Hi all,
New here - live in the UK. Regards re-infection - isn’t there every chance that people allowed out from hospital in China have been allowed out before being fully recovered and then gone back into an environment where the virus is lurking. So this leads me to this question: does this/can this happen with any other virus. e.g. can you have a relapse as not fully recovered and you meet the virus again before full antibody protection is established?
If the virus is very contagious as it seems to be it may infect hundreds of millions of people. That means millions could die and the health care system would be totally overwhelmed.
Hi Jay,
Seems plausible. Given everything we have seen of the conditions, most people would likely be pretty rundown when discharged, and susceptible.
I’ve also read in several places that we do not really develop immunity to coronaviruses in general. Even the less devastating varieties, we can easily catch them again shortly after the initial infection.I believe it is generally thought to be a few months though?
This one sounds as though it’s lingering in the body for a long time too. Maybe it can go “dormant” somehow? And flare up again?? Scary thought…
- Another question for Doc. Chris orvany medical types. Regards asymptomatic 'carriers' - I have found in the past the beginnings of a cold can get stuck up around my throat and tonsils for a time before it either develops or sometimes I never get a full blown cold. Is it possible these, mostly younger, people are holding off the infection at this level? If so, guessing we need to develop an instant throat swab for this virus. Would love replies!
This insane bubble we’ve been living in for over a decade, has been just waiting for a reason to burst. It’s gonna burst due to some black swan event. Something less virulent than Covid-19 would have done the trick.
Sadly, history may place the lions share of the blame on the virus and downplay humanities idiocy before the event.
Both of my daughters are RNs. One left the field entirely after 7 years. The other is in management. Both describe the profession in severely unflattering terms and it’s not the patients.
The hospital closest to my home has beds that they don’t use, because they can’t get the necessary staffing (nurses). They will frequently be full already, during the flu season. There is no capacity for this.
I can’t speak for the rest of the world, but going to the hospital, in the US these days, is something you want to avoid, if possible.
A friend recommended that I research the history of “Thieves Oil Blend” which dates back to year 1413, and was used during the Bubonic Plague. I did and decided it could be a good additional “tool” to use at home. Currently a small bottle of high quality Thieve’s oil of therapeutic quality is pretty pricey, but I found a good facsimile on Amazon called “germ fighter.” After some research on diffusers I decided to go with an atomizing nebulizer diffuser which was considerably more expensive than the ultrasonic (water/oil diluted) mist diffusers, and so I ended up purchasing the “Advanced Aromatherapy Essential Oil Diffuser”. This virus eliminating strategy might be something you’d also want to look into.
It is healthy to pause momentarily and let our minds refresh…and remind us why we cling to life. This is humanity at it’s highest level of accomplishment. Enjoy
Hello to all. I am not an aromotherapist but I have been studying and working with essential oils for about thirty years. Thieves is a very interesting blend and the original recipe incudes vinegar and other herbal tinctures. The modern “thieves” blends normally include pure essential oils of clove, cinnamon, lemon, eucalyptus and rosemary - sometimes others. Thyme and allspice (pimenta dulce) are also very good, as is tea tree. Frankencense and myrhh are also excellent anti virals.
I am currently blending a clothes and hair mist made with non irritating oils so I will use Frankencense and myrhh at 2% in 94% alcohol for that and then a mist for decontaminating phones and objects with teatree and clove at 3% in 94% alcohol. Very strong vodka can be used also if one doesnt wish ethanol (rubbing alcohol). Never use or touch pure essential oils to the skin as they can be very irritating. I read eucalyptus, and tea tree are the best for anti viral use in the diffusers.
for the reminder. Awesome.
…for a less monumental accomplishment, we have one last heifer to calve. 96% success.
Is ignorance Fear is a function of survival. Animals fear but it’s the humans who’ve perfected ignorant bliss. Just because the powerful exploit fear along with every other human emotion does not dismiss its necessity. I can’t imagine the Chinese authorities are over reacting. More like they’re kicking themselves for the very opposite. Even though no one has the actual fatality rate, watching endless bodies crammed into vans has got to cause some discomfort. And for good reason. In the end, I would wager less societies have collapsed due to fear than poor planning
Wow, they were flawless and beautiful, it was a joy to watch!
Thanks for posting, a delightful break indeed!
Thank you , Oliveoilguy, I am in tears. White men can’t jump but they can lift. Vanessa James is exquisite.
Andy, I feel very sorry you do not understand the consequences at all. First, there are probably deaths related to this outside of china - but no one would know - in the US , they dont even or cant even test you. They do not have a viable test.
Second but more importantly, you are looking at death rates. Not hospitalization and serious care rates. Which would be fatal if they are unable to receive extreme measures of supportive care including anti-virals ( hiv) antibiotics, oxygen, saline, ventilation machines for ARDS and pnemonia. The BIG reason no one is dying outside china, is that when numbers of people requiring treatment is low - there is available measures supportive measures to keep them alive. This is an important concept to understand. We do not have near enough beds, or icu ventilators, or even antibiotics and very expensive HIV drugs to treat more than few people with this… Once it blows up , many will die from not being able to get treatment. You need to understand this process of overwhelming the medical ssystem beyond thier capacity. an additional flu that infects only 8-10% of the population per season with a 1% complication rate would bury our medical system in the US… This would infect 30-50% easily as there is no inherent immunity, and a complication rate of 20% possibly more. And if you dont see the reason of stopping this , you are a fool a really big one.
And finally, None of this accounts for that this is the type of virus that you can get reinfected again and again. And the second infection , is 5 times as deadly. so , you know very little. if this blows up people will get it and kill many, and if they survived it would come again next year or few months and many many more will die.
And on one more final note, even if you survive this , the amount of damage to your respiratory system , heart and cardiovascular system , and nervous system would leave the rest likely disabled for life. So, please educate your self. as all you are seeing is current death rate and not understanding disease process and pandemic at all.
Andy, you bring up a good point. The response to the virus could be just as devastating as the illness itself. That’s the gist of what Gail Tverberg said and she was widely criticized. Personally, the only thing me and the wife can do it keep doing what we have been, that is leading super healthy lives, trying to help a few people, rejecting GMO crap etc… But if it’s my turn to die, then so be it. I’m not in a position to get myself a 100 acre private ranch right now and ride it out. Thanks to everyone for all the good information on this site.
@ OOG - thanks for sharing - spectacular performance - pleasure to see!
@ Andy…Event 201 recently “simulated” the death of 65 million people from Coronavirus. Maybe the real thing will be tiny numbers in comparison to the simulation…but I for one say bollocks to shrugging - if the choice is shrug n die - or - fight n die, then I’m fighting all the way… Whatever the price.
Probably reflects human nature to a great extent. Like China, we (Americans and others) will be way too complacent in the beginning an too draconian down the road when people begin to freak out.
Regarding the Thieves formulation and other oils, I wonder has this been proven. I love the smell of Clary Sage and sometimes drench myself in it. By about 30 minutes later I can’t smell it anymore. Same with Eucalyptus. What I’m wondering is if you put on some oils in the morning, does it really protect you hours later or do you need to constantly apply it every hour?
I agree with your comment completely and Andy S makes a very reasonable point.
Civilisation (herd) will react however it will - and it always does. Our own personal response should be to improve our own feelings and situation the best way we can…
Scroll down to “incubation period” and click on “27 days”
Summary of findings:
- 2-14 days represents the estimated range at the moment for the novel coronavirus COVID-19 (formerly "2019-nCoV").
- An outlier of a 24 days incubation period has been observed in a recent study. WHO said it could actually reflect a second exposure rather than a long incubation period, and that it wasn't going to change its recommendations.
- Hubei Province local government on Feb. 22 has reported a case with an incubation period of 27 days. [11]