The Curious Case of The Blood in the Bathroom; Solved?

Hi DudeDownUnder, welcome. I’m in Kansas, USA. I’ve been married for 30 years, and am about to send our younger kid (and most of our remaining money) off to college next week. I’ve had some back problems too (spondylolisthesis) but thanks to a couple of great surgeons at the Mayo clinic have been pain free for several years.

I’m a Christian, but don’t attend church as much as I should - 9AM comes awful early when one is a horrible night owl.

Have a look at my substack if you like:
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TY for the info.

Many more TYs for the insights u post on Peak Prosperity.

Because u r a thinking person, why did Chris not mention during the “Where were 2 local snipers” presentation the ?fact? the unnamed local sniper supposedly left his post 1 minute or so after G. Nicol abandoned his post? The unnamed sniper did so supposedly to let G. Nicol back into the bldg.

Why were these 2 guys apparently away from their assigned positions for several minutes? They may have a valid reason / excuse given G. Nicol’s relaxed manner LESS than 2 minutes AFTER the shooting. A plausible reason / excuse is BOTH WERE ORDERED to leave their assigned posts, and the order(s) are documented / archived.

Finally, if memory serves correctly, an early Grassley document shows the Beaver County & Butler snipers were ASSIGNED to watch the rally side of Bldg 6. However, G. Nicols appears to have been watching the Evans City Rd. side, and, from that side, he could NOT see the rally area. This may be prudent if 2 or more counter snipers were looking towards the rally, BUT why the disparity between the actual watch areas & the official version (to date anyway) of the assigned areas?


Your moniker is appropriate.
I will not respond.

I mean…you literally did…

After the 1st shot (#9) against him, Crooks turns towards the crowd on the west facing side of AGR6. He’s still alive and able to move.

Just before the (deadly) final Counter Sniper shot #10 rings out, Crooks repositions himself to take aim on Trump/the rall crowd. The Counter Sniper probably saw Crooks when he was errecting himself a little bit an looked towards the rally crowd. He got set up and took the shot when Crooks repositioned himself to open fire again. Luckily this shot hit.

Guy in the blue shirt holds hand up just after he saw Crooks got shot.

In contrast to my observations Congressman Higgins just released a preliminary investigative report. He writes that shot #10 was from a USSS southern counter-sniper team, but also isn’t 100% sure yet. The question is what he means exactly with southern counter-sniper team, what was their position (since he doesn’t mention the red barn behind the stage specifically or the team’s name as in the after action report).

• The 9th shot fired on J13 was from a Butler SWAT operator from the ground about 100 yards away from the AGR building. Shot 9 hit Crooks’ rifle stock and fragged his face/neck/right shoulder area from the stock breaking up. The SWAT operator who took this shot was a total badass; when he had sighted the shooter Crooks as a mostly obscured by foliage moving target on the AGR rooftop, he immediately left his assigned post and ran towards the threat, running to a clear shot position directly into the line of fire while Crooks was firing 8 rounds. On his own, this ESU SWAT operator took a very hard shot, one shot. He stopped Crooks and importantly, I believe the shot damaged the buffer tube on Crooks’AR. I won’t be certain of this until I can examine Crooks’ rifle, but I’m 99% sure, based upon reliable eye-witness ESU tactical officers who observed Crooks’ rifle before the FBI harvested it as evidence. This means that if his AR buffer tube was damaged, Crooks’ rifle wouldn’t fire after his 8th shot.
• Crooks “went down” from his firing position when shot 9 was fired, and the SWAT officer was certain of his hit. According to the ESU SWAT operator, Crooks recovered after just a few seconds, and “popped back up”.
• The 10th (and, I believe, final) shot was fired from the southern counter-sniper team. I will not be 100% certain of this until further investigation. However, I am quite sure that the USSS southern counter-sniper team fired the killing shot, which, according to my investigation, entered somewhere around the left mouth area and exited the right ear area. Instant over. This entry-exit aligns with USSS southern counter-sniper team position.

