The Curious Case of The Blood in the Bathroom; Solved?

Why not in chest??? I think others asked that.
Head shot is almost a sure thing. In military they train “center of mass” but that is because you want incapacity or kill shot.

AR-15 can be a deadly round due to velocity. The faster an object travels, the higher the energy upon impact.


Good point, hit or miss a message is sent.

Judging by the near miss, they wanted the former.



If there are only two shooters; one is the patsy. It doesn’t matter if he hits or sprays, he draws the return fire. excellent plan.
The other (s) would be the skilled shooters for the job.

most likely they had uniforms and badges. They could walk away.


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At your video time stamp 3:39, one can hear “We have snipers inside.” amidst the radio chatter. And, those who watched the video KNOW Greg Nicol + other LEOs entered Bldg 6 1-2 minutes before “We have snipers inside.” is heard.

So, why the concern about someone looking out a window? Why send so many LEOs into Bldg 6? LEOs ALREADY inside might have looked out a window; so, NO cause for concern. And, LEOs already inside probably could deal with a bad guy inside.

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They said they had DNA evidence within a day of the shooting, I believe. Whether or not it was Crooks. If it was a setup it would be easy for them to collect a sample from Crooks beforehand and use that for testing, even if the guy in the roof was somebody else.

I counted 21 different LEOs entering door 9 in the first 7 minutes after shots were fired. I have to assume they were spreading out to other buildings to search. I did not count how many came out of that door yet, but it’s likely some would exit from other doors in the complex if they were spreading out to different buildings.

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@cmartenson these images are taken from here Sniper’s Nest Video Released By Dave Stewart stabilized (

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Because I have waxed n waned I was going to opt out. Like it or not, this chat has substance. Int… on TIMELINE. A PICTURE IN THE WINDOW. THE DNA. SEEMING SUBTLE OR NOT CONFLICT WITH LOCALS AND SS, ETC: SOMEONE IS TRYING TO SIGNAL SOMETHING-TOO MANY DETAILS ON THAT TO LIST. THE ZOMBIE TOOL HANDOVER. I POUR HOT WATER JUST OFF BOIL ON MYSELF ALMOST WEEKLY SO THE BLOOD STORY IS STILL SUSPECT. THE CHOICE OF SITE, WITH BLD 6 FRONTAL LOBE. BANNING AKs-hey, I’m ignorant but yeah why that one when there are 22s that can - oh, synthetic folding-wait plenty of choice which even I know and think that a real snipper might be able to clip an ear to make a point (just my belief), but that is a 2 person theory. I KNOW compassion is needed, but I would have moved the crowd not Cory till someone knew the direction of the bullet that… There are other facts beside those in this forum. They may not be green but do tell that there was something known in play by persons in the crowd prior to Pres T being on stage. Add the podium left no wiggle room - sorry I am a weakling but act and would have broken a shoulder to push it out of play and protect Pres T. FACT THE WHOLE SECURITY STUFF UP IS LIKE THE LAST 3 1/2 YR OF THEATRICS. THAT TELLS ME I DON’T WANT TO KNOW some things because it is all too deep. Info from other channels and loose comments re clothing, even the tactical guys were misleading or not about the angle they claimed to see or were told by insider buddies. NEED TO PRAY. THIS IS A WORLD WIDE DOMINO SITUATION. ONLY WAY OUT IS FOR pre all the trade deals starting post WWs. Otherwise we need the most transparent change in world governance. If we put this in the context of WEF and Transhumanism and surveillance (my spell checking), and the list goes on - not 2 ? uses of law, but 1 whole abuse of law and constitution, the A-Z. In this context Pres T has reason to protect family and country. But! For how long? There is no significant world leadership. This is why I put other items in the list for consideration, but I honestly can not see a way to frame an hypothesis without conspiracies. That we have let Perestroika go so far, I’d hope that JFK’s remarks about taking down the whole system are true, but that scares me too. The big issue is that there is NO such thing as democracy. I am reliving being a skinny kid playing against 3 football teams of skilled, grown military men who were out for blood every 2nd week. Who is handing the ball over if, as in a Commonwealth, you have the same advisors in public service, or when picking up a phone? I don’t think anyone should take this assin… attempt in isolation based on things like how leaders are not even elected in so call democracies, and most 1st world countries have self-imploding policies. I think this is my last post. BUT THIS IS A REALLY GOOD THREAD ESPEC GIVEN THAT THE PUBLIC ARE DENIED TRANSPARENCY!

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One glaring ommission in the timeline before this can be put to rest. What time did Dave say he heard over the radio that they were suspicious of a second shooter because they found blood in a bathroom?

Since Officer Graham doesn’t enter the building until 18:17:33, he couldn’t possibly be the one to have left the blood there if Dave heard that transmission before that.

Please ask Dave (or maybe it’s Dayve?) on that timing.

The rushing of the building was initially assumed to happen because of this based on this comment by Dave. But then there’s the looking out the window.

And if I were a sniper and left my weapon unattended, and then heard there might be someone else in the building where I left my gun, I might want to be the first person in as well.

