The End of Media

Well, ehh, I think they can. Actually, the US officially stated that they do not acknowledge the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court. Apart from that, what happened in Guatanamo Bay violated agreed upon Human Rights (there are many links to stories about that on internet).
The thing is, the US is the biggest neighborhood bully. I mentioned this before, try to follow international news from the perspective of other nations.
Btw. I’m most definitely not anti American/USA. I find the history, the people, and the diversity in thoughts very inspiring. I truly think it was, and could be a great country again. Unfortunatly the US has been hijacked by the Industrial Military Complex and the Industrial Pharma Complex. President Eisenhower was right (link).




The mainstream media has irrevocably exposed itself as the propaganda arm of an organized global mob. There can be no question when nearly every mainstream media outlet covers the same stories, using the exact same narratives all over the world. More telling is the way they act in perfect unison to ignore other stories.
If we really had hundreds of independent media outlets with thousands of independent journalists all acting purely based on their journalistic ethics and desire to report truth, we would have a thousand different narratives on a thousand different topics. We dont have that. We have a single accepted narrative delivered with the exact same talking points, in perfect unison, all over the globe. The level to which they operate in lock step is really astounding and is probably the most frightening display of power that the global elite have expressed…and they do it more blatantly everyday. That kind of coordination can ONLY be achieved through a top down power/authority structure where no deviation from the narrative can be permitted.
It cant be a loose agreement, or an informal alignment of ideology. Something like that could not hold together as tightly and as militantly as we have observed. They double down on blatant lies constantly and none of them break rank. If there was any independence at all in the industry they would have turned on each other and broken ranks long ago. That means they literally CAN’T. The control is that absolute.
You have to wonder through what mechanism they control the entire mainstream apparatus? When hundreds of powerful editors, famous news men, and even entire networks bow down to this invisible central authority and rarely if ever dare to defy it. Its a scary thing when you think about it.

When hundreds of powerful editors, famous news men, and even entire networks bow down to this invisible central authority and rarely if ever dare to defy it. Its a scary thing when you think about it.
Indeed, indeed. Sometimes I get the weird idea that I’m living in a nightmare.  
As discussed in the interview, and what I have long felt, is that as long we, at least in the USA and Canada, have four year election cycles, there will never be any political will to change anything. There is no long term strategic planning done under such systems. No one thinks beyond their immediate mandate and re-election - with selfish rather than altruistic intentions. We do indeed need a great reset - just not the one the oligarchs have planned for us
Agreed. Its been my observation that political theatre reflects the governments limits in their ability to control us more than anything else. One example would be "free speech" they made a big political show of respecting free speech back when they had no power to control it. Now, with the internet, censorship, banning, and etc they have the power to shut you up with the touch of a button...and *poof* there goes your right to free speech. Suddenly all those posturing politicians who claimed to be willing to die for your right to speak freely are gone.   I think everything is like that. You have the right to bear arms because there's not much they can do about it or, at least, they're not willing to take the chance [yet ]. If they could, the 2nd amendment would be gone in the blink of an eye. In this case it's "mandates" for vaccinations. If they finally get to the point where they realize they can't do it, a bunch of politicians will pop up overnight and claim to be concerned for individual choice and they'll stop the mandates. In other words the government will always claim to GIVE you whatever rights it can't take away. That way it maintains the facade of total power. If enough people had pushed back early on, I guarantee you President Brandon would be against mandates on his own personal "sense of ethics and belief in freedom". You'd hear all kinds of pontifications; "thats not who we are", "Americans have the freedom to decide", "my body my choice", etc. So, in this regard, no direct political solutions will happen because the government will never voluntarily offer a vehicle to reducing its own power and control. But, grass roots, society wide opposition will have the effect of changing the politics. They'll realize their limits and pretend that they were championing our rights from the beginning.

The Californian runaway child bride has very confused Values. She hopes that the future holds a simpler, less industrialized society.
From her lips to God’s ear.
Here Evolutionary Psychologist, Dr. Edward exposes the downward trend of IQ and what it will mean in our near future.


Arthur, don’t know how i missed that on the street interview with Anna De Buisseret. Thank you for posting! (Post #1–well worth watching to see what legal experts around the world are doing to stop this insanity.)
None of the perpetrators of this crime against children will be protected by “We were following orders”.


Just search up “Justin Trudeau leaked letter” published October 20th 2020. It pretty much sums up everything we are seeing, dates are marginally off. But it certainly makes it very clear.


The stupid always out breed the smart…it is a law of all human populations. This fact is what causes the eventual destruction of all successful human societies and civilizations thought out history.
When the stupid culture dies…the stupid are the first to die…and they actually aid in their own deaths…and in as many of the smart they can find. But, some of the smart are smart enough to be better able to survive…to begin the process over again.
Imagine how stupid humanity seems…to those with IQs above 130…who possess a rational philosophy. I bet those 12 people really think poorly of us.


Perhaps we are all just characters in a badly scripted play…


One simply jumps up on a chair…sees which way the crowd is flowing of its own accord…then one gets in front of the crowd…and says, loudly, “Follow ME!”


