The FBI and Regime Media Work Together To Bury The Investigation

The rifle is black. It looks more like the suspects arm that the officer is lifting up.

There were an awful lot of strange things that happened in the center window in the Stewart video, and flashes of light a few seconds after the 9th shot are among them. I don’t think they can be chalked up to the sun, since none of the other windows have even 5% of the “reflection” activity that window 3 has. If one plays the video very slow one can hear what be a silenced gunshot. If it is a gunshot, it wouldn’t be one aimed at President Trump.

If the first three shots came from that little hole above and to the left of the center window (which is about right, taking the Copenhaver video into account) the other shooter could be in there, and we could be seeing the other shooter being “taken care of”.

I guess that vertical something is the rifle.
240808 b rifle

Anyway, they modified the crime scene for some reason.
I guess their goal was the shooter to be dead at first place.

I’ve heard from a couple of sources (none authoritative though) that the shot that killed the guy on the roof came from the snipers farther south and west - more like 450 to 490 yards away.

One of those sources was John Cullen posting a now-deleted tweet from Erik Prince, founder of Blackwater, that said the kill shot came from 488 yards, an oddly specific number.

I don’t think Hercules snipers could even hit the shooter. I guess he temporarily lost his consciousness and fallen down. But you know, consciousness may come back in laying position.

Well, hopefully that question will come up in testimony. Those light flashes were just three or four seconds after shot nine, so somebody would have been pretty quick, though. And why wouldn’t the hall light and the room light have been on? Why would we basically be seeing a flashlight in the dark?

You can see the overhead lights in the window on the far right after shots are fired.

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So, this makes more sense than anything I’ve heard from the SS/FBI; has anyone given any thought to the trajectory of the bullet if it was done from the east side parapat. Is it likely that it could have gotten Trump’s ear as opposed to hitting him in the head?

The one thing I’m not clear on is that Greg Smith (red hair and visor) stated that a tattoed person was in the overlook building (second floor?) “while the shooting was happening.” Is this inconsistent with the theory Commentator espouses?

Dan Bongino said the same. Also, Trump stated that the “one in a million shot” came from “much further away.”

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What is also weird is someone did an audio analysis and claimed the two shots from law enforcement came from near the farm equipment by the bleachers- both of them, the first and the kill shot.

I’m not sure about that.

Someone should look into it though.

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If you go frame-by-frame in the new HD Grimley upload, you see 3 undercover agents (the ZZ top guy and the 2 guys with backwards caps) who also appear in the Stewert clip. I don’t know what they were doing on the edge of the crowd on the West side, as people ran around screaming, pointing, filming, and shouting “there’s a shooter on the roof!” for a few minutes. After Crooks took his shots and was taken out, they jumped into action, clearing windows along the South side and converging with officers at the parking lot.

I won’t jump to conclusions on what the implications of that are, but I think it’s an important detail that should be investigated.

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I have made contact with pp. I don’t think i did it right though.
My frustration is that, the rally came on, as i was doing dishes. I was casting from my phone to my television. I wasn’t real happy that a rally was on, and was drying my hands, and then what i was seeing and hearing imeadiatly became real interesting.
To begin with, it’s all the yelling about he’s on the roof! That was a much bigger deal than what it seems like to see it now.
Here is my problem. The yelling is going on and there has been a woman reporter talking about what is happening in this live broadcast! She then starts asking the SS GUY, why don’t we shoot the shooter? He shows the snipers that are blocked by trees. They do seem to be trained on the target. SS MAN SAID "he has to shoot first, because of a law? Said the local police and state police had to do with that. Before she could follow up, TRUMP GETS SHOT! THEN WE INTERVIEW TWO PLAIN CLOTHES STATE GUYS IN THE CROWD.
THE SS COVERSATION IS NEVER SHOWN AGAIN. I DO THINK I HAVE A GOOD CLOSEUP OF THE HOLE IN TRUMPS EAR. THE SS HAD HIM TARGETED AND SPOKESMAN SAYS THEY SOMEHOW ARE NOT ALLOWED TO SHOOT, THEN IN REAL TIME HE GETS SHOT. The plainclothes guys didn’t know which agency had shot him yet. They showed where snipers are. And I sent in what they said about the commuications. They referred to it like a pain. But indicate it wasn’t a problem. I sent that before they started talking about communications. The SS INTERVIEW before and during the shooting has never come up. It ruins the revised story. And you have to realize something is even stinkier.


These are pics i took from my tv screen when it was happening. Im trying to send you several shots of Trumps ear. I heard there’s no good shots. I’ve been trying so hard to tell you that the whole initial broadcast i saw, was not cut. I saw and heard these things, and i haven’t heard anybody AT ALL IN ANY WAY, convey what i absolutely saw for sure. The most important to me, is the reporter found the SS suit guy. Trump is speaking, and the we already know the shooter is on the roof with a gun. THE SS GUY REFERRED TO THE SNIPERS, SHOWED THEM, THE CLOSEST W/TREE HAVE HIM IN SCOPE. “WE CAN’T SHOOT TILL HE DOES”, HE SAYS SOMETHING THAT TO ME SOUNDED LIKE SOME ORDINANCE, LOL sorry but it is so stupid and vitally important. THAT THE STATE HAS. REPORTER HAD TIME STILL TO ANNOUNCE his answer 3 times Then the shots.THIS ALL STILL SEEMED LIKE IT LASTED TWO HOURS. I GUESS IT KIND OF DID. What i said about the the SS suit interview “We can’t shoot till he does” then TRUMP is shot. You can at least know it’s what happened. I’m 67 I’ve never been political. I am scared. I’m honestly scared for telling about this. If you find info i sent you. I explain in my words the way the comm system worked, and the problem with it. A disabling jamming machine and the good communication device did not work. That had not become and excuse yet.


I think I have the longest cut of the BBC interview, and he says no such thing. He says at around 1:30 and again 1:55 that he was pointing at the rifled man on the roof to Secret Service on the barns. He said nothing of a tattoo or of a second floor.

I did watch the Candace show. However, she merely alleges things Greg Smith told her. I do not know that she even spoke with him. There is not even a one-second clip of a video call, or a snippet of their conversation, evidencing that she did speak with him. It’s pure hearsay (and I like her as I say so).

Here is something extremely odd. Between FBI, SS and all levels of police, we have had relatively little information come out from the government other than via whistleblowers. On the other hand, this preciously informative and detailed interview of Greg Smith by Gary O’Donoghue of BBC is by a blind man! A blind man has given a better view of Crooks on AGR than all the official government channels.

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Here is a Gateway Pundit article documenting their interview with Greg Smith. Interestingly, he states he saw snipers in the building windows while shots were being fired.


Watch Greg Nichols YT latest vid where he does audio analysis of sounds to identify where 9 and 10 came from (not sure if anyone can confirm validity of his analysis?). Greg comes to conclusion 9 and 10 came from a red vehicle in vicinity.

I can’t say whether @greg_n’s conclusion is correct, but I think highly of his work. First, it’s a good sign that he can jump into Matlab and check on something like that. Second, I paused his videos and double-checked a lot of numbers, and never caught him in any error. Third, his simulation correctly determined Crooks’ location – this is a strong sanity check of his code and data, and indicates that his simulation would also tell us something true about shots 9 and 10.

My hunch is that it will eventually become known that the USSS did not shoot Crooks. We kind of already knew that because he didn’t seem to have been hit by that kind of round. He got hit by some more conventional weapon, not a sniper rifle throwing huge, heavy, very fast rounds.


It would be huge to find this part of the interview in video.

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There is a separate interview that he did and he expressly says that the guy had a tattoo.