The Deeply Troubling FTX Facts and ‘Coincidences’

and dat’s all i got to say bout dat.

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somehow i don’t think caroline ellison, singh and wang were smart / dumb enough to put this together. they will however be sacrificial lambs.


auditors???we don’t need no stinkin auditors


now that is something i would vote for

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I love the smell Mongoos in the morning!

symbols?? What about the name bankman-freid?? Is that bank man freed? or bank man fried?


parallel vs totalitarian society

  1. create and consume independent vs legacy media
  2. alternate medians of exchange
  3. utilize free media platforms
  4. support local vs global businesses
    Self sustainable communities required to circumvent censorship and authoritian control

I live in Illinois in Sean Casten’s district and voted for the rival republican candidate Keith Pekau. Keith Pekau is the mayor of Orland Park IL and was basically the only local mayor that defied Governor Pritzker vax mandates and shutdowns which were some of the most oppressive in the country. Sean Casten criticized his republican rival for not “believing in the science” despite “the science” killing his daughter. It was a shame that Pekau lost but he will return to being mayor of Orland Park. I hope to move to Orland Park soon which is a really nice area close to Chicago that does not buy into lockdowns nor woke policies in schools. I couldn’t believe Sean Casten made that statement despite his daughter being killed by the vax.


An Overt Bash To Bitcoin

This entire FTX situation is ridiculous. With the clear fraud, money laundering, and lack of accountability, this is one of the most brazen attacks on Bitcoin yet.
Here’s the logic:
Build FTX to be a staple in the crypto exchange community (in the eyes of the general public. Let it be backed by some of the largest investment firms on the planet, including Blackrock. Media promotes and pushes FTX for the last few years, with all the sports promotions, celebs, etc.
Let the company be run by complete idiots with no background in cryptocurrency development, entrepreneuership, nor ethical financial responsibility. Be surprised when it fails. “Wow, we never saw this coming!” Bull****. Members of the crypto community have been noting what a fraud FTX was since the beginning.
The FTX coin is a sham. It has never provided any value. It is simply another copy/paste of BNB and other centralized currencies, desperate for market cap - prime for a pump and dump.
When FTX goes under, media immediately calls it a “Crypto Crisis”, when in reality, these events outline why CENTRALIZED cryptos are the bane of the crypto community. This is a pump and dump, money laundering mess.
This reflects poorly on Bitcoin and the very few cryptos which provide REAL value. Not a surprise that BTC plummets, and the media has another reason to badmouth Bitcoin, and we will likely see more regulation, and pushes for CBDC.
Is it a coincidence that CBDC rollout is now being pushed harder than ever? I think not.
Remember friends, Bitcoin is king. It is a truly scarce, decentralized asset and no other cryptos are built with true scarcity in mind…aside from Monero and a few others, but thats a different story.
They do NOT want us to have Bitcoin, as they cannot control it.
Thanks for coming to my TED Talk.


It’s on the Covid and Coffee website - scroll down.


excellent video. i have been talking about/and doing this for decades. if the time is not now it will never be. bitcoin was created for this very purpose. p2p economy


i think we might be seeing a lot more people moving due to politics. red states are gaining and blue states are losing. it is shaping up to be a demographic civil war. i love my red state.


Sbf And Alameda Sex Tape?

This just gets weirder and weirder


How To Lose $214 Million In One Year And Not Get Fired For It

The VC who staked her reputation on SBF and lost Sequoia $200M has not gotten fired.

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A Must Read Thread On Twitter


Watch out in January when felons will be released without bail in Orland Park: Illinois Passes Bill Likened To 'The Purge' - Videos -
From the Sovren video description:

Illinois has passed bill 163, a criminal justice reform law, that will will do away with the cash bail system on January 1st, 2023. This will allow suspects charged with certain felonies including second-degree murder, aggravated battery, and arson to be released without bail.
“Approximately 400 criminal defendants will be released back into your community,” warned Winnebago County State’s Attorney J. Hanley.
“Anyone sitting in jail right now with all these pending charges, they’re going to be let out,” Johnson County Sheriff Peter Sopczak said. “The gates are open and they’re going to be let out onto the streets.”
In the video shown, Republican Keith Pekau, mayor of Orland Park, breaks down what he calls "the Orwellian named safety act." 

And, Bitcoin needs to be separated from “crypto.”
One is an honorable and verifiable form of money and the other a cesspool of potential crime and graft.^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1593019723897131008|twgr^d8200c2d983d2c6e03c8e5fb1b2ff3de80adc8ad|twcon^s1_&


I Am Shocked

nothing i have seen or heard from the lame stream media has mentioned anything close to what really happened. as a matter of fact my news feed has numerous articles casting sbf as just making a “mistake”. one article has him saying he should not have declared bankruptcy and he would have paid everyone within a month. he must be doing lots of drugs and supplying them to people reporting this.
of course the democrat/liberal/progressive/ socialist/woke media will circle the wagons to protect biden.
interestingly i have heard lots of calls for more regulation but none for investigations.
first question for sbf/ why not set up your exchange in the u.s. like coinbase, gemini and kraken?


Bloomberg is the same … little blame… but more sympathy and minimalization of these issues
But that is the same for no recession reporting or the massive losses that have been taken throughout the financial industry on Bonds and Stocks and the entire derivatives portfolios.
After the dropping of Mark to Market accounting Banks aren’t recognizing losses and extending and pretending client loans are not non-performing or not meeting the covenents on credit extensions and bonds.
Small businesses are behind on rent and mortgages.
Pension systems and insuance companies are getting killed.
Without special accounting rules for these types of financial corps their yearly financil statements would startle the public that thinks they have a retirement nest egg.


Risky click of the day.