the last side effect you need with a bad case of Pneumonia is a side effect making it worse, particularly if you can only tax your system so much with pills and the sort to begin with. As with Peppermint, sure in small doses it could be helpful, maybe, but here’s way I say maybe, because somehow peppermint oil relaxes the throat (which I don’t know how it does, because it seems to generally spur things more than calm them down) and the last thing you need is too much peppermint oil relaxing your lung muscles when you are already struggling for air. Now back to Niacin, it also would double as an amazing delivery system for Anti-Virals and other treatments because it spurs blood flow to the most extreme tiny ends of our spider webs of veins, and that’s what made me dig into Niacin last night, but I was amazed to understand it is a medical treatment for Pneumonia not because of the Blood Flow it 100% conduces and the better oxygen that would spur in that case (also looking into as a documented delivery system), but that it somehow via chemicals reduces the expression of Cytokine and the Deadly Cytokine Storm while also helping against Sepsis! Niacin and or B3 maybe simple, but it appears to be a crucial Treatment for Covid-19 at certain stages and also should be an amazing delivery system for Anti-Virials and other Treatments by spurring the blood (what a Niacin Flush is) to the tiny Blood Vessels in the Lungs those Anti-Virials and Treatments need to get to.
Spem Successus Alit
Randy G Ross of New Haven and New Hampshire

Watching the News Conference. Well we are the most prepared country in the world! But, but, but we don’t test people for the virus so what are we ready for? I am confused?

I decided to watch the conference today too. It’s just a big “don’t worry, this is under control”. We are the best, best prepared, smartest…etc. Great reminder as to why I rarely watch politicians speak. So well under control…lol.

President is totally betting this virus will die in the summer. If it does not, November will be a blood bath. Everyone here knows we don’t have the tests, the equipment or hospital beds if this disease gets going here. I think all this rose colored glasses rhetoric is going to make people sloppy and disinterested in taking precautions to protect themselves and the community. If my public health department is the one in charge, I am better off prepping and staying home.

Just a suggestion here. You may want to consider using a few more periods. It’d make your potentially valuable comment more readable. Also, for the sake of accuracy, there are no such things as lung muscles.

Hi, Tina,
Start your tincture at the new moon, (now.) If you have a dark, cool, kitchen cupboard you use several times a day, like the dish storage, put the tincture jar there. Every time you open the dish cupboard, give the jar a twirl mix. Tincture should be done in two weeks at the full moon. Have fun! ??

IMO, it’s not about minerals. The US is both way back on the outbreak curve compared to China, and not testing anyone, so of course it looks like nothing’s happening here. Our government’s figures cannot be trusted; Kudlow’s claim that we’ve got it “locked down” is pure absurdity. As Chris’ meme from a couple days ago put it: you can’t have a pandemic if you don’t measure it.
Voila! Nothing to see here. Until there is.

The answer is “YES” you can have several viral infections and bacterial infections at the same time…and you can be “cured” and then infected again.

So I went out and bought a Sub Sandwich (mmm…yum yum) and I was telling the cutie behind the counter that my biggest worry wasn’t really the virus particles in the air. It was my fear of having to touch the damned door handle to get into her shop.
And she said she already figured that out.
In the sandwhich shops the workers use cheap plastic gloves to make customers food and then they just throw them out between sandwiches. She said she won’t touch any door, especially the restroom, without having a pair on. Plus they are dirt cheap.
So I checked them out on Amazon.
And she steered me right. A box of 500 food service gloves cost less than 15 dollars including delivery. That is less than 3 cents per glove.
Hmm I thought. My life is worth 3 cents per door. So I ordered some. Now if I could only turn back the clock 40 years and ask that gal for a date.

The SARS-CoV-2 virus can be successfully attacked and destroyed by FRESH, fully-neutralizing, antibodies, which are targeted at it. However, after the FIRST infection is defeated, the levels of the antibody targeting it drops, and the existing antibodies AGE and begin to lose their capability to kill the targeted virus. Old antibodies may perform to some degree…and these we call “Sub-Neutralizing Antibodies,” while others will lose ALL their ability to neutralized the virus, and we call these “NON-Neutralizing Antibodies.”
The second time the SARS-CoV-2 virus infects, they will be “attacked” by SUB & NON Neutralizing Antibodies, which will attach themselves to the virus…but not be able to kill it. The virus then is able to take over the weak antibodies and use the antibody’s own receptor key protein to access the Fc-Receptor-Expressing-Cells of the immune system to gain entry to those cells for reproduction. In effect, the weak antibodies act as a “guide” to the invading virus…and act to broaden the pathways into the body’s cells…increasing the ability to the pathogen to infect and multiply…quicker than the body can produce new and fresh antibodies to fight it, while killing the very cells needed to produce them.
You can have a great immune system and get over the first infection easily, then re-infect yourself…but, this time the invading virus is greeted by antibodies, which will allow the virus to kill you, instead of killing the virus.
So, if you take a vaccine, which gooses your immune system to make targeted antibodies, well in advance of the actual infection…some of those antibodies will have aged, become sub and non neutralizing…and INCREASE the severity of the pathogen on its FIRST actual introduction to you.
Now, you may understand the complexity of developing a vaccine for this pathogen, which will actually work…and not act to enhance the severity of COVID-19.

Thanks for taking the time to explain that. Fascinating and scary!

