The Curious Case of The Blood in the Bathroom; Solved?

The LEO jumping the fence at about the 9:00 mark looks to be wearing a greenish uniform - Husky size. The LEO at the 10:30 mark looks to be wearing a blue uniform - Slim size. Maybe their was more than one injury?

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Just putting this here because it’s a spot where frequent visitors might go:

This is an important article: Dissension, ‘Toxicity’ Plagued Trump’s Secret Service Detail Before Assassination Attempt | RealClearPolitics
Important points: Site agent is part of Trump’s 60 person detail that stays with him. This role rotates, and the site agent at Butler was inexperienced. Lead agent: This lady is out of Pittsburgh. She is experienced, but not on a protective detail.
Sean Curran: leader of Trump’s 60 person detail and one of the guys in the iconic photographs shielding Trump after the shooting. He and the 2nd in command had held a meeting recently regarding problems with the Trump detail.
Tim Burke: He is special agent in charge of the Secret Service’s Pittsburgh Field Office. He is a friend of acting Secret Service director Rowe.


If you believe that Crooks acted alone (and all of the shots sound the same) like the SS and FBI are telling you, then I’m confused about what you personally are still trying to figure out. What is your uncertainty about the July 13th event if you don’t mind me asking?

minor comment on the door entry - those press-bar one way self-locking doors can sometimes be defeated with a sharp, sudden, strong tug, especially after they have been loosened up by lots of use.

if they are tight and right, it won’t work, but they naturally loosen up and gain more play over time. It’s the sort of thing LEO’s and firefighters might know to try to do before resorting to other methods or finding someone with a key.

so, therefore, there might not have been anyone inside to let the initial group of hut-huts in. FWIW.

more sinister is the handoff of the elongated black object to the very sinister looking John Wick movie villain henchman dude, bald with a beard. Regular LEO sets it casually by the railing, henchman loiters and whistles a little tune, so casual, then swipes it and walks off. Observers IRL would not have noticed, there was a lot going on, but the cop car cam was running!

Could be a major clue, could be shooter #2’s gun getting exfiltrated.

independent investigators should be getting up in that drop ceiling in that building, see if there’s disturbance of the dust

If you believe that Crooks acted alone (and all of the shots sound the same) like the SS and FBI are telling you, then I’m confused about what you personally are still trying to figure out.

I never said that. I just don’t understand where a 2nd shooter fits into the whole timeline and narrative.

What is your uncertainty about the July 13th event if you don’t mind me asking?

How a 20 year old kid was able to figure out that from July 9th (going off of what wolf tattoo officer said) that the local LEO’s and the Secret Service detail would leave that rooftop spot unprotected, and not only was he able to figure that out, but he clearly knew the plan was good to go since he trained at the range the day before.

So my theory is that he had at least one local cop and one SS/Fed agent helping him in some way. I just don’t think there is a 2nd shooter yet because I just cannot see where they fit in the timeline right now. So idk what your deal is, but you can just ignore my posts if they bother you that much.

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Two reasons to shoot at the head.

  1. They wanted Trump’s brains blown out on live national TV.
  2. They were concerned Trump might be wearing a vest.

They knew that the rooftop would be left wide open, but didn’t know if Trump would be wearing Level III+ armor?

I don’t think there is any evidence that Crooks was shot by the SS sniper. Just claims from the SS.

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How could they know any decisions on something that could be last minute like whether or not to keep a bullet proof vest on during a hot day?

The site security positioning was concrete. It wasn’t changed. The gap in the perimeter was literally planned as part of the site prep.


How could they know any decisions on something that could be last minute like whether or not to keep a bullet proof vest on during a hot day?

Idk for starters, maybe by asking if something like that was ever happened before?? And then probably go from there. They planned an entire assassination attempt with the perfect shot at the target, and they didn’t bother to check and see if maybe there is a way to know ahead of time if Trump would wear plates, and what rating they would be for.

The site security positioning was concrete. It wasn’t changed. The gap in the perimeter was literally planned as part of the site prep.

Right, so they knew the plan but…that’s it? This is an inside job with…limited info? I don’t get what you’re saying lol

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I am starting to think “Intolerance” may be a government agent. He is trying to poor cold water on the two shooter theory with the worst arguments ever.
If this is in fact the case then we have to double down on the two shooter theory because that is where the truth is.
I am still of the opinion that the second shooter was in the fake vent between the windows. This is not a real vent.


I am starting to think “Intolerance” may be a government agent.


He is trying to poor cold water on the two shooter theory with the worst arguments ever.