2nd point for clarification–Trump has always stated that the shot that took out Crooks came from 400 yards, which would imply it was the snipers on the building completely across the fields (and there is a video of a man who was there with his son who said they saw snipers in those barns on the stands when they entered the rally). That said, he also still says the officer who got boosted onto the roof injured his foot/ankle badly, and we know that’s not true.

Just a couple of questions rattling around in my brain.


No, I was just curious what you were trying to figure out. You answered it legitimately. I see why you are on the mission. I am glad that you have questions because none of this makes sense. I agree that he had lots of help.

Hi Michael, fellow Aussie here, just letting you know that PP has been my sanity in an insane world here in Oz. If you are in 2 minds then take the most cost effective option and give it time. People here have become part of my tribe. Best wishes.

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Even in the blurred out video from the roof of the shooter, there is no color on the white roof of blood. His hair color is visible and even face color but no blood color. If sniper shot him where is the blood color?

Well, this one would have been basic as hell: just an assault rifle, nothing special for its modifications, nothing special about its ammunition.

But it’s not an assault rifle.

What? They do want to ban those? Interesting.

Well they still want to ban a piece of plastic that goes on the outside of the gun because they think that somehow makes it “fully automatic”, but that’s impossible given how the sear is designed in the gun.

This was supposed to be an easy shot, right?

Seeing all the recreations of it on YouTube, yeah.

Well, it shouldn’t have been a miss. For whatever reason: it was. Barely. It was almost a head shot kill on live streaming. All that planning. If it were a prof: he shit his pants on that miss.

Pros took shots at Crooks. They fired twice, one miss, one fatal shot. 50%

Crooks and his hidden 2nd shooter Evil Houdini fired at least 8 shots, “hit” once by grazing the ear. About 12% accuracy for them.

Seems that pros on the field with no idea what’s going on handled stress and shooting better than people who planned this out.

Why not in chest??? I think others asked that.

I guess I didn’t see.

Head shot is almost a sure thing. In military they train “center of mass” but that is because you want incapacity or kill shot.

He’s a 78 year old man. A rifle shooting him in the chest would still be fatal.

AR-15 can be a deadly round due to velocity. The faster an object travels, the higher the energy upon impact.

So it would make sense to shoot center mass due to the bullet fragmenting and tumbling upon impact due its high velocity. Fragments tearing apart the heart, lungs, and whatever other internal organs would be devastating amounts of damage. A headshot isn’t a guaranteed kill either.

If there are only two shooters; one is the patsy. It doesn’t matter if he hits or sprays, he draws the return fire. excellent plan.

But then why would they be hidden in the same exact location, never mind the same building like everyone keeps suggesting? If the other guy already wants a distraction, why would he force the distraction to be directly above or below him? Wouldn’t it make more sense to be further away, not stacked on each other?

The other (s) would be the skilled shooters for the job.

That miss at ~150 yards…at least tell me theory that they were further away lol

most likely they had uniforms and badges. They could walk away.

Okay I can’t tell if we’re supposed to try to find a 2nd shooter or if we just implicate all the LEO’s on scene. You can’t make a 2nd shooter fit into the timeline, but now it doesn’t matter because guys in uniforms were walking around taking shots at Trump.



Why did this guy change his clothes. I am being told it is him mentioned at 00:04:40 in the video

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Mr. Trump himself said the shot came from 400 yards away, and specifically said it was 3 times the distance, when talking to Elon Musk.

The only source that said it was Secret Service snipers as opposed to local snipers further away is unnamed.

I’d like to follow up on the sniper that took out Crooks. Why is it that most agree on Hercules 1 (Sniper Team on the south barn behind the stage) to have taken that shot? Here I want to roll out why that is probably false:

  1. Trump himself mentioned several times it was a shot fired from around 350-400yards away from Crooks. In Bozeman he was indicating, that the shot was taken from his left hand side when standing on stage, so direction SSW.
  1. Dan Bongino mentioned it quite a few times on his show as well

  2. In addition 2 SS Agents on the Roof, independently of each other, pointing out from where the killshot came. They for sure not pointing to the red Barns behind Trump.
    Dropbox watch between 25m24s and 25m30s watch between 24m22s and 24m28s

  3. As I understand, it was a shot from a Washington County Sniper positioned in the wooden bleacher of this building (40.85612,-79.97312), 350 yards away from where Crooks laid dead on the roof. Check page 2 and 7 of the after action report by Beaver County ESU/SWAT.
    In the long version of the Butler rally RSBN coverage the Sniper team can be seen several times (for example at 5h25m15s or just before Trump takes the stage at 6h33m38s, upper left hand corner).

    Also check the photo with the view of the assumed killshot sniper posted on if you zoom in you can see 3 people standing on the roof of AGR #6, at the position of Crooks. So I guess that picture was taken just a few minutes after the final shot. You can verify the authenticy of the photo by consulting Aerial footage taken from helicopter just after the shooting (position of crane, excavator, cars, tent).

  4. Backing up the killshot came from the wooden bleacher is this YT video uploaded by Guided


Exactly, see my post just after yours (#59)

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Exactly, it was a Washington County Sniper. See my post #59