The End of Media


Very good interview! Thank you!


Finding out that they knew of the serious side effects from the original studies is horrifying. How can they claim they are testing safety when they already know what the potential damages are and have chosen to ignore them. They have to be soulless to do this to children.
I think people didn’t believe those who were warning of this is because it doesn’t seem possible that such evil could exists.


We’ve been programmed, so effectively, to believe that wealth, power, and authority are such high virtues, that the global elites cannot be evil.


Sorry if this seems dark, but the U.S. Department of Commerce, created InterNIC in 1993 to maintain a central database of registered domain names and their IP addresses in the U.S. All internet traffic passes through DNS servers that ultimately are themselves regulated businesses. It would be a trivial thing for the desk clerks to say, no DNS service for you, regardless of where your content comes from. Lets hope it does not come to that.


greg, it would be easy. Yes. However, it would mean huge law suits. Wont help after you lost your home. Never the less, it may come to that. They can deny you banking based on your political beliefs. They certainly can do this. It goes against everything that we have regarding civil liberties, and trade laws in the US. But none this means anything to the current biden adminstration.

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Unfortunately, this “stay” only applies to “employers with 100 employees or more”.
Once again, the bigs are exempt, as small businesses are the targets of elimination.


The interview was very good but how widespread is its message reception? The part that struck a chord is the ‘underlying narrative’ being the main purpose of media, not profit, advertising, truth, sales or (surprise) news. I have been disappointed with the canned news, blackouts of news stories, government narratives and pap that has taken over the ‘National Post’ paper (Canada), but had continued to subscribe so as to write in the comments section, mostly referenced rebuttals to the narratives for covid, lockdowns, vaccines, and fear porn cheerleading. Alas my comments have been deleted repeatedly by the post’s ‘censors’, posts altered, links corrupted, and trolls attracted (AI ?), when the posts were too uncomfortable for the editors approved narrative. I feel that the paper has stayed so for into the propaganda sphere and the censoring/altering of posts content make it somewhat futile to persist in that minor whispering match.


You wrote:

The part that struck a chord is the 'underlying narrative' being the main purpose of media, not profit, advertising, truth, sales or (surprise) news.
That got to me too. I have known for years that they were lying and lying consistently. I had also known that the narrative is the most important thing. But it had never occurred to me that "operating at a loss" doesn't concern them. They are "public relations agencies" for "who knows" (deep state, oligarchs, intelligence community.) And for those groups possessing a controlled media is a necessary operating expense.

Brainwashed, yes, it appears so.
An interesting very alternative look at this is in Greer’s recent book “The King in Orange.” His take is that the whole Trump phenomenon, and now the hysteria over covid, is the result of people bumbling into clumsy spell-casting and causing (in a quote from the book) “changes in consciousness in accordance with will.” From his point of view, there’s not a lot of difference between brainwashing, spell-casting, and plain old propaganda.
I don’t buy into the outright woo-woo of invoking spirits in Greer’s book, but there is a lot to be said for the rest of it. It all appears to be a means of grabbing people by their brainstems and herding them around, sometimes even in a desired direction.


While I agree with you that much of the Pandemia/hysteria has been directed in such a way as to destroy small companies and enrich the biggest corporations
 the Brandon/OSHA mandates do not apply to small companies at this time. Saying that the mandate for companies > 100 employees has been stayed by the court does not mean that a similar mandate for smaller companies has not been stayed
 it never existed. In the OSHA document you will find language suggesting that they will consider applying the same requirements to smaller companies in the future, but that it’s being applied only to larger companies at first that can more readily handle the additional burden the program imposes.


Last week, Axios announced the launch of a new organization, funded by George Soros and Reid Hoffman, reporting that “Good Information Inc” would “fund and scale businesses that cut through echo chambers with fact-based information.”

But even a first look at Good Information Inc.’s wireframe webpage and at it’s founder quickly quashes any illusion that the effort is an impartial one, or even one that prioritizes objective “facts.”

Sure Jim H., not yet, but past actions indicate the targeting of small and independent business for near total elimination via: lockdowns, being deemed "non-essential", by over-regulation, and by over-taxation!

I agree Veronica. The only answer I could come up with for the “why” is that just maybe they want a large part of the population gone. Dead.
Iam no longer afraid to admit it
 I’m down right scared.