Other strange findings in the report:
“The FBI released the crime scene after just 3 days, much to everyone’s surprise”
“The FBI cleaned up biological evidence from the crime scene, which is unheard of. Cops don’t do that, ever”
“the FBI released the body for cremation 10 days after J13. On J23, Crooks was gone”
“The coroner’s report and autopsy report are both late”
The report also doesn’t say anything at all about results of the technical analysis of weapons used, projectiles, casings etc.


BREAKING: Trump Shooter Thomas Matthew Crooks’ Body is GONE — Body CREMATED Just 10 Days After Trump’s Assassination Attempt | The Gateway Pundit | by Anthony Scott

For shots 4-8, Trump had dropped down. So the second shooter didn’t even have a shot. For the first 3 shots, Trump turned his head at the last moment, and the wind pushed the bullet even further to that side. In the end I agree with you tho, I think Crooks was the only shooter. But not bc of the points you’re trying to make.

Higgins report seems solid but even Trump says 400 yards sniper shot which goes along with the video you posted on the 14th. Sniper from bleachers. Southern SS snipers were not that far away.

As long as there is no solid evidence released about rifles/Bullets/Sonic Suppressors etc. used there is just guessing, assuming and narrowing in with the sources we have.
If it comes to solid evidence and we see how the FBI and USSS are behaving (lying under oath, changing story, releasing Crooks body to be cremated), how can we ever trust with whatever they come up?


It is deeply disturbing that Crooks was cremated. So, not only was his blood wiped up right away, but they cremated him which prevents any further requests for bloodwork, DNA, and examination of injuries.

Did they preserve samples?

I thought the state police were in charge of the murder investigation, so…how does the FBI have authorization to release his body?

a clean up operation.

They did a huge cremation at Davidian compound, waco , Texas.

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It’s not only disturbing, it’s absolutely criminal to have released the shooter (Crooks?) to be cremated!
As most people only talking about Trump being shot, you correctly point out there was also Corey murdered and David Dutch/James Copenhaver seriously injured at the same event. Never heared anything about these investigations.

At the House Homeland Security committee held at July 23 the Commissioner of the Pennsylvania State Police, Christopher Paris, said the responsibilities as following:

  • FBI => Investigating the attempted assassination of former president Trump (federal law)
  • Pennsylvania State Police => Investigating the homicide of Corey C. and the attempted homicides of David D.&James C. as well as the use of force of a Counter-Sniper to neutralise the shooter (PA state law)

watch between 22m40s and 23m45s

The big question now is, how can the PSP properly investigate anything if the FBI has disappeared and washed away all the evidence?

According to a post by Benny Johnson on the widow of Corey has retained an attorney to get answers and accountability for major security failures at the Butler rally. This let me assume she isn’t satisfied with the results (if any) of the investigation so far.

As Trump said, we have to fight, fight, fight for the truth!


I’ve been thinking the same hit or miss Trump might or some Republicans might change their mind on banning AR 15.

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Thank you I’ve been saying this too. Also tagged Chris on X to see Guided video.

Trump has said no to banning AR-15s. That we need out guns, including AR-15s, to protect ourselves.


It’s curious that as late as now rep Clay Higgins is not sure that shot 10 came from SS sniper!

Sad but true. I still have the hearings of Cheetos and Rowe in my ear…
Senators: “60 days for the investigation report is inacceptable, you have to deliver much faster than that!”
USSS: Blablabla suckers

So still 23 days to go, if they can really fulfill the 60 days deadline, what I wouldn’t bet on.

If they can the outcome is probably like this:
Due to our 24/7 investigation (the acting director almost didn’t get any sleep, honestly) we now can 100% confirm, there have been shots fired and people got hurt. It took place in Butler PA. And just to let you know, we didn’t discharge anyone. Thank you. Case closed.