I read a short clip somewhere on Telegram yesterday, something that related to your comment Ision, and Brushhogs comment in #25 as well. It inferred that decisions by our health authorities were being made on the basis of poll outcomes. And knowing what our poll outcomes have looked like with respect to the plandemic [ugh ?] [and of course they are manipulated], decisions that are being made are well aligned. Since we know polls are weaponized tools, the insinuation is not unrealistic.
With heavily propagandized Canadians demanding to be protected from the hated & despised unvaxxed, health authorities & politicians across the land are only too happy to comply to appease their adoring supporters. What a dream gig! It’s a great time to be a fascist dictator!!


As Chris said in the video, COVID has exposed intellectual fraud and moral cowardice.
Thanks for pointing out the video. Brave work by these committed people.
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world, indeed it is the only thing that ever has” - Margaret Mead.


My first post to the forum.
As soon I heard the reported words of the vaccine injury victim feeling a trickling feeling down the arm, klaxons sounded. This is most likely the result of an unlucky victim of an un aspirated delivery of the vaccine. The other symptoms are a trickling sensation to the chest or a metallic taste in the mouth. This means the vaccine has hit a vein and gone straight into the blood, this is how the vaccine is damaging. It possibly not the sole reason but has been proven to be a large factor. I have seen no chatter here of vaccine delivery practice in most of the west except Denmark. Dr John Campbell here in U.K. has been posting regularly on YT as calmly as possible. He is not an anti vaccination guy but never-the-less very critical of what is going on.
He has done several posts on this subject, written U.K. government MPs and ministers over Vit D, IVM and vaccine delivery to no avail. He has been fact checked via a Jimmy Dore post (he passed) he blew the whistle on the WHOs report ‘forgetting’ to mention the contents of the covid care packs in India that included IVM.
I commend to you this educational pointer on YT (I do not seem to be able to post the link) just a tippetty tap of Incorrect Vaccination? will do it.[%2Furl]
well I tried.


Thinking in terms of logical trajectories.
We have a propaganda campaign supporting a hypodermic injection campaign.
The injection doesn’t do what we were told it would do.
It isn’t about money, per Dr Michael Yeadon, but something darker. (Dr Yeadon said that if it were about money, pharma would simply double the price.)
Some say it’s about control, which seems likely, but “control” isn’t a very precise explanation.
I remember the Tiananmen Square massacre. News reports—and this was before news was purely propaganda—included accounts of PLA soldiers being “vaccinated” against some disease with which the student democracy protesters supposedly were afflicted. The injection made the soldiers willing to do that day what, I believe, they would not have been so willing to do otherwise. Watching videos of police brutality in Australia—officers choking women, squads of police firing non-lethal rounds into crowds, beating people who were already subdued—I have to wonder whether they had a version of the vax that quelled certain moral inhibitions and stoked violent behaviors. We don’t know what might be in the vials. We don’t know what might be rolled out or when.
I have to wonder about our (US) military being jabbed in those contexts. The service members who won’t submit are being expelled from service. They won’t forget how to soldier right away.
It seems a certainty that the heavy hands that our fellow humans in the rest of the Anglosphere, Europe, and many other places are being subjected to will fall on us fairly soon, as there have been delays of only a few weeks in some cases.
But we still have an armed public.
But the oligarchs won’t be content to give up on their plan to destroy US sovereignty.
But many Americans won’t meekly comply, choosing rather to, quite literally, to pick a hill to die on.
Finally, and I have to go take care of some work or I’d probably write more, I have to consider the second horseman of the Apocalypse. It is given to him to “take away peace from the earth, that men would slay/slaughter each other”. He has a great “machaira”, a Western-style sword in John’s day.
When an angel was killing Israelites because of David’s mistake, he was seen with his sword raised over Jerusalem.
You see where I’m going with this.
Mayhem. We can’t vote our way out.
Obviously, I could be guessing wrong.



Russell Brand has a recent video on this on YT.
Great movie and very thought provoking.
What was the name of the Czech thinking referenced in this video?

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The “End of Media” or the just bare beginnings of an awakening by regular people that our nation, our lives, our futures, and that of all future generations, have been hijacked by those relatively few psychopaths in charge behind the curtain that do wish to do us all harm?
Of course, since all of the real levels of power are consolidated into their own hands, they will never ever allow us to “vote” our way out of their “Matrix” slave plantation, willingly.
“Escape from Freedom” by Fromm explains much of how we all have allowed this to happen, more or less, with our own complicity. However, “1984” and “Animal Farm” by George Orwell and “Brave New World” by Huxley were more prescient in warning us of the twin political dangers of both Totalitarianism and Technocracy and the immoral “the ends justify the means” mentality of those that seek absolute power over all others.
To break free from all such despots, and wannabes, it is necessary to first learn to rule our own selves, introspectively, and understand how we are being both manipulated and controlled by those perfectly willing and able to do so with such extreme duplicity, hypocrisy, and evil.
Their punishments should all match these levels of their high crimes of deliberate misinformation, murder, or worse!

1 hr ago
The Federal Court of Appeals just issued a temporary halt to Biden’s vaccine mandate. The ruling came from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit after state attorneys general sued the Biden administration over its mandate that would require employers with over 100 or more employees mandate vaccinations or undergo frequent testing. The appeals court ruled that there are "grave statutory and constitutional" OSHA rule, according to the wire service. Emergency hearings will take place soon. --I see Jim H already noted this in another thread, but a corroboration from Ben Swann seems appropriate!

Thank you so much Chris for this awesome interview. You never let us down. You keep it truthful and real.