The Deeply Troubling FTX Facts and ‘Coincidences’

Obvious Set Up For More Regulation

This is the excuse to call for more regulation (control) of all digital currency. Which is what they want all along. Now they can refer back to what happened with FTX to get the stupid public to agree to more gov’t oversight. Something this obvious is just a test for more suppression to come.


I tried this out today with my husband (will bankman be fried for fraud?) It fell flat.

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Detailed Analysis Of Ftx By Matthew Crawford

Matthew Crawford of Rounding the Earth does a very detailed assessment of what went on at FTX. Besides the fact that he’s an ex Wall Street quant, math genius and knows the crypto space inside and out, he taught math to some of the people involved in the mess so he knows them better than most. Fascinating, though very long, read.


DD=Dirty Dancing? I really don’t know. Not up on that is abbreviated.

Due diligence, I assume.
But I like dirty dancing better.

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