The FBI and Regime Media Work Together To Bury The Investigation

I too suspect these are reflections of sun. However, what still is unexplained about that window is the changing position of a red curtain.

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I have 2 questions, forgive me if they are dumb:

  1. Could Crooks have been used as a diversion?
  2. Why did they not keep shooting directly at Trump? Why shoot randomly into the crowd?

Your 15 feet difference in location matches my calculations. Here is some additional info I have been playing with.

One of the initial videos showed time deltas for the difference between supersonic crack at Trump’s microphone and the arrival of the muzzle blast. The first 3 had time deltas of .220 seconds, and the second 5 shots had time deltas of .213 seconds. (Hopefully that is still true, or you can ignore the rest of this). I used a ballistic calculator to generate a velocity profile every 10 yards for a few different ammo types. Ballistic calculators assume a barrel length of 20 or 22 inches, so I adjusted the velocity profiles to account for a 16 inch barrel similar to Crooks weapon (150 to 200 ft/sec slower muzzle velocity). I averaged the velocity over each 10 yard interval to get a travel time vs. range and compared that to the speed of sound time at the same range (I calculated the speed of sound at 1153.7 ft/sec based on the weather that day).

For each type of ammo I looked at, assuming the same gun and same ammo, the range for the second 5 shots were always 15 feet closer than the range for the first 3 shots. This means that for a single shooter, they would have had to shoot 3 shots, then MOVE CLOSER 15 feet and fire the next 5 shots. The other possibility for a single shooter is that they switched to a much heaver bullet (69 to 77 grain) and stayed in the same spot. That seems unlikely, but is theoretically possible.

If there were 2 shooters, then the plan would likely be to make it look like there was a single shooter (i.e. Crooks), so both using AR-15’s but they could have used different ammo and/or different barrel lengths. It is most likely that Crooks is the second shooter in this scenario so the following scenarios are based on that assumption.

  1. If they used the same ammo, then the first shooter would be 15 feet further away than the second shooter and the ammo would have to be 62-69 grain ammo in order for the ranges to work out. (first shooter in second floor window or at the far end of the roof per recent speculation?)

  2. If the first shooter was in front of Crooks (first floor window?), that would require the first shooter was using something like NATO M193 55 grain ammo, and Crooks was shooting a much heavier round (77 grain) with a muzzle velocity on the order of 2600 ft/sec.

It would be nice to know what type of ammo Crooks had for his weapon. I don’t see any scenario where the first shooter could have been 100 or 200 feet behind Crooks as some have speculated unless they were shooting a different type of weapon with a much lower velocity, which opens up a whole different can of worms.


Trump was down and behind a bullet resistant banner. The long stars and stripes banner in front of the stage podium is bullet resistant.


It would be a stretch to use a 223 round over 1500 feet, and I’d think that a second shooter would want a 223 to match Crooks’s AR-15 rounds, lest suspicion about a second sniper arise … unless everyone local, state, and federal LEOs who might have found different rounds were all in on the plot.

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Here is another thought on those light flashes.


This made me go back and look at my screenshot from Aus Truth on here. His post made my question everything even more. Different guns could explain it? What if a Crooked sniper used a Crook-ed different similar gun with shorter barrel then planted that gun on the roof? When studying my screenshots, I have noticed elaborate shadowing of white and black distinct actual lines. I will try to post my screenshots I have taken from pics here and other sites. No idea what is real and I am not anyone with up-to-date tech. Maybe there are higher resolution images to confirm this is nothing?

Full pic

Zoomed pic. Look at the weird orange blurbs(hands). Camo pants leg seems like he would have a broken leg.
Zoomed pic

Look at the black “shadow” under Crook’s arm. The black officer’s hands are cut off? Or with black gloves on? Below hands is a black smudged blur of…what?

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In the 9/11 commission’s report, “they” did ignore 9/11’s WTC building 7 collapsing at free-fall speed - its collapse was not even acknowledged! This even though it had not been hit by an airplane, and even though Lucky Larry Silverstein alleged on TV that the fire dept. on 9/11 decided it was better to “pull it” on that very same day.

If “they” can ignore that, surely they can ignore audio evidence! The prompt removal of the Trump stage and bleachers reminds me of the prompt removal of all the nicely and regularly cut steel columns of WTC towers 1&2 in the wreckage (consistent with regularly spaced explosive demolition charges) days after for smelting in China. Destroying evidence, clearly.


Full pic

Zoomed pic

Very distinct white lines on officer and Crooks belt and clothing

He might not have been part of the plot, and therefore scheduled to leave early to eliminate a witness to the plot insiders, who may have included the two remaining ESU snipers. I suspect one of those ESU’s fired shots 1-3, the other was a lookout and/or helped getting positioned.

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Full pic

Zoomed pic

First, Where is that long blood trail? Second, it appears he is lying on his back because the boots look like they are pointing up not down.


That line on his shorts, which appears black to me, seems to align with the shot to his right leg. Is that what you’re getting at?

I was talking about the white outline of the belt and shorts on Crooks. White line on something black by camo guy’s leg.

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I see. That could just be a belt loop and the right angle to the sun. Just guessing.

Plotting this Source 4 audio against the stewart mic and a couple of others, I eyeball shots 4-8 slightly delayed from shots 1-3 in Source 4 compared to the other recording locations I have found. Something less than 20msec. That would allow as much as 25 feet separation between shot 1-3’s source position compared to 4-8, and that displacement has to be along Source 4’s line of sight toward 1-3, but I don’t really trust my eyeball on this. Eyeballing is tough because the sound of each shot is at least 40msec long, and much longer than that in some recordings.

This new recording warrants more time trying trying to build a better case with more computation and/or correlation. Even without that, I still can predict there is no way to compute two sound sources more than about 25 feet apart using this particular line of analysis. However, I am not sure enough about this conclusion to show my work at this point any more than the attached zoomed out screen capture that shows the differences are slight.

I am just plotting the audio in Audacity and sliding the tracks so that shots 1-3 line up with each other, then look at how well 4-8 line up with each other.



I wonder if there is an explanation for this variation between shots 4 5 and 7 looks higher peak than shots 6 and 8 ??

could it be 2 shooters at same time? does the evidence point somewhere in that direction?

edit: and why Left and Right channel shows different peak?


I completely agree with your suggestion! It’s way too early to produce a summary, but as the media continues to avoid the topic and poor attention spans draws people to other matters, a summary is a powerful record for other motivated people to refer to.

Thanks for you phenomenal work Chris. This is bigger than just Trump or any political party. You have done the world a great favour with your persistence and attention to detail.


I find it strange that Trump and his team are not pounding the table when it comes to the lack disclosure regarding the investigation.


nice artilce bro

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