THIS is worth testing to see if true
 I posted a comment elsewhere on PP and am duplicating it here

Published on the Henry Makow site in the German speaking section for October was an article claiming the vaccine contains barcodes
with a screenshot. If true - WOW
First the screenshot:

Now the German language article link is here (the story is the final one at the end
the 3rd story of 3):
With some potential errors
here is an English translation:


From JS

Here are a dozen screenshots that I took with my smartphone in front of a busy supermarket in Germany on Monday. If you activate Bluetooth in the settings of the smartphone, the device first scans the area for accessible Bluetooth devices. It then looks as if “vaccinated people” all have their own individual codes in the format of a MAC address, which are displayed as a list on the screen after Bluetooth has been activated in the settings and the area has searched for connectable devices. I did this for five minutes, turning Bluetooth on and off over and over again. The codes displayed on the list changed with the constant flow of pedestrians and vehicles. These addresses all have the same format in the form of a MAC address, but they are obviously not common MAC addresses. MAC addresses are structured in such a way that the first three pairs of characters always identify the manufacturer of the device. The first three pairs of characters of all devices from a certain manufacturer are therefore always identical. The last three pairs are assigned by the manufacturer so that every single network-compatible device on the planet can be identified by its individual MAC address. But now comes the strange thing: Although these codes have the format of a MAC address, no device manufacturers can be assigned based on the 12-digit codes! You can track which pairs of characters are assigned to which manufacturer, for example at However, most of the addresses displayed do not produce any results when you search for them! So what or to whom are these addresses assigned? The more people there are in the vicinity, the more addresses appear and the list changes continuously. If no one is around, no codes will appear either. Even if I'm not an IT professional, I know a little about computers, but I've never seen anything like it before. The fact that these codes or MAC addresses cannot be assigned to any device manufacturer and that the codes change constantly with the changing people in the vicinity only allows the conclusion that the people themselves are the addressed devices. My web research didn't reveal much, but at least a few videos from others who have documented the same phenomenon. I have cross-checked this with other smartphones as well as with unvaccinated people. It is NOT the devices that react, the unvaccinated test subjects also have smartphones and this phenomenon does not occur on them. But as soon as "vaccinated" people are nearby, the smartphone recognizes these (non) MAC addresses / codes. If my conclusion is correct and it is the "vaccinated" who are addressed in this way, from now on every smartphone owner (except for the iphone) can see with their own eyes what the whole Covid agenda is about. Everyone can check it out for themselves! The "vaccinated" can also try it if they want. You can go anywhere with yourself and try it out. The code or the address or the number or whatever you want to call it that shows up on your screen, no matter when you look, is your personal number-of-the-beast. It looks as if the global power elite staged the entire Covid panic theater, among other things, to use the "vaccinations" to inject people with a liquid whose graphene oxide it contains self-organizing in the body (this ability of self-organization is one of the most remarkable Properties of graphene oxide) and using physical resources such as oxygen and iron to form a kind of artificial nervous system or microchip. This means that the injected persons are transformed into human antennas that are connected to the smart grid either directly via 5G frequencies or via the smartphone that is always carried with them and can both transmit and receive electromagnetic frequencies. Everyone can imagine what that means ... It also remains to be assumed that this is only one aspect of the malignant potential of the “vaccine”.... Bluetooth vaccine? Does the COVID “vaccine” connect the injected to electronic devices? “The problem is that no matter where I go, all kinds of devices are trying to connect to me via bluetooth. When I get in my car, it tries to connect to me. When I go home, my computer tries to connect to me. My phone tries to connect to me ... that connectivity is always there. I don't know how to turn this off. I get the same message everywhere. " Those who understand the background to this discovery - including transhumanism and the Coronavirus-Nanotech-Connection operation - will realize that this is another clue that people with the Covid “vaccines” are being injected with some sort of biosensor to start the process to start transforming them into nodes of the smart grid. Graphene oxide consists of a single, two-dimensional layer of carbon atoms with 6 protons, 6 neutrons and 6 electrons. This is what is injected into people.
If this story is true, it would confirm many of our thoughts about the ulterior motives of the vaccine... A couple of friends are going to try it out tomorrow. Will send out an update when I hear the results.

UPDATE - Jim H posted a reply elsewhere on the PP site saying he thinks the story is not true (see quotes pasted further below).
This is Jim H’s comment:

I don't think that is true Geedard.. for me it doesn't pass the smell test.