I’m not, I’m just saying I personally am not convinced because I can’t fit them into the timeline of events. Why is that so hard to understand? Why are all of you acting like redditors with this hivemind mentality? I’m sorry that as an individual, I’m just not convinced of a wild theory just yet.

If this is in fact the case then we have to double down on the two shooter theory because that is where the truth is.
I am still of the opinion that the second shooter was in the fake vent between the windows. This is not a real vent.

That’s fine, no one is stopping you lol

If you aren’t a government agent then why are you so desperate to dismiss theories with piss weak arguments and no proof.
There is no problem with dismissing arguments if you can bring in evidence that proves the theory wrong, but trying to dismiss possible explanations with made up theories of your own is just not helping.

If you aren’t a government agent then why are you so desperate to dismiss theories with piss weak arguments and no proof.

Umm…because what you’re bringing forward is a bunch of speculation that doesn’t do anything to convince me to see your point of view??

There is no problem with dismissing arguments if you can bring in evidence that proves the theory wrong

I’m just posting my opinions and speculations like everyone else, you can choose to ignore them.

, but trying to dismiss possible explanations with made up theories of your own is just not helping.

What explanations? I ask why a professional assassin wouldn’t take a shot at Trump’s chest and I get told it’s because of plates. Okay that fact alone doesn’t stop an assassin, they can just bring a rifle with a higher caliber. You guys stating there might have been a vest doesn’t immediately dismiss my point about why someone wouldn’t take a shot at the chest and instead sprayed rounds aiming for the head, a small moving target… idk how you see me as a problem when I’m just challenging certain statements made. how do you ever plan on getting to the bottom of this if you’re going to cry every time a theory gets challenged? if your theory cannot withstand basic questions, it’s probably a shit theory, that’s not something I did lol

There’s part of your problem. No body’s Hypothesis has moved to the level of a Theory. If your Hypothesis can’t stand up to others questioning it, then it not a very good Hypothesis.

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this is going to sound fucked up, but whatever.

so the guy was wearing a Demolition Ranch t-shirt right?

say Crooks, and hell let’s bring his buddy, the mystery hidden 2nd shooter assassin pro, I’ll call him Evil Houdini. say they are actually fans of that channel, the t-shirt wasn’t some distraction or a way to “fit in” at the event.

Matt, the owner of that channel, has numerous videos testing how different guns and calibers perform against body armor, both professionally made stuff, and “homemade” ones.

So if you want to dismiss my question of “why didn’t Evil Houdini shoot at the chest?” with “they thought Trump was wearing plates”, then Crooks and Evil Houdini would have actually been prepared for such an occasion. They would’ve consumed hundreds of hours of Matt’s videos, they would’ve known exactly how to prepare for body armor, even if it’s Level IV plates.

So I’ll just reiterate my earlier point, plates don’t mean anything if thrown into the equation. Especially not for a “professional” lol

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Well then the question becomes, why didn’t he use a higher calibre? There could be a number of reasons.
Maybe he wanted to use the same calibre as Crooks.
It is not like it was a risky shot. I have heard that it is like a 4 inch putt.


What of the possibility that two SS shot 2 snipers (I had poorly worded re this issue) It might explain some different stories of distance & which team took which shot? I am excusably confused.

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I’ll play: it seems like many of the gun violence acts that rock the nation involve weapons that certain powers also want banned.

Well, this one would have been basic as hell: just an assault rifle, nothing special for its modifications, nothing special about its ammunition.

What? They do want to ban those? Interesting.

This was supposed to be an easy shot, right?

Well, it shouldn’t have been a miss. For whatever reason: it was. Barely. It was almost a head shot kill on live streaming. All that planning. If it were a prof: he shit his pants on that miss.

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I love that you are continuing the investigation. I saw the new video that Dave put out today and slowed it down right before the shooting starts about you can see Crooks looking at Dave and also holding the rifle to shoot. Also when slowed down the vents above the windows may have been slightly opened enough to shoot through. I would like someone else’s opinion. I remember in a video that man with the Flag on his back said that he could hear the bullets flying past him. Could someone have been on the 2 story building opposite building one and just climbed down. After the shooting Dave is filming towards the back parking lot and you can see far away that there is a person near a vehicle and the door is opened and closed. This is 3 minutes after the Crooks is shot. They could have just driven away and no one is the wiser as they were just looking towards Crooks area on the roof.
Could only download one of the screenshots of the person in the back parking lot. Why would someone leave asap? Vehicle is there & then gone? Please give us your opinion!