The Curious Case of The Blood in the Bathroom; Solved?

Clarifying your 2nd point, see my post #59

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The shot that killed Crooks (assumingly) was not from Hercules 1 sniper. See my post #59

I thought a reporter called it an assault rifle, but maybe they did so in error.

I guess it is a battle rifle. What’s interesting is some of those style rifles were classified as assault weapons in the previous Federal weapons ban.

Point stands. Someone really wants to disarm the populace and they don’t want to stop at a certain type.

I thought a reporter called it an assault rifle, but maybe they did so in error.

Brother, it’s a modern sporting rifle.

I guess it is a battle rifle. What’s interesting is some of those style rifles were classified as assault weapons in the previous Federal weapons ban.

I don’t care what the Feds classify. They can eat my whole ass with their unconstitutional bans.

Point stands. Someone really wants to disarm the populace and they don’t want to stop at a certain type.

And someone wants Trump dead too. I already have my guns and they’re not taking shit away, so I’m going to focus on why they want Trump dead so badly.

It was absolutely designed for war use decades ago, don’t be silly.

The “modern sporting rifle” term came from 2009 and was pushed for gun friendly vibes by manufacturers.

There just happen to be cooler, scarier, war rifle options now.

It was absolutely designed for war use decades ago, don’t be silly.

AR-15 was literally created for commercial use for citizens to have.

But given the 2nd amendment, I really don’t care if I posses a “weapon of war”.

The “modern sporting rifle” term came from 2009 and was pushed for gun friendly vibes by manufacturers.

Because that’s what it is. A semi-automatic carbine.

There just happen to be cooler, scarier, war rifle options now.

I hope you realize people were able to buy machine guns prior to 1986

Don’t snap at me.

I think people should be able to have access to almost anything a government can.

I think I draw the line at nuclear weapons or anything else that can wipe out a city. It just makes the most sense because if someone has chosen to pursue maximum damage, there are way too many things they can do legally to reach their twisted goals.

Preventing law abiding citizens from enjoying the second amendment has zero effect on that sad situation.

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Then feel free to keep talking about gun control, I’m not sure how you can’t take a hint that I’m not interested in your off-topic comments. Like what the hell do you want me to say to you? Yes they wanted to kill Trump to ban AR-15s? Is that it? What the hell is your point? How does this move us forward at all in the topic at hand?

Your attitude stinks. It’s seriously rude and aggressive.

As soon as I can put you on ignore, I will.

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Your attitude stinks. It’s seriously rude and aggressive.

Dude I’m this way because you’re annoying the shit out of me.

Why can’t you just tell me what your point is or what you want out of me? What do you want me to say?? This is like my 3rd or 4th time asking yu this in our interactions now??

What was your point by bringing up gun control or what an AR-15 is? What the hell does that have to do with us figuring out why Trump was nearly killed??? Why wouldn’t my attitude stink when you can’t talk to me like a normal human being.

these images are taken from here Sniper’s Nest Video Released By Dave Stewart stabilized (

The window with ceiling lights is the far right window. You can see in a couple of the recently dropped videos from Butler township that the first window goes to an open area - you can see it from just inside door 9. The other windows are closed off, though.

You might add a 6th reason. The angle would explain an entry wound under the right eye and an exit wound behind the left ear if Crooks was still facing the podium area when the bullet struck him.

I saw that photo (the one supposedly from the Washington county SWAT counter sniper position) on John Cullen’s podcast, without any reference as to who took the photo or where it came from. It sort of makes sense, except the west face of AGR building 6 seems to have too many doors and/windows. Also I just don’t understand that house that’s in the path. It’s that a groundskeepers house or something? It really looks like someone’s residence.

True, that’s a valid input in addition and helps to clarify the sniper bullets trajectory.

The challenge in demonstrating the this was the counter-sniper that took out Crooks, as I’m sure you know, is the sound analysis doesn’t line up with that distance, which is over 1,000 feet. At least not as we currently understand it.

I’d guess that photo was taken by the sniper himself (trophy photo?). I’m not sure if he himself made it public or someone he privatly sent it to.

First of all there were 3 photos posted on X. 1st zoomed in with red square on roof of AGR #6, 2nd with the rifle to see with red square on roof of AGR #6 and 3rd with the rifle to see without red square on roof of AGR #6 (this one is also in my post #59).

