The Curious Case of The Blood in the Bathroom; Solved?

Originally published at:

Yesterday we explored where the blood in the bathroom came from and when.

Today we’ve learned that the big rush of local LEO into AGR6 was reported as being due to “somebody looking out a window.”

So until we get different information we’re going to presume that’s the reason, and the rush of LEO into the building was not due to blood in the bathroom. That must have come later.

After confirming with local witness Dave Stewart about exactly when he heard that radio chatter reporting the blood in the bathroom, he couldn’t be sure, with the timing lost in the intensity of the event and having been cuffed and tossed around. The precise timing got lost in the mix, which is understandable.

However, we have the same basic questions about both local snipers’ whereabouts during the period of time between 5:45 and 6:15. Was anybody in the overwatch building’s second floor? Did they abandon their posts, or were they called away? Why did they leave the windows open? Was their sniper gear in there, set up for anybody to discover and use potentially?

A huge shout out and thank you to everyone who is contributing to unraveling this mystery!



13 Likes this video shows a stabilized version of Crooks running on the rooftops. skip to around 17 mins to skip the commentary.

feels like with the way he’s running, more LEO’s on the ground should have been able to spot him. Also I’m pretty sure at least one non-SS sniper team could have seen him running and jumping around the roof, unless they were preoccupied with something else (e.g. maybe they threw their focus towards Sheetz gas station and didn’t look at the rooftops until it was too late?)

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Excellent analogy.
Cudos to all contributors.
Assassins for high value targets, rarely use one shooter. No matter how capable a sniper is, time and distance is a factor, and the instigators don’t want failure.
In modern weaponry, it is difficult to miss, and since the initial shot “hit” target, would have been a kill, shot, BUT for the Grace of God.

So perhaps they needed the one skilled shooter and a patsy. I doubt “crooks” was the only shooter.

Also, the blaring gaps in security, show not ineptitude, but planned intent.
much of what we get is distraction. The inexperienced mangers are the fall guys (gals)

The patsy is the “squirrel” -Look Here!
the name of shooter itself is a distraction. Those photos of dead “crooks” don’t look like him.

The shots from audio #2 sound different, and not the same location, your analysis of echo show that. The Media and FBI silence, is proof of coverup*, and the release of body cams have been scrubbed. (sound deleted)

I like your approach, eliminating elements that may misdirect.

Keep up Great Work!!


  • reasons not yet proven

Assassins for high value targets, rarely use one shooter. No matter how capable a sniper is, time and distance is a factor, and the instigators don’t want failure.

So why didn’t they shoot a 78 year old man in the chest?

In modern weaponry, it is difficult to miss

Unless you’re using a shitty AR-15 with a basic red dot to take a precision shot lol

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Why did they want a headshot on JFK?

Some people just really want to send a message with their message.


idk I’m just trying to figure out why 2 shooters both aimed at the head and missed so badly. you guys are the ones that can’t answer that question, yet you keep going on as if there being 2 shooters is some sort of concrete fact. if there was a 2nd shooter, he was some dumb kid just like Crooks, no way a pro misses with so many opportunities

In this recent context of “someone was looking out of a window”, I think it worthwhile that the window just to the right of the exhaust stacks be analyzed frame-by-frame and zoomed in. I lack the tech to do so. Evidence of activity behind this window was overlooked earlier when dismissing this location as a possible shooting location; however, the “mystery of the disappearance of a looped cord” hanging from a frame within this window of interest strongly suggests that some level of activity was taking place behind that window during the shooting.

I captured this distorted image and zoomed-in when I thought I could see something within the window.
My imagination could be “drawing images in the clouds”, but it looks like the top of a bald-headed dudes face peering out from the side of the window as well as interior room features like a doorway.

Furthermore, I find it “curious” that in an earlier video Crooks was seen facing the stands, and then, turning around to face this “window of interest”:thinking:


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I agree with what you mention. I wouldn’t be surprised if the person, “Thomas Crooks” is still alive. They paid him to be a patsy and then swapped him with a sharpshooter, dressed as Crooks, who then got on the roof and made the shots. A local officer then probably shot this guy and the Hercules 1 team had to then fire a shot to make it seem like they were the ones to make the kill shot. It is very feasible, in my opinion. Until I see DNA evidence that the person shot on the roof was, in fact, Thomas Crooks, I am in doubt. As shown in a demonstration video by another poster on YouTube (Brandon Herrera) re-enacting the sniper shot from Hercules 1 sniper using the same type of gun/ammo, Crooks head should have exploded. Extremely suspicious.