We don't need a fantasy of self-assembling blue tooth antennas to confirm our worst fears about the vaccines... and IMO saying so makes us look less like the hard science and data-based tribe that we are. These mRNA vaccines have all kinds of negative effects on our immune systems that we can already see. In order to see or be seen by blue tooth, you need an antenna. Antennas are subject to the physics of the frequencies, and more to the point, wavelengths, of the Rf energy they a designed to absorb or transmit. For instance; Why not just use the smallest Bluetooth chip antenna you can find? If you don’t have a 40mm x 40mm space for your antenna and ground plane, you can try shrinking your required PCB area by using one of the countless “electrically small” off-the-shelf 2.4 GHz chip antennas that are much less than 31mm in length. For example, the Fractus FR05-S1-N-0-102 and Johanson 2450AT43A100 are both 7mm 2.4 GHz WLAN antennas. If you hunt around, you can even find “ultra miniature” 0402 SMT antennas that are only 1mm long! So why not just grab a 1mm chip antenna and design your product around it? To answer that question, you need to consider how the manufacturers can shrink those tiny chips below 31 mm and sell them as 2.4GHz antennas. Those chips are loaded with special dielectric and permeability materials that slow down the electromagnetic wave inside the antenna package. The slower speed makes the wavelength shorter. Smaller wavelength = smaller antenna. The resulting ‘loaded length’ of the antenna, is therefore smaller than the freespace length.
A tiny fiber under the microscope does not a blue tooth antenna make. As well this idea of "self-assembly" is being overused. Self assembly as it relates to things like polymers and nano-materials is not like transformer robots turning into machinery.. it's just the fact that we can make ordered sheets/membranes, or tubes., often based on some kind of chemically specific templating. Smart and Functionalized Development of Nucleic Acid‐Based Hydrogels: Assembly Strategies, Recent Advances, and Challenges
And that's just the antenna. You still need signal-generation from this self-assembled magical device made from vaccine-sourced ingredients. As a final note, why if we were being implanted with some unknown tech that allowed the vax'ed to be scannable would our masters use a frequency that everyone can receive on their freaking cell phone?
Here is my acknowledgment back to Jim H:
Hi Jim, OK thanks for this insight. The way my non-tech eyes read the original text (obviously wrongly) is that people's phones (that everyone carries around with them) might be acting as the near-body antenna to receive and amplify identification signals emitting (or contained within the body) and perhaps related to the "magnetic arm" phenomena that many people observed but could not explain. Happy to hear that this is too Star-Trek...thanks for the insight Jim. Cheers.

Dear Chris Martinson,
I remember the first time I met you at the camp in New Hampshire. You and your ex-wife were leading the small group, and I loved it. I helped in the kitchen at the camp to reduce the cost of finally meeting you. That was where I mentioned Mike Maloney to you, and I am so glad to have seen that relationship blossom!
It was a shock to me when I met your girlfriend in the basement in the meeting you and Adam Taggart held in NYC. I really enjoyed all of the various speakers you chose. Thank you.
When the scamdemic started I began to see that you were looking for data, but then began to be slightly fearmongering. I knew this because I learned to follow the money by reading The Creature From Jekyll Island by G. Edward Griffin who turned 90 today at the Red Pill Convention. He may be someone to coalesce with as well. Lots of knowledge!

  • Now I see you finally meeting with Ben Swann, and that's great! I love him.
  • It would be good for you to meet with the Epoch Times' Joshua Philip. I want you all to come together please! I love you and your investigative purview. Please keep it up.
  • PS they are going to be taking down our power grid and the internet next as per their convo in Davos.
  • I got this information on Telegram
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I call troll on you, Jane. Subtle. Sweet. But finally undercutting of Chris’ integrity. Nice try.


May have been posted before, but quite amazing what they have been up to preparing for the vaccine release:


Human beings farm out reality to each other; ie. we all agree that the tree is a tree, based on whatever linguistic system we adopt based on our culture/place of birth, etc. I think the ‘powers that be’ or whatever you wish to label it, want to farm out reality to us, in a one way direction. You will not think for yourself, period. In fact, if one day we decide that a tree is not a tree but something else, you will obey or else

I remember reading the Project for the New American Century document back in the 2000’s as a teen. The only part that I recall is how it described the goal of the Federal admin in the USA is to frame reality to us through their perceptions. The view they tell us to take is “REALITY” and don’t believe your lying eyes. This always stood out to me and now we’re living through it with the whole COVID pandemic. Anyways, just a stream of thought I want to share
 Check out the Project for the New American Century doc, it’s on the web if you search.