Here I marked out what the sniper saw from his position. Aerial photo taken from

West face side of AGR #6 has just 1 window and 1 Door as you can see at 3m10s in a video from Spa Guy
I guess what you see are poles of the outer fence of the Butler Farm show ground (from where people were watching the rally and some made videos that went viral).


President Trump does not seem to have great info. He said that the shooter was taken out after 5 seconds. We know it was 15 seconds. He says he was taken out with one shot, we know there were 2 shots taken.
If you have seen the detailed audio analysis from Greg Nichols on YouTube you can see that the shooter was taken out from a LEO that was on the ground to the left of the left bleacher. Both shots came from this general vicinity.

Nice Visualisation :+1:
The first counter shot against Crooks was reported ~6s after the shooting startet. Since Trump mentioned it took the Sniper who killed Crooks around 5s to react, it could be that shot #9 came from the Washington County Sniper location.
You mention the audio analysis. I’m not an expert in this, but as most of the analysis I’ve seen (i.e. they calculate with the specifications of an AR-15 style weapon. So it might be that a different type of rifle, type of bullet, type of sonic suppressor (details we don’t know yet) could give a divergent result.
Trump rally gunman fired 8 shots in under 6 seconds before he was killed, analysis shows - CBS News
«The final two gunshots were likely from law enforcement and came from two different firearms in two different locations, the audio analysis indicates. The first of these two gunshots was fired approximately 5.5 seconds after the gunman opened fire, Beck said. The gunman stopped firing immediately, indicating this bullet hit him. A final shot was fired 10 seconds later.»

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Some questions I think need addressing:

Has anyone gotten a copy of the report and/or transcripts of the phone call of Crooks’s parents calling the police to notify them that their son had his father’s gun and they are worried? (depending on the timing it would make no sense that the police didn’t notify SS of an armed man on the loose during the rally.

Is it true that Greg Nicols’s wife is the first responder who determined that Crooks was dead (pronounced him dead)?

Just to clarify: was the bullet that took Crooks out a “full metal jacket”?

The body cam of the officer who saw crooks running on the roof: Why did the cop not say anything? Did he not see a man in the plane site?

Are we supposed to believe that there was no communication the entire day from SS to locals? So if this is truly so how the hell would they know if they had a problem?

Please address (PLEASE) the object that the police officer leaned on the railing and the guy who looked like a snipper slyly looked around and picked up the item. Was it a gun? PLEASE address this.

Were there multiple doors in that bldg? Were their cameras inside the building (NOT taped over)?

Why were there NO drones? I know that the SS said they did not bring one or couldn’t get wi-fi but Crooks did. Did the police fly a drone?

Is it true there are no communications from the SS on the day of to the locals?

Who is the counter snipper that was with Greg? Seems you should be able to find that out.

Was the vehicle that Crooks drove to the rally the van, a car, or a bike?

Has anyone talked to the parents?

Did the AGR bldg not have their security?

Will Congress subpoena Greg Nicols into Congress?

I truly believe that this was an inside job with just a few ppl on the SS side and locals. NOT EVERYONE KNEW!!!


I’d be curious where you live? Since there are no secrets I am in Toowoomba.

I am extremely disabled, hence my different posts. My wife pre-deceased me 5 months after we moved here - She died Oct 4 23. I retain the use of the title of ‘Pastor’ so that people know where I come from in world vies and faith. Re investing I was sharp prior to marriage, (eg in the 70s utilities, espec transport - 80s real estate; had $1k of series 21 bonds @ 16% but it was not compounding and short of the 17% rule over 17 years so I sold it for a gain of $360. Once my lumbar stenosis became junior to Dercum’s Disease I was not competent to handle investment on retiring in98.

I can’t travel. Do network people. Have 3 MMA style carers of like mind.

My passion to write has been 50 yrs on one topic espec. with 10 yr trying to nut out what scholars have missed.

I have such a broad interest in life due to need to escape pain.

Meaning? I have joined Michael S Heiser forum to support his legacy, as I was introduced to his range of content at 15-16 and am 67+ I am tempted to join, but don’t think I can cope with more emails. I am not of high IQ, but sharp enough to get the drift of most any topic, just not teach - loose words due to meds, etc I did confabulate some of the detail re PresT event, but understandably.

I don’t mind your reaching out, but??? Well, I ignore the buts and appreciate it.

Where I really feel at home would be some whom Shawn Ryan has/might interview - faith/mil/surv/pol/

Like now, I should be at pathologist, but am typing in physical distress. The pathology won’t help - a necessary evil.


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