The FBI and Regime Media Work Together To Bury The Investigation

I have been in the security industry for over 28 years, specializing in VIP bodyguarding, cash-in-transit, and criminal investigations. Additionally, I work as a paid freelance writer for several online news websites.

Recently, I wrote an article on Reddit titled “Could U.S. Secret Service Negligence Lead to a Criminal Prosecution?” and published similar articles on other platforms that scrutinized the numerous deviations from Standard Operating Procedures by Secret Service agents and law enforcement during the events of July 13, 2024.

The article, which takes about 15 minutes to read, began receiving downvotes mere seconds after I published it, which is suspicious given the time required to read it. Despite garnering 7,900 reads within the first 12 hours on Reddit, my articles on other platforms, where I have a significant following and typically receive good compensation, were immediately blocked when discussing the Trump assassination attempt. This level of censorship is unprecedented in my experience.

It appears that algorithms are detecting and censoring content related to Trump and the assassination attempt. Thank you, Dr. Martens, for bringing the truth to your audience.


LEO being in that location with visibility to Crooks, further proves the bs from ESU sniper that he had to abandon his post to personally look for Crooks.


Hi Chris,
You are doing amazing work! We are all very appreciative of this. I have picked up on something that I believe that has been frequently mentioned throughout these videos. You have been saying that the shooter was on the roof of AGR building number 6. I believe that this is wrong based on a recent article that I read by triblive August 1, 2024. Their map shows the building that the shooter was on was AGR building 1.

Keep up the great effort. You are doing God’s work. Stay safe!

Can someone post the “clickable” link to the Piper Grimley youtube hi-res video from the Trump shooting - could not find it by searching on the name.

“ZZ Cop”



Is this what yoy’re looking for?

Fyi – The Source 4 (high resolution – Piper Grimley) video potentially confirms the location of Source 2 (“He’s got a gun”) – at the exact time of the Shots.


VegasPatriot - thank much this is excellent - really clear hi-res video - nails the Source 2 position analysis for me & which is really important to precising the 2D audio analysis for shot/shooter positions (I think).


Changing photo I was just about to post. Thank you brother

Puts it into perspective.


If this is who I think it is, check your twitter messages.

Has there been further analysis on the idea that the gun could have sounded differently if turned on it’s side? First three shots through the scope and next five sprayed from a side angle?

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Draw a straight line from Trump to Crooks and continue straight line another 300 feet. This puts you on a taller roof behind Crooks.
Can be seen in this video @3:57
Radio logs reveal sniper’s warning about Trump shooter - YouTube



Have not kept up with the numerous threads going on. So apology if this was mentioned anywhere else.

There was an update by FBI on July 29, 2024. It was an audio press call.

Audio link of the press call on Fox news website.
Transcript of the press call on FBI website.


I am still convinced 1-3 and 5-8 are different guns. I do not believe in lone gunman assassinations…kind of of think today that real shooter took first three and missed. and that poor kid did the next 5…dont know what they told him…but i suspect first shooter was his BLM friend who was better with a gun…


800feet in total

So Extend by 800 - 429 = 371 feet ?


AK47 shoots at approx 1600 mph

1285 ft/sec is approx 1265 mph
so…its not impossible.

which is why i asked elsewhere IF anyone had heard any supersonic bullets
INCOMING near the Bleachers. Because No seems to be the answer so far.

The Trump stage mic has your answer. It was right in front of the bleachers and we can clearly hear the ‘crack’ of supersonic bullets coming in. Do you dispute those cracks?

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