Chlorine bleach works on this virus. But chlorine deteriorates in storage. It’s half life is about a year so 3% chlorine bleach is only at 1.5% strength after 12 months etc, etc. Therefore, plan to make your own bleach when supplies are short because you can’t really store masses of it forever. To do that, buy calcium hyperchlorite (from a swimming pool supply shop or Walmart) in powder or granule form and mix it up as needed later on. Don’t use sodium hyperchlorite - its hard to find and dangerous to store. A bucket of cal-hyperchl pool powder costs about $40 and will not only bleach things, but in solution and in very small doses can also sterilize water - up to 10,000 gallons in fact.
Other disinfectants are isopropyl alcohol (rubbing alcohol) or hydrogen peroxide. The most convenient is alcohol at 65-70% concentration but it’s expensive. Peroxide is the next best at 3% concentration and it’s cheaper, but chlorine is fine and it’s dirt cheap and can be used in bulk to disinfect clothes, boots, people, equipment, dirty pet paws etc. My wife has 20 litre drums of commercial strength hydrogen peroxide (15%) and she also makes her own alcohol spray hand sanitiser and bleach. It’s not hard.
You can avoid having to pay a fortune for everything and also to avoid having to scavenge and to run the risk of infection at malls, shops and markets.

UV light, of sufficient wattage, will kill pathogens effectively and quickly. The key is to use the proper UV light source, which should use bulbs with 36, or more, Watts.
The exterior of a protective mask will be where the virus will manifest. So, place the mask under the direct and powerful UV light with the exterior facing it. The UV light will kill pathogens the light reaches almost instantly. Turning the object being sterilized about under the light will allow the light to find all of its surfaces.
Such a light should be respected as it can harm you too. The fastest, cheapest, most efficient way to kill pathogens on objects and in the air itself…

Thanks Grayman! I did not know that. Its now added to my list. I found a few easy recipes on line. It’s like 5 minutes effort to make a batch to sterilize a tank of drinking water.
And it’s the right price.
One thing about prepping that’s often bothered me is that some of the solutions to our problems are so expensive they really become impractical for ordinary people.
The idea is to match low costs, local availability and quality that is approximately equal to store bought stuff.

-read A journal article yesterday of an 81 patients, 4 cohorts ranging from asymptomatic testing obviously symptomatic. All received ct scans and lab work. cohort 2-4 (symptomatic) all had symptoms you would expect ranging from low grade fever (100.4), shortness of breath, low o2 sats, cough, diarrhea etc nothing new to expect. However, cohort 1: the asymptomatic cohort, some had lymphocytopenia and all had pneumonia infiltrates (I think just mild, one sided from what I recall). So, asymptomatic patients are actually symptomatic via CT or maybe labs. I remember in January one of the pirated videos to escape this lady was saying she couldn’t receive treatment In China unless all 3 of her tests were positive: ct scan, swab and lab work. I couldn’t ever figure what labs but now I realize it’s the lymphocytes. This has been mentioned several times as an odd phenomenon for covid19 specifically, so take note. If you get sick, and you get tested And maybe come back negative on whatever test they eventually get. Request a “CBC with differential.” Not just a plain CBC. Very easy test to get done. Also, you can get this done but paying cash at many labs if you want to know but avoid main hospitals or doc offices. You could then maybe get your results and call a telemed doc. Of course if your o2 sats are <93 that would indicate you need hospital care so forgo waiting on labs. In relearning lymphocytopenia, it appears this is a common factor of HIV, explicitly the cd4 cells. Leads me to understand why they are using hiv drugs now. I’m going to consult my health diagnosis/nutrition book to see what the recommendations are for hiv, may have cd4 specifics. will report back. excerpt from article: “In conclusion, COVID-19 pneumonia tends to manifest on lung CT scans as bilateral, subpleural, ground-glass opacities with air bronchograms, ill-defined margins, and a slight predominance in the right lower lobe. Abnormal lung CT findings can be present even in asymptomatic patients, and lesions can rapidly evolve into a diffuse ground-glass opacity predominance or consolidation pattern within 1–3 weeks after onset of symptoms, peaking at around 2 weeks after onset. Old age, male sex, underlying comorbidities and progressive radiographic deterioration on follow-up CT might be risk factors for poor prognosis in patients with COVID-19 pneumonia.”
-another finding, this virus seems to like the “right lower lobe,” which there is actually a syndrome with this name and children (mine included) can have a mixed picture of asthma plug vs pneumonia in that particular lobe when they get sick so just something to note if you are listening to breath sounds or doing percussive techniques.

  • nursing consideration: typically in the hospital with respiratory illness, the patient will be given a spirometer. It helps ensure the patient is moving air in an out as a measure but it’s also good to keep things moving if that makes sense. I’m going to buy some to have to add to our non-pharm stash of things to use.

I think all the talk about vaccines is because the public associates vaccines with flu. I think a better chance for effective treatment lies with drugs and/or soluble ACE2. Hopefully some of the Chinese trials will give an early success.

So, what this seems to be indicating is a lot of wasted tests. A better protocol is needed for determining who to test, otherwise they're just wasting resources.

Number of tests and positivity rate for Covid-19 as of today

  • UK: 7,132 concluded tests, of which 13 positive (0.2% positivity rate). [source]
  • Italy: 9,462 tests, of which 458 positive (4.8% positivity rate), awaiting results: unknown. [source]
  • France: 762 tests, of which 17 positive (2.2% positivity rate), 179 awaiting results. [source]
  • Austria: 321 tests, of which 2 positive (0.6% positivity rate), awaiting results: unknown. [source]

Bad link.