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Listen, the JFK conspiracy was huge. It took decades for the info to come out that there were multiple shooters, that shots were taken from multiple directions, that the autopsy had been tampered with, etc, etc, etc…

Then look at the Las Vegas mystery. Everyone agrees there was something shady there.

For this situation, it is far better to gather as much evidence as possible and to consider and rule out possible theories early. People aren’t doing this because they enjoy playing civilian detective(ok, some do): they are doing it because they have to. They are doing it because our government is often corrupt, incompetent, or both.

If you don’t like it: why are you here, exactly? I’ll take free speech, free discourse, with some wild theories thrown in, any day over the opposite. The opposite is boring and just how power-gluttons want you to be: brainless, uninspired, disempowered bug-eating zombies. Facts matter, but free thought matters too.


One shot at least was not a head shot: the one that went in near the scapula in the back and exited out the front of the neck and through the knot of the necktie. That exit wound looked like an entrance wound because it was a small round circle, but that was a “tethered” wound since it had the knot of his tie up against it.
Also if, as many believe, there was shooter in front, the windshield of the car would have blocked some of the view and maybe there was no clear firing solution to the thorax - my speculation.

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I huge shout out to @cmartenson for his Honey Badger determination to continue to pursue this investigation as long as it takes.

If we find out however that Crooks was a CIA or FBI asset, which I expect will come out eventually then this headline will make much more sense…


If you don’t like it: why are you here, exactly?

I don’t like your theory because I feel like I can rule it out personally given that Trump is alive. Again, I just cannot see how two people miss with all the opportunities they had.

I’ll take free speech, free discourse, with some wild theories thrown in, any day over the opposite. The opposite is boring and just how power-gluttons want you to be: brainless, uninspired, disempowered bug-eating zombies. Facts matter, but free thought matters too.

Dude I just asked you how did two people miss so badly. Why do I have to engage in some fantasy with you? If you want to believe a 2 shooter theory that’s perfectly fine, but do you have anything that can account for two people missing, especially if this 2nd shooter is some sort of a pro? That’s all I asked you. You keep aggressively pushing this theory around lol

like these aren’t some personal attacks on you, but I’m not going to agree with a theory just because it’s “cool” and “exciting”. we can’t account for a 2nd shooter yet imo. there is no trace of them. if they shot, okay, where did their bullets go? when did they shoot? we have to fit them into the timeline somehow, we can’t just say they exist because it’s sexy to you


I agree, if the Israeli Mossad had to arrange this assassination they would have used a team of at least 12 people to do it. And they would not have missed. For that reason alone, this was not done by Israel.


I hate being sarcastic but I have to ask was the blood in the ladies room, the men’s room or the gender neutral bathroom? This become pertinent if as has been reported the AGR complex had recently installed tampons in the men’s room for inclusivity.

This could have been a tampon misuse injury.

We need to get to the bottom of this incident and if it really was a tampon injury, it would explain the massive number of officers rushing in and also the highly classified nature of the incident.


How do we know they didn’t?

The sheriff deputy that directs traffic at church on Sunday spends the entire morning in a bullet proof vest. I’d bet Trump has a bullet proof vest and a bullet proof suit jacket. The SS agents probably do as well.

After the first shot Trump was moving and by shot three he was down behind the barricade so whomever was taking shots only really had one opportunity.


They may have assumed Trump would be wearing a bulletproof vest.


He would have to be wearing at least Level III+ plates then. If someone can compare what Trump’s suit looks like to his past appearances, maybe we can notice him wearing bodyarmor underneath the suit.

Hey, one more question mostly put to rest. Thanks to the PP crew for tracking down a mighty-suspicious-looking bloody bathroom. One down, about a half-dozen to go, but that’s real progress.


We’ve had a lot of speculation about whether “boosted cop” should have fired rounds into the ground. Let’s go beyond that and wonder whether we are better off with him NOT having done that.

I think as a whole the US is probably better off knowing the danger that is lurking out there, that the Secret Service was subverted, and now we know that Mr. Trump needs to take much better precautions, to have people watching over the Secret Service, and to supplement for any outdoor rallies.

Obviously the outcome was NOT better for poor Cory Competore or his family, or for Mr. Dutch or Mr. Copenhaver, or for the people nearby who will have PTSD for years. And 99 times out of 100, the situation would have involved Mr. Trump being shot in the head. But I’m just looking at the situation we HAVE, RIGHT NOW, vs what would have been if boosted cop had fired some rounds, and the headline was “Man with gun intercepted at Trump rally”.


Maybe the LEO were checking to see if the county could use the AGR building for a polling place in the next election but the toilets wouldn’t back up enough to stop the counting.