The Deeply Troubling FTX Facts and ‘Coincidences’

Yes. Well aware of the safety act and how Keith Pekau has been very vocal in opposition to it. Alot of the violence and corruption that you hear about Chicago is absolutely true. My wife works as a juvenile probation officer in Cook County and can attest to that. There are no consequences for criminals here especially for juveniles and criminals know that and take advantage. Come Jan 1 when the safety act goes into effect it will embolden criminals more and could be very dangerous for average citizens. Shootings & car jackings in Chicago are a common thing and have been for the past two years. Even to commute to work is dangerous as there are shootings often on expressways.
We came close to leaving the state due to vax mandates but luckily my wife was able to get a religious exemption from her employer. Now with the ACIP committee recommending covid vax for school age children it is likely that eventually IDPH and Pritzker will mandate for schools. There are religious exemptions in Illinois for kids but given the state’s track record on mandates, masks, lockdowns, etc…they might try to circumvent exemptions and still push these shots on kids. That would be a deal breaker and we would definitely leave if forced to vax our kids.
If there’s one thing the last 3 yrs has taught me is resilience! Pack up leave and set up shop in a more viable place to raise a family. This platform and Chris’ work has helped me immensely the last couple of years to understand that.


Yikes. Putting that tape on my To Don’t list.

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The Wall Street Mob Strikes Again

Organized crime among the elites gets revealed again and they won’t get punished.
TOLD YOU that crypto was a fiat currency with no backing! As Jim said, when the banksters do this the FED and US taxpayers bail them out. So much for the sophistication of institutional investors. The second Crypto had derivatives market, we ALL should have know that the space was ripe for criminals. AND, as we see FTX is giving money to Democrats to prevent regulation. As long as this is a gambling space, then it’s not a usable currency and it’s certainly not available for investment with any money you don’t want to throw in a bonfire.
So Jim wants to be able to hide his transactions. But it’s not a system where main street can safely store money. We now know that it’s more corrupt than hedge fund traders.
So maybe a simple regulation: any crypto sold in the US cannot be traded in derivatives or hedge funds. If Crypto offers a simple 1950’s savings account, that solves the bankster/fiat money. Unfortunately, maybe you can’t do this with anonymous accounts? There is a huge demand from main street for a place to SAVE money. And I’m happy to go to the old savings and loan idea of letting my financial institution loan to real humans for real assets (not vaporware and zombie companies).
Crypto could have been used to catalyze an alternate financial system. It was coopted by wall street mafia.
This is not a silicon valley problem. It’s a wall street - government corruption problem.
They are the smartest sociopathic guys in the room. They already took their cut and ran. They see this as just another scam in their organized crime arsenal. A quicker way to separate main street (including institutions that are supposed to hold money for main street - e.g. pension funds) is what they saw.
Are we really saying there are no longer honest people in finance? As long as they can rake in the billions, future consequences for others aren’t an issue.
And we really trust compliance people. Are you kidding? Nobody went to jail in 2008. The foxes are running the hen house.
The US exchanges may be regulated, but they are able to run massive scams AND 2008 made it clear, nobody goes to jail. Main street wants out. Not for speculative investment, but for safe savings. Crypto isn’t going to help us.
Let’s be honest guys - we don’t have capitalism. We have organized crime controlling “private” finance AND the government. Time for another option. Crypto belongs to the new gangsters.
So looks like he’s not going to jail either? It’s time for less civilized behavior. No more low sentences in return for telling things. Let’s send them to a foreign dark site for terrorists. Water boarding sounds too tame for these monsters. This is the new version of sociopathic organized crime. Time for old-fashioned knee breaking in response? Pitch forks are too tame.



FTX’s new CEO and liquidator, John Ray III, who also oversaw the unwinding and liquidation of Enron, admits that “Never in my career have I seen such a complete failure of corporate controls and such a complete absence of trustworthy financial information as occurred here.”
Bankruptcy Liquidator


You Will Own Nothing


Well This Didn’t Age Well

And now Janet Yellen is calling for more regulation of cryptos. ??‍♂️


I am more interested in more citizen regulation of the Federal Reserve. And for that matter, citizen regulation of the FDA, the CDC, the NIH, the State Department, the CIA, the NSA and so on.
No more Clown World.


Better: shut down all of the above.


Ftt Vs Sdr Vs Wwe

So how exactly is FTXs FTT different from the IMF’s SDR’s? after all:

"SDRs are a kind of currency created by the IMF. They can be granted by the IMF directly to member countries who can use them either to repay their obligations to the IMF or to adjust their monetary reserves."
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More stuff piling out on Twitter about FTX.
Genesis lent $2.4 Billion to Three Arrows.
Digital Currency Group (the parent company of Genesis) has a $1.2 billion claim against FTX. Digital Currency Group may be the next domino to fall.

From Genevieve Roach-Detective
I read the 30 page FTX bankruptcy court filing. Here are the worst elements
Employees submitted expense reimbursements over chat. A random manager would accept or reject those reimbursements with an emoji.Related party loans: Alameda Research gave SBF a $1 billion personal loan and the director of engineering, Nishad Singh, a $543 million loan.Very few records were kept. Most decisions were made over chat with the messages automatically deleted after a certain time.FTX, a company valued at $32 billion never had a board meeting. Neither did most of the subsidiaries.FTX had no cash management system. Management had no idea how much cash was on hand at any given time or even where their cash was.FTX did not keep proper records of who they employed. Employees and contractors co-mingled throughout the different companies without proper documentation of how they spent their time.Certain employees can’t be located–which could mean that some employees were fake.Corporate funds were used to purchase personal use real estate. Employees and executive put their names on home purchased with corporate funds.Crypto deposited by customers weren’t even recorded on the balance sheet. Presumably all the funds went into one central slush fund for use on whatever.Whew. Talk about a criminal enterprise.


Thats scary… you’ll think after losing your daughter… you might start to question the narrative…or at least back off on it… not double down?… i mean thats the ultimate slap in the face then there really is nothing possible then to turn these people around… it truly is a death cult… remember that when they ask for amnesty… no mercy to be be given… there is nothing human left to redeem… they have to be forever removed from any power…


. . . and for F*** sake, get crypto?
Ponder this then let us know your thoughts
As it has been said – may the odds be in your favour!

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yep “they” are all calling for more regulation. what is more interesting is no one is calling for an investigation. hmmmm maybe those who would investigate live in glass houses. if this had been trump getting millions they would be screaming .


Ftx No Worries

FTX… no big deal, pay off the politicians and the “justice” system, print a few more billions to make up the loss, and everybody’s happy…except for the “common person” that has been scammed. No worries, the corruptocrats have it under control, and the “conservatives” in con-gress get the leftovers. Just more of the same.


It’s been used a lot. You evidently don’t read ZeroHedge.

I’ve seen it written as “he fried the bank man”

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For some of these shills I think the only option is to double down because the alternative is accepting responsibility and suffering the consequences.
On a personal level its really hard for me to grant amnesty to even family that have ostracized me for the past few yrs. At the same time though I have found community and solidified friendships with like minded individuals. There will be reckoning eventually and the goal posts have been moved so far on the narrative at this point I think its impossible for anyone to muster the argument to kick a 100 yard field goal.



I’ll just leave this right here.


Yes but I asked that two days ago, can you send me a link?

Connection To Cash At Risk

Chris, I heard this FTX Bankman Fraud of course all over the news. Some news host warned about the connection to global Fed counterparts being prompted by this to begin digitizing all currency, converting currency to global coinage. I thought I might get a fuller understanding from your coverage. Do you see this fraud as an impetus for that kind of change? And any chance the US will escape the Social Credit system of depriving us of property for not taking the jabs offered, or a remark on